

This was published 2 years ago


NSW needs solutions, not scapegoats, for flood response mistakes

As NSW looks for answers to the failures in the response to the catastrophic floods this year, there is a strong temptation to look for someone to blame.

The floods were an almost unprecedented natural disaster, which destroyed or damaged more than 10,000 homes and 1600 commercial premises in the Northern Rivers alone. The floods in the Hunter region last month and the two floods in Sydney this year have damaged and destroyed thousands more.

Mistakes by government agencies likely aggravated the financial and emotional damage for the tens of thousands of people who were affected.

Timely and appropriate weather warnings were not issued, communications systems broke down, rescue boats failed to turn up and many more people might have died if not for the volunteers in tinnies who rescued stranded residents from roof-tops.


In the months since, state and federal governments have been slow to open evacuation centres, provide housing and distribute financial assistance.

The NSW government on Thursday started the process of responding to these criticisms by releasing details of an independent expert inquiry into the floods, by former chief scientist Mary O’Kane and former police commissioner Mick Fuller, including the preparation for, causes of, response to and recovery from the floods.

As the Herald reported on Friday the report, which was commissioned in March, will recommend that Shane Fitzsimmons no longer lead Resilience NSW, the agency in charge of managing disasters like the floods.

It is also expected to call for the restructuring and even dismantling of the new-ish Resilience NSW, transferring most of its functions to other agencies. The report says, for example, emergency accommodation in evacuation centres should be allocated to the Department of Communities and Justice, which has daily expertise in dealing with people in crisis.

If Fitzsimmons is moved on, it will be a dramatic exit for the former head of the NSW Rural Fire Service who was chosen as the state’s Australian of the Year in 2021 for his inspirational leadership during the 2019-20 bushfires.


It is hard to assess the recommendations about Resilience NSW and Fitzsimmons without seeing the whole government report.

In the debate over the floods in the past few months, it is true some locals, such as Lismore MP Janelle Saffin, have singled out Resilience NSW for criticism. The mayor of Lismore Steve Krieg claimed it was a “nine-to-five operation” which did not provide the 24-hour emergency service needed to cope with the disaster. A separate NSW parliamentary inquiry into the floods questioned Fitzsimmons over whether Resilience NSW was making good use of its 245 staff and $38.5 million budget.

While their point of view is important, not everyone agrees, especially about the role played by Fitzsimmons. As former Fire and Rescue commissioner Greg Mullins told the Herald on Friday, the state government “better have a bloody good reason to lose the expertise of someone of [Fitzsimmons’] calibre.”

Fitzsimmons has vigorously and frankly defended his performance and that of his agency.

Asked about the claim that his staff were only working nine-to-five, he told the parliamentary inquiry that he “recalled many times when I’ve been on the phone in the middle of the night or at two, three or four in the morning”.

While to desperate locals it might sound like he is passing the buck, Fitzsimmons had little direct control over many problems during the floods because he shared responsibility with other agencies, including the State Emergency Service which is in charge of rescue and evacuation.


He had no say at all over the deployment of Australian Defence Force troops, which many have argued should have happened much sooner. He was not in charge of the Bureau of Meteorology, which the Herald has reported, failed to distribute timely warnings.

It would be unfortunate if the selective leaks pointing the finger at Fitzsimmons and Resilience NSW encouraged people to look for a simple scapegoat for a very complex problem.

Whatever the report’s findings, the Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience Steph Cook and of course the Premier Dominic Perrottet should take responsibility for what went wrong.

The selective leak of the report has given the public a very partial view. The government should release the report in full as a matter of urgency to allow a balanced debate on what went wrong and what needs to be done.

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