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Doing more with less: Mookhey’s battle to bring the budget into the black

Domestic violence, the GST saga and a COVID hangover – the NSW treasurer is presiding over a complicated budget picture.

By Matt Wade and Alexandra Smith

Treasurer Daniel Mookhey is in charge of a budget under pressure.

Treasurer Daniel Mookhey is in charge of a budget under pressure.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Daniel Mookhey set expectations low from the beginning. When the NSW treasurer gave his first briefing to Premier Chris Minns, senior ministers and the expenditure review committee about his upcoming budget, there was an overriding sense of gloom. There would be no new spending, and ministers would need to do more with less.

A senior Labor insider says Mookhey’s message set the tone for the entire process of pulling together the state’s $120 billion budget. “No has been the byword,” the seasoned operative says. Mookhey even mandated a weekend dress code: casual. Public servants were turning up in suits for out-of-hours budget meetings, but Mookhey was always in his trademark hoodie. He urged them to put comfort over formalities.

For a man who has been turning down his ministers’ funding pleas for months, Mookhey shows few signs of stress when the Herald arrives for a pre-budget interview. “My annual interrogation,” he says with a grin, looking relaxed in his sharp suit, which has replaced the weekend hoodie.

As the tone of those early briefings suggests, Mookhey will deliver his second budget on Tuesday with the state’s finances under sustained pressure.

The disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic pushed NSW deep into the red, and like a bout of long COVID, the effects of that crisis are still ailing state coffers.

NSW has been deep in deficit for five years, the longest spell of negative budget balances in living memory. Predictions of a return to surplus in the coming financial year proved overly optimistic; the state’s long run of deficits is set to continue in next week’s budget for 2024-25.


Mookhey blames changes to the federal government carve-up of the GST for prolonging the state’s stint in the red.

The Commonwealth Grants Commission, which uses a complex formula to determine how the GST is split between states, announced a surprise cut to NSW’s allocation in March. (It said this was due to an increased capacity for NSW to raise coal mining royalties and an increased capacity, relative to other states, to raise revenue from land taxes.)


Mookhey is seething over the decision, which he estimates will cost the state nearly $12 billion over four years. “I said last year, a lot of things need to go right for NSW to get back into surplus,” he says.

“What I think will become clear on budget day is just what an impact the Commonwealth Grants Commission decision had on our road back to surplus. It’s fair to say that, but for the Commonwealth Grants Commission position, that would look very different for NSW.”

But the GST saga isn’t the only factor complicating the state’s finances.

After the horrific murder of Molly Ticehurst in Forbes in April, allegedly at the hands of her former partner, Minns acknowledged the “system had failed” the young mother. In the aftermath, the premier vowed to reform bail laws and turned to former Australian of the Year Rosie Batty for advice on the measures NSW needed to curb rising levels of violence against women.


It was abundantly clear that NSW had failed to invest sufficiently in the prevention of domestic violence over many years. In May, an emergency $230 million package was announced, which Minns described as the “first step” in the government’s response while foreshadowing more money in the budget.

Domestic violence funding in NSW is dwarfed by what is spent in Victoria. Budget figures reveal NSW allocated $417.2 million in the 2022–23 financial year compared with Victoria’s $613 million. Mookhey insists that his first budget significantly boosted annual spending but says it still falls short compared with other states.

The death of Molly Ticehurst has spurred the government to put more money into the underfunded fight to end domestic violence.

The death of Molly Ticehurst has spurred the government to put more money into the underfunded fight to end domestic violence.Credit: Kate Geraghty

“NSW is playing catch-up to Victoria and Queensland that a decade ago made bigger investments in this space and as a result, those two states have seen their domestic violence prevalence rate drop compared to NSW,” Mookhey says.

In NSW, the prevalence rate is 3.4 per 100,000 people. In Queensland, the rate is 2.6, and in Victoria, it is 2.1. Meanwhile, the situation is not improving in NSW: the latest Bureau of Crime statistics, released on Thursday, show a 15.4 per cent increase in reports of domestic assault in the five years to March.

Mookhey says there will be additional money in this budget for domestic violence but concedes there is a long road ahead for NSW. “It’s fair to say that we don’t think that we can catch up in any one particular budget when you are starting so far behind, but we are pretty determined to make a difference.”

The Minns government has identified housing as its most pressing challenge, embarking on the largest – and most controversial – planning reforms in a generation in a bid to reach ambitious targets under the National Housing Target. NSW must build 75,000 homes a year for the next five years to reach those targets, a task Minns has already conceded as near-impossible.


The government needs to dramatically boost supply and is pursuing density in metropolitan Sydney over expanding the city’s fringes. A key plank of this push is transport-oriented development around train stations. However, planning reforms aside, the government is also under pressure to fund affordable and social housing in this budget.

“I think it’s fair to say that resolving the housing crisis is a key mission of the government, and we are determined to make a difference,” Mookhey says. “I think the question that we need to ask ourselves as a society is why should the next generation miss out on the opportunities that their parents and grandparents had?

“I make the point that a middle-class, egalitarian city makes for a stronger economy. We don’t want to see what’s happening in California happen here.

“We don’t want to drive out the middle class and their capacity to live in either regional or metropolitan NSW, and the decisions we make now can make a big difference to ensuring that our kids have a place to call their own.”

