

This was published 1 year ago

HSC results show postcode biggest factor in success

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

Stop the presses (“Private schools on climb”, December 16). Private schools offering year 7 academic scholarships and wooing the highest year 10 achievers from public schools have increased their HSC top 10 rankings. Who’d have thought? Ken Olah, Manly

Asking for transparency has become common. It would be good if the same could apply to the calculation of HSC scores. These are not raw marks from exams, they go through a lengthy process before finalisation, including consideration of the marks from your school’s cohort.
It is not surprising that selective and private schools will always achieve high HSC grades. Meanwhile, in comprehensive city schools and country schools, which have lost many of their high-flyers to the above, it is largely up to the individual to achieve such scores, though they may be our very brightest. Glenys Quirk, Forster

State or non-government, selective or comprehensive, single sex or co-ed, the best individual indicator of HSC success is still a student’s postcode. Although there are notable exceptions, students from affluent backgrounds who attend affluent, well-resourced schools can generally expect to fare better than their less well-off colleagues. John Bailey, Canterbury

Congratulations to the year 12 students at Mullumbimby High School and to all the other year 12 students in our remote and disadvantaged state high schools across NSW, who have got great HSC results despite the disadvantage and disruption that they suffered this year. A special bouquet to all their amazing teachers who help get these HSC results despite the limited resources available at their schools. Helen Simpson, Curl Curl

While we congratulate those who have been rewarded by their HSC/ATAR results my heart goes out to those who despite their best efforts, perhaps stared in disbelief at their results.
Commentators have said that you are not your HSC, nor your ATAR result. Your strengths and capabilities extend far beyond what can be formally assessed. This is because the HSC does not take into account the two most essential qualities for a happy, productive and successful life: creativity and character, which lead to resilience, enterprise, determination, discipline and the belief that the negative can be turned into the positive. Rosalind Winterton, Maroubra

Just a reminder to recent HSC students and their parents: ATAR scores don’t measure kindness, honesty, compassion, gratitude and tolerance. “Success” in life is not dependent on a high ATAR score or the school attended.
I can pretty well guarantee that when you apply for a job or go for an interview, no one will ask you for your ATAR score or the name of the school you attended. Elizabeth Starr, Abbotsford

Having virtually failed my intermediate certificate, the school deputy principal told me as I was leaving that I was a bit hopeless. I’d willingly give him a framed copy of my PhD. Laurie Le Claire, Epping

Fitzsimmons the sacrificial lamb for flawed body

I have some sympathy for Shane Fitzsimmons (“Crisis agency canned, boss axed”, December 16). It’s one thing to very successfully lead an agency like the Rural Fire Service, with a single clear purpose and long-established structure, but it’s a much more difficult task to establish a new agency with a catchy title but much less clearly defined and understood purpose. In particular, it’s not clear how the responsibilities of Resilience NSW would differ from and co-ordinate with those of other agencies with crisis roles, such as the Police, Fire and Rescue, SES, RFS and the Bureau of Meteorology. The recent disastrous Northern Rivers floods exposed that weakness. It seems that Shane Fitzsimmons has paid the price for a concept that was flawed from the very beginning. Col Nicholson, Hawks Nest

Outgoing Resilience NSW boss Shane Fitzsimmons.

Outgoing Resilience NSW boss Shane Fitzsimmons.Credit: Sam Mooy

Whether Resilience NSW was doing their job or not is irrelevant. The report was politically motivated and the action taken a smoke screen to conceal the fact no one is dealing with the elephant in the room. It is not Fitzsimmons fault the NSW state government has presided over 150 years of failure to recognise coastal rivers, in particular, flood regularly. Every time there is a La Nina event we have catastrophic flooding. The diversion of collapsing Resilience NSW simply allows the government to once again fail to act. If we ignore history we are destined to repeat it. Lismore will flood badly again and lives will be lost and destroyed. What a senseless, avoidable waste. Gary Bigelow, Teralba

