

This was published 6 years ago

NSW government defends Victoria's 'safe access zones' in High Court

By Lisa Visentin

The NSW government has defended Victoria's exclusion zones around abortion clinics in the High Court, arguing that communication prohibited inside the zone does not violate the constitution’s implied freedom of political communication.

The NSW government's decision to formally intervene in the High Court challenge comes as a bill very similar in substance to the Victorian legislation is due to be debated in the NSW Legislative Assembly next week.

Demonstrators in favour of no-go zones around NSW abortion clinics stand outside NSW State Parliament last week.

Demonstrators in favour of no-go zones around NSW abortion clinics stand outside NSW State Parliament last week. Credit: AAP

In a submission filed on behalf of NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman, the government argued the Victorian law was "compatible with the maintenance of the constitutionally prescribed system of representative and responsible government".

It submitted the law's target was not communications about government or political matters but those "designed to deter clients from having an abortion, which is a personal and private medical choice".

The High Court hearing on the constitutional validity of the "communication prohibition", a core plank of Victoria's safe access zones legislation, is due to take place later this year after anti-abortion protester Kathleen Clubb appealed her 2017 conviction.

Ms Clubb became the first person to be charged under the provision, after she handed a pamphlet to a couple outside Melbourne's Fertility Control Clinic in August 2016.


Under Victorian law, it is illegal to communicate in relation to abortions "by any means" within the 150-metre zone where the communication is "reasonably likely to cause distress or anxiety" to a person accessing or leaving the clinic.

A near-identical communication prohibition is one of three new offences contained in the NSW bill, which also proposes establishing 150m exclusion zones around abortion facilities. The bill also criminalises attempts to obstruct or interfere with a person accessing or leaving a clinic, as well as recording and distributing a person's visual data without their consent.


Premier Gladys Berejiklian has granted Liberal MPs a conscience vote on the bill, which has been co-sponsored by Labor and National MPs, and has said she will "likely" support it, despite describing it as "flawed".

The Attorney General's submission, prepared by solicitor general Michael Sexton, was filed with the High Court on Friday, one day after the NSW bill was passed by the upper house.

The submission mounted a rebuke of the argument – advanced by a number of Coalition MPs and cross-benchers during last week's debate – that the offence infringed the freedom of anti-abortion advocates to engage in political communication.

"Communications occurring in such circumstances are not addressed to law or policy makers. Nor are they designed to encourage the recipients – predominantly clients and employees – in their capacity as fellow-citizens and voters, to vote or lobby against abortion," the NSW submission said.

The Commonwealth, along with Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland, also lodged submissions defending the constitutional validity of the Victorian legislation. The submissions were filed in accordance with section 78A of the Judiciary Act 1903, which allows Attorneys‑General to intervene in High Court proceedings on constitutional issues.

The Commonwealth argued that even if the provision did impinge on political communication, the burden was "slight" – a point also advanced in NSW's submission.

"[The burden] is readily justified as rationally advancing the legitimate [and compelling] objectives of protecting the safety, wellbeing, privacy and dignity of persons accessing or providing lawful health services, and facilitating effective access to those services," the Commonwealth submission said.

A spokesman for Mr Speakman said the NSW Solicitor General "determines, as a delegate of the Attorney General, constitutional interventions" under the Judiciary Act "on the basis of legal advice from the NSW Crown Solicitor."

"The Solicitor General reports to the Attorney General on intervention decisions monthly," the spokesman said.

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