

This was published 6 years ago

Domestic violence scheme failing to protect women

By Lisa Visentin

A signature NSW government program to reduce domestic violence rates is failing to protect women from further harm, a new report reveals, casting doubt over the Premier’s target of reducing reoffending by 25 per cent by 2021.

The Safer Pathway program, a key feature of state government's 2014 domestic violence reforms, "has only had a limited effect on the incidence of domestic violence", according to two reports released today by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR).

It is the third government-led domestic violence initiative to be found ineffective by BOCSAR in recent months.

Dr Don Weatherburn, BOCSAR's director, said the Premier's goal of reducing the number of perpetrators who reoffend within 12 months to 10.7 per cent by 2021 was now out of reach.

"Judging from what we've seen there's no way we are going to have a 25 per cent reduction in domestic violence reoffending by 2021,"  he said.

Under the Safer Pathway program, police are required to assess all victims who report domestic violence using a questionnaire known as the Domestic Violence Safety Assessment Tool.

Victims assessed as having a "serious risk" are then referred to a Safety Action Meeting (SAM), where a team of experts develop an "action plan" for the victim.

BOCSAR tracked more than 24,000 cases of domestic violence between January 1, 2016, and June 30, 2016, and found that the questionnaire was a "very poor instrument for measuring the risk of repeat domestic violence victimisation, often performing little better than chance".

As part of the questionnaire, victims are required to answer 25 questions designed to assess their risk-level. A police officer then performs a further assessment, including whether there are children at risk of harm. Victims are considered at "serious risk" if they respond "yes" to at least 12 questions, and if the officer's assessment also concludes there is a legitimate threat.

However, BOCSAR's report found that 90 per cent of those who experienced repeat victimisation had responded ‘'yes'’ to fewer than 12 items in the questionnaire.


“Large numbers of women who are at serious risk aren't being identified as such and aren't being given the support of a safety action meeting,” Dr Weatherburn said.

He said the questionnaire also failed to ask critical questions, such as whether the victim intended to live with the perpetrator.

"We were shocked to discover how bad that instrument was. You might as well guess who is at serious risk,” Dr Weatherburn said.

The department of justice said there was a "common misunderstanding" that the tool was designed to measure or predict the possibility of re-victimisation.

"More accurately, [the tool] was designed to provide an appropriate immediate response pathway to reduce the level of threat for victims and increase victim safety," the department said in a statement on its Facebook page.

BOCSAR also evaluated the safety action meeting program, measuring its effectiveness against police local area commands where the program had yet to be implemented.

Rose Bay and Canobolas were the only local area commands to record a reduction in domestic violence incidents, and it remained below 3 per cent per month.

Dr Weatherburn said the program's ineffectiveness was partly a byproduct of the inadequacies of the screening process, which he said resulted in women who were not at serious risk being referred to the safe action meetings.

A spokeswoman for Pru Goward, the minister for the prevention of domestic violence, said the NSW government was currently working with BOCSAR to develop "a revised and improved risk assessment tool for domestic violence victims."

"This revised tool is in addition to a number of specialist initiatives that support victims of domestic violence and help them to rebuild their lives, free from violence," the spokeswoman said.

Dr Weatherburn said there was "hope for the Safer Pathway program if we fix that assessment tool".

This month, BOCSAR found that the government's treatment program for domestic violence offenders known as DVEQUIPS did not appear to reduce the risk of re-offending.

Similarly, its 2017 evaluation of the government's Domestic Violence Evidence-in-Chief reforms, which aimed to increase the conviction and guilty plea rate in domestic violence cases, said they had "had little if any effect".

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