

This was published 1 year ago


Minns’ ministers in the spotlight after Opera House fiasco

For a building that is the most iconic structure in this city, or indeed Australia, the Sydney Opera House has caused its share of political headaches for NSW premiers. Gladys Berejiklian was boxed in over the world-famous sails being used as a billboard for the barrier draw of a horse race. And now, for Chris Minns, those sails have already been a bone of contention twice in his short premiership.

But being condemned for not illuminating the Opera House for the coronation of King Charles pales in comparison with the fallout Minns is facing from the distressing scenes in the building’s forecourt on Monday night. On Wednesday, Minns apologised that Sydney’s shell-shocked Jewish community was blocked from turning up to the very building that was lit up in the colours of the Israeli flag as an act of solidarity following the Hamas terrorist attacks.

Warned off by police from attending the Sydney Opera House, supporters of Israel watched from afar on Monday night as it was lit up in blue and white. Pro-Palestinian protesters, meanwhile, filled the Opera House forecourt.

Warned off by police from attending the Sydney Opera House, supporters of Israel watched from afar on Monday night as it was lit up in blue and white. Pro-Palestinian protesters, meanwhile, filled the Opera House forecourt.Credit: Nine News

Of course, Minns cannot be held responsible for the pro-Palestinian protesters who lit flares or spewed anti-Semitic chants or burnt Israeli flags. His decision to illuminate the Opera House was appropriate. However, in his government’s haste to stand behind NSW’s Jewish diaspora, it did not foresee its failure to ensure a safe space for that community, undermining the whole purpose of the gesture.

Then it failed to explain why.

“I am not blaming anyone for this,” Minns was at pains to say on Wednesday. “I am the premier of NSW; I take full responsibility for it.”

Political leaders rarely admit fault when they or their teams get it wrong. This was an admirable departure from Minns.


His No.1 job is to lead his government. But he is not the only firefighter in the station. Under the Westminster system of government, ministers are responsible for the actions of an agency within their control. The buck does not stop with the leader.

In the case of Monday night, his error-prone Police Minister Yasmin Catley failed to explain the actions of her agency, the NSW Police. For good reason, Catley does not and should not have operational control over the police force. Her role is not to dictate how the police manage a potentially volatile if predictable situation, such as a pro-Palestine rally through the streets of Sydney after violent events. However, Catley’s job is to coherently explain why police chose the actions they did. The minister failed to do that and, in the process, managed to undermine the government’s message.


Catley appears to have learnt little from the tragedy of Clare Nowland, the great-grandmother with dementia who died from her injuries after the 95-year-old was Tasered during a stand-off with police at her Cooma nursing home. The police minister went to ground and then was unable to articulate key aspects of that tragedy, which allowed the opposition to taunt her with the claim that she had “gone into witness protection”. It was early days in Minns’ new government, and he backed his police minister.


But Minns is increasingly a one-man band who is left to clean up the mess left behind by his ministers, many of whom are inexperienced at best or, worse, out of their depth. At this stage, Catley is the latter. Even seasoned minister Michael Daley, the attorney-general, left his boss to mop up after he went on radio station 2GB on Tuesday morning with little knowledge of the horror of the night before.

“I worked late last night, so I’m not really across that,” Daley said when asked about flares being lit and protesters chanting “gas the Jews” at the Opera House. He then fumbled further, saying people should just “stay at home”. “Stop dividing into teams and competing with each other with various forums or on the streets,” Daley said. “This is Australia, not Israel or Palestine.”

Minns was quick to slap him down. “I don’t support those comments,” the premier said. “And I want to make it really clear that there’s a false equivalence there.”

Minns cannot afford gaffes or incompetency now. There are growing fears within his government that Monday night’s rally will not be the last and that protests, potentially violent, could take place on the streets in the coming weeks. A planned pro-Palestinian protest for Sunday will be deemed illegal because the necessary paperwork was not lodged in time with NSW Police. But the issue of legality is unlikely to stop it.


The premier cannot carry his government alone. There are capable ministers in Minns’ cabinet, including in education, health and environment. But in a time of heightened anxiety, when Sydney is shaken by horrific events unfolding overseas, he needs a cavalry around him that he can rely on. One of the most important is a police minister who can reassure a jittery public that safety can be guaranteed. At the moment, that role is falling to Minns.

Catley survived the Nowland tragedy. Minns may not be so forgiving a second time.

Alexandra Smith is state political editor.

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