

Catholics have been handed five Sydney cemeteries. It’s left one other faith outraged

By Max Maddison

Members of the Muslim community have lashed the Minns government’s controversial solution to Sydney’s cemeteries crisis, saying it is “privatisation by stealth” and that the faith was losing “control over its own destiny”.

The Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria Trust Bill 2024 is Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper’s solution to the vexed problem of the looming demand for burial plots, and the legislation passed the lower house of parliament on Tuesday night after the budget was handed down.

The Minns government’s solution to the vexed cemetery crisis has been criticised by members of the Muslim community.

The Minns government’s solution to the vexed cemetery crisis has been criticised by members of the Muslim community.Credit: Steven Siewert

The bill legislates the government’s two-operator model: allowing the state-owned operator Metropolitan Memorial Parks to work alongside the Catholic Church. The latter would retain control over five cemeteries on crown lands: Kemps Creek, Liverpool, Sydney’s newest cemetery Varroville, Wallacia and a portion of Rookwood, the largest necropolis in the southern hemisphere, established in 1868.

But Kamper’s solution to the political paralysis has been condemned by parts of the cemetery sector, with accusations the legislation will give “control of essential social infrastructure to the Catholic Church”.


Tim Scott, who wrote the 11th Hour report in 2020 which laid out a secular solution to the city’s disappearing cemetery space, said on Monday the bill would result in revenue made from the five cemeteries on public lands being transferred into a Catholic Church-controlled trust outside the purview of government.

Members of the crossbench said concerns about the bill meant an inquiry was imperative to ensure the governance of cemeteries remained “open and transparent”.

Muslim Cemeteries and Funeral Services (MCFS) spokesman Abbas Aly said Muslim burial providers had not been consulted on the policy, and the bill would see his community “lose control over its own destiny”.

“It’s not good policy, the government should be providing the services and investing the perpetual trust fund to benefit all NSW,” he said. “There has been no transparency.


“This is privatisation by stealth – this should remain a government asset and the funds invested for maintenance should benefit all the people of NSW. Why should one faith have priority over all others?”

Aly’s organisation supports the structure presented in the 11th Hour report, whereby the faith groups would be merged under a state-owned agency. It would then manage Sydney’s cemeteries, using the revenue to ensure the sector’s financial viability.

Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper.

Lands and Property Minister Steve Kamper.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Aly said the bill would result in the Muslim community being dictated to by the Catholic Cemeteries, saying the investments and profits from burials in the five cemeteries on Crown lands “will only benefit the Catholic Church”.

A spokesman for the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure said consultation had only “occurred with directly affected stakeholders” which did not include the MCFS.

A spokesman for the minister said the government would have oversight of the Catholic-held trust, projected to grow to $5 billion over the coming decades, saying they were required to comply with the “current regulatory regime”. Proceeds of the fund must be spent on internment services and land purchases required ministerial sign off, he said.


In comments provided on Monday, a Catholic trust spokesman provided letters of support from 15 faith groups for Kamper’s bill. He rejected the suggestion the government was “handing over control” of burial sites, saying it was continuing to “operate its current cemeteries as it has done since 1867”.

A spokesman for the Lebanese Muslim Association was contacted for comment.

The bill was passed on Tuesday evening with the support of the Coalition, despite members of the NSW crossbench calling on the government to put the legislation before an inquiry.

Greens MP Cate Faehrmann accused the government of attempting to avoid scrutiny of the bill by rushing it through parliament as the budget was handed down. She called for an inquiry to be established to give all MPs “from all sides of politics the opportunity to hear from faith leaders”.

“It’s apparent that impacted stakeholders aren’t aware of the full ramifications of this bill, particularly that it hands control of a multibillion-dollar asset to the Catholic Church,” she said.


Wollondilly MP Judy Hannan said: “There needs to be an inquiry as we need to have certainty the transfer and governance of cemeteries is open and transparent. This is about integrity of government for me.”

Kamper told parliament on Tuesday evening the speed of the bill’s passage was necessary to meet the statutory deadline of July 1. If it was not met, the Crown would lose control of assets managed by the Catholic Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust.

The deadline was extended several times by the previous government since 2018 as they grappled with a solution to the cemeteries issue.

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