Resilience NSW, Recovery NSW, such nebulous titles for an important government agency. Whatever happened to departments of (insert appropriate agency) that made frugal use of public money?
As the Perrottet government fumbles around for an appropriate response the rising tide of disaster emergencies, Fitzsimmons appears to be the sacrificial offering to attempt to distance state leaders from their responsibility in NSW’s lack of preparedness for the consequences of climate change. Glenn Johnson, Leura

Fitzsimmons gets sacked: someone had to take the blame for The Flood now that no one believes in God. Noel Mills, Avalon Beach

Hugs just lip service

I can relate to Gary Nunn’s analysis of the reserved British nature (“I’m with Meghan: the stiff upper lip is no substitute for a hug”, December 16). But that reserve is not meant unkindly and can be interpreted by those who make the effort to read the language. My father, a classic ex-military stiff-upperlipper, spoke his hugs in the only way he knew how – a little gift on my bed, no note, never spoken about, but his way of showing love. Different, not wrong. Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Gary, my dear chap, where have you been? My British experience is filled with warmth and welcome – if by their national reserve you mean they wait until they know and care for you before going for the hug – unlike their overly effusive, and at times invasive, American counterparts. I say rule Britannia. And for the record, I too love a good hug. Janet Argall, Dulwich Hill

Nunn’s story about his British dad’s metaphorical hugs reminds me of how traditional Chinese parents express their love for their children. Adult children returning after being away for a while are asked about whether they are eating well. The parents then cook up a storm to feed them. No words about love but we know it is unconditionally there. Thiam Ang, Beecroft

Energy plan a lifeline for consumers, not ‘Soviet-era’ policy

The hysterical overreaction to a modest gas price cap by the Santos CEO shows just what a privileged life mining companies have enjoyed over the last decade in Australia (“PM defends energy price relief laws”, December 16). Far from a “Soviet” policy or nationalisation by stealth, the price cap is a temporary measure to save consumers from poverty and manufacturers from oblivion.
The tantrum from one of the largest and most profitable resource companies should only harden the Albanese government’s resolve to protect consumers and the economy. If Santos chooses not to pursue further opportunities in Australia, there will be a queue to take its place. It is still a very lucrative industry. Tony Judge, Woolgoolga

Someone should point out to Santos that, more than 30 years on, many people wouldn’t even know what “Soviet-style” refers to. You might just as well say “Stalinist” or “Tsarist”. Richard Mason, Newtown

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

The gas price cap makes up just a little for the incredible fact that large multinational companies have been allowed to treat Australian resources as if they owned them. Subsidised, often tax-exempt, they have felt no need to share profits, and not been required to. Not even the huge windfall profits when they come, as in this case, as a consequence of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Profiting from war is one thing, not sharing the profits with the owners is another.
It is time to rethink Australia’s relationship with multinational companies and perhaps take a leaf out of Norway’s book. Penny Rosier, North Epping

Peter Dutton’s Liberals seem stuck in the past, or in Walter Mondale’s dried cement, as quoted by David Crowe (“Dutton dices with votes’ dosh”, December 16). For three terms when in government, the Liberal coalition did little to control energy prices, or to admit the need to transition to renewable energy sources. Under other “leaders” they had their head in the sand. Now they want the government to fix the energy prices they helped to increase, but have no idea how to do it. They risk losing any shred of credibility they retain. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Once again the Coalition seems to be indicating that they have learnt little from the May election. By opposing the government’s cap on gas prices, Dutton continues the Morrison legacy of “playing politics” rather than showing bipartisan leadership for what’s best for the nation. Dutton words give every indication that the Coalition would prefer the government’s policy to fail, rather than succeed and benefit ordinary Australians. Warren Marks, Hill Top

Your writer says that “there is more to Dutton than most voters see”. He may be right, but clearly most voters have seen enough and don’t appear interested in seeing if there is anything more. His public persona is a self-inflicted wound and efforts to find the “real Peter” will be as silly as another leader attempting the same some years ago. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

Wildlife over bombers

The fact that sustainable farming produces lifestyle benefits for farmers as well as conserving our environment has implications for suburban dwellers (“Farmers to reap the benefits of a little more conservation and a little more action”, December 16). Whenever a modest dwelling changes hands in our area it is replaced by a much bigger place which is then sold on, always with a large sign in front detailing the number of garages, bathrooms etc., but never the area of backyard with its potential for relaxation, recreation and conservation of wildlife. Weird. Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