Keeping the lights on prompted the Minns government to come up with plan to keep Origin Energy’s coal-fired power station operating for longer.

Keeping the lights on prompted the Minns government to come up with plan to keep Origin Energy’s coal-fired power station operating for longer.Credit: Dean Sewell

Along with housing challenges, keeping the lights on is another major issue. To ensure energy demand can be met, the state government threw a lifeline to Origin-owned Eraring, Australia’s largest coal-fired power station, to keep it operating until 2027. Under that deal, struck late last month, the NSW government will not make any upfront payment to Origin but will enter into a “risk-sharing” arrangement if Origin agrees.

The move to keep burning coal has drawn fierce criticism from environmental groups, but Mookhey says the state’s “energy future” is fuelling its economy.


“The biggest source of private capital coming in [to NSW] is for the energy transition, and it’s a good thing that people see NSW as a place to invest. But we do need to see more private investment in industries of the future. Private investment going [to] energy is great, but it’s replacing the existing capital stock,” Mookhey says.

Mookhey says former Liberal energy minister Matt Kean’s energy road map, designed to drive $32 billion of private investment in infrastructure, had bipartisan support in the last term of parliament. But it was built on “very optimistic assumptions about market conditions”.

“But a lot of that optimism just hasn’t been borne out in terms of the availability of labour, the availability of the supply chain and resourcing required,” Mookhey says.


Meanwhile, the increasingly bitter divide over energy that has emerged within the Coalition has not helped accelerate the renewables transition.

“It’s not clear whether or not bipartisan support for the energy road map is still in place. The government supports it, but you’ve got Coalition members in both federal and state campaigning against it,” Mookhey says. “You’ve got Peter Dutton promising NSW a nuclear future – which is a guaranteed way to give NSW the most expensive power without any of the jobs coming from the renewable energy surge – and at the same time, you have the NSW Nationals trying to stoke a fear campaign around land-use conflicts.”

The government has vowed to push ahead with the construction of gigantic overhead power cables across the state, warning a delayed rollout of transmission lines could undermine the renewable energy transition and threaten supply and prices.


Labor’s election promise to lift wages for frontline public sector workers, including nurses, teachers, and police, is additional pressure on state finances. Paying workers is the NSW’s largest operating expense, which means that policy does not come cheap, but Mookhey insists the strategy has the backing of voters.

“We have a mandate to make sure that our essential workers are paid properly so we can deliver the essential services that people expect,” he says “And, equally, we’re doing so in a really responsible way.

“I’d say to my friends in the Liberal Party that if they feel like the state’s budgets can be fixed by simply not paying essential workers properly, then they should say that.”

Mookhey says stabilising state debt, which has risen sharply since the COVID crisis, is a top budget priority.

NSW net debt is forecast to hit $118 billion in June 2027, equivalent to 13.1 per cent of the annual output of the state economy and a far higher share than at any time in the past three decades (net debt is the sum of state borrowings offset by its cash and investments).

More debt and higher interest rates mean the state’s interest bill is rising rapidly.

“The day I became shadow treasurer in June 2021, NSW was borrowing its three-year debt at 0.43 per cent, but the day I gave my first budget as treasurer, we were borrowing our three-year debt at 4.98 per cent,” Mookhey says.

NSW paid $4.2 billion to service borrowings last financial year, but by June 2027, interest expenses are forecast to hit $7.7 billion – a rise of 82 per cent in four years.

NSW’s string of deficits and rising debt mean the state is almost certain to lose its coveted triple-A credit rating with international rating agencies. Only about 20 subnational governments like NSW worldwide still have a premium rating, which helps limit the cost of borrowing and maintain investor confidence in the state.

But for Mookhey, the prospect of losing that top rating is not a good enough reason to make big spending cuts or hike taxes to balance the books.

“Weathering criticisms from the Liberal Party” over a lost credit rating, he says, is preferable to “slashing the services that families depend upon or to ask businesses at this time to kick in more”.

Spending cuts and tax hikes would also risk damaging an already sluggish state economy.

The latest forecast shows economic growth in NSW will slow to 1.3 per cent over the next financial year, well below the long-term trend.

Unemployment has been trending higher in NSW since the middle of last year. Figures released on Thursday showed the state’s jobless rate was 3.8 per cent last month, but it is forecast to reach 4.5 per cent over the next year. More than 174,000 people in NSW were unemployed last month; about 40,000 more than in June last year.

When asked about the biggest future threats facing the NSW economy Mookhey answers without hesitation: Donald Trump.

“I’m not going to weigh in on US politics, but if you’re asking me what, what is the biggest threat? Well, we obviously have to keep an eye on that,” he says.

When Trump was last in the White House, his protectionist policies pushed the US into trade wars with China, Europe and others. The presumptive Republican Party nominee says he will adopt an even tougher stance on trade with all nations should he win the November election. That would likely damage global commerce and affect a relatively open trading economy like NSW.

The future of interest rates will also be crucial. Mookhey says rate hikes since May 2022 have had a “disproportionate effect on NSW”, so lower rates will be especially beneficial to this state.

“We do want to see here in NSW the inflationary pressures leave the economy so the RBA is in a position to begin normalising interest rates again,” he says. “Mortgage holders and renters have taken more than their fair share of the burden of reducing inflation in the economy.”

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