The estimated cost of improving the status of all Australia’s threatened species and return their health to the point where they can be removed from the list of at-risk flora and fauna is estimated to be $1.6 billion. Isn’t that a little less than the cost of just one of the 12 B-21 long-range stealth bombers the government is contemplating buying? Paul Hewson, Clontarf (QLD)

Indigenous history our history

For over a decade I taught Australian history to adults aged 18 years and older, in a university preparatory course (Letters, December 16). It was rare to find a student who had more than a hazy primary school level understanding of Aboriginal history and culture. By year’s end, most students were very pleased to have filled in this gaping hole in their knowledge of Australian history. Students often echoed Henry Reynolds’ famous words: “why weren’t we told?” It is all Australians’ history after all.

I appreciate that Indigenous history can be confronting; teachers are busy people and there is so much other content to be covered. Ultimately though it is our shared history and it influences us, our institutions and our opinions every day. I used to jokingly ask students if they were away the day that Aboriginal history was taught.

Generally, school is our one chance to pass this important part of our history on to all Australians. It is our responsibility to teach it and children’s right to know both sides of the story. We also owe it to our First Nations people to teach history from both a black and a white perspective. Maybe that will cause us to be a more understanding and compassionate people, and the scourge of racism to become a thing of the past. Susan West, New Lambton

Santa’s early visit

In abolishing the dysfunctional, political Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the government has given the Australian people an early Christmas present (“Government abolishes Administrative Appeals Tribunal”,, December 16). Transparency and accountability will replace the muddied waters of the old AAT. Thanks, Santa Albo. Barry Ffrench, Cronulla

Football’s coming home

I cannot see the problem in having the A-League soccer grand final being played in a premier stadium in Sydney (“If there was a World Cup for self sabotage, Australian football would reign supreme”, December 15).
The AFL grand final is played at the MCG and everyone appears to enjoy the occasion, no matter where your team is from. Over time, it will bring a sense of occasion to the fixture like, for example, Wembley for the FA Cup final. David Boyd, Bondi Beach

Bottom of the pile

While I’m no longer a Sydney resident, I would like to support your correspondent’s observation that the “fat blob” of a hotel building that replaced the IMAX theatre seems to have no architectural merit at all (Letters, December 15). Years ago Sydneysiders copped the “Toaster” at Circular Quay. And now Darling Harbour, already groaning under a forest of unremarkable buildings, is dominated by the awkward and over-sized “wombat’s bum”. Rob Firth, Red Hill (ACT)

Fool’s game

“A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other”: George Bernard Shaw (Letters, December 16). Alicia Dawson, Balmain


“Australia’s most hated? If the letters are any guide, Scott Morrison by a country mile,” wrote
George Fishman of Vaucluse. He may be right, although that’s no surprise to regular readers of these pages. The former PM’s attendance at the robo-debt royal commission brought in a flurry of letters which were decidedly uncomplimentary.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Other politicians fared better – even members of the Liberal Party. Writers encouraged the NSW Labor leader to “get off the fence” on gambling reform and threw their support behind the premier’s efforts to curb the industry. Others were grateful the federal government stared down fury from the gas industry over its energy price relief laws. Tom Mangan of Woy Woy Bay summarised their feelings best: “Our elected governments are up against the family wreckers and the climate destroyers, are they? I know who I’ll back.”

Few had any sympathy for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the story that kept giving this week, although Peter Fleming of Northmead did get close: “What a sad end to the Harry and Meghan saga – cut off from both families, dangling like puppets of Netflix, the only winner.”

Many expressed support for the climate change activist who stopped traffic on the Harbour Bridge and will be serving an extended jail sentence. Bill Young of Killcare Heights wanted it to be known that he and his wife had “conducted a spirited yet peaceful protest” in their front garden against the overly harsh prison sentence handed down to fellow activist, Violet Coco. “We have inconvenienced no one and so assume this will meet government standards and be highly effective. Yours in solidarity.” Pat Stringa, letters editor

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