

This was published 3 years ago

‘You can’t assume consent’: NSW announces major overhaul of rape laws

By Lucy Cormack

Sexual consent laws in NSW will be overhauled to require a person to show they took active steps to find out if a person consented to sex before they can rely in court on a mistaken but reasonable belief in consent.

NSW will amend its sexual assault laws to mirror changes in Tasmania, where the criminal law explicitly states a person does not consent to sex if they do not “say or do anything to communicate consent”. Similar laws exist in Victoria.

The reforms follow years of advocacy led by Saxon Mullins.

The reforms follow years of advocacy led by Saxon Mullins.Credit: James Brickwood

Under the affirmative consent model, an accused will have to show they did or said something to find out if a person was consenting to sex if they want to rely on a mistaken but reasonable belief that there was consent.

“You just can’t assume through lack of resistance or lack of protest that consent has been given,” NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman said.

A key element of the offence of sexual assault is that the offender knows the other person does not consent.


Knowledge includes having “no reasonable grounds” for a mistaken belief in consent. Under the existing law in NSW, a judge or jury must consider any steps taken to ascertain consent when deciding whether there were no reasonable grounds. Unlike in Tasmania, it is not mandatory for the accused to take steps.

Mr Speakman said a person could indicate consent with words, or by giving a facial expression with a gesture.

“We want clear and simple rules of engagement. So this is not just about strengthening the process for compliance, it’s also about simplifying the law, and making it easier to comply with,” Mr Speakman said.


“There have been calls for reform in NSW, in Australia and indeed across the world, of how we handle sexual violence complaints. Those calls have reached a crescendo, in the last six months.”

The prosecution still bears the onus of proving to a jury beyond reasonable doubt the three elements of an alleged sexual assault, namely that the sexual conduct occurred, that the complainant did not consent and that an accused knew a person did not consent.

The reforms follow years of advocacy led by Saxon Mullins, whose own court experience triggered a landmark review of laws, as well as months of public outcry provoked by a petition started by former Sydney student Chanel Contos.

Ms Mullins was the complainant in the highly-publicised rape trial of Luke Lazarus. The “no reasonable grounds” provision was a central issue in the Lazarus trial. Mr Lazarus was initially found guilty of sexual assault by a District Court jury in 2015, but the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal quashed the verdict and ordered a retrial after finding the judge misdirected the jury on this issue.

After a retrial in 2017, a District Court judge found Mr Lazarus not guilty on the basis of a mistaken belief in consent based on reasonable grounds. The Crown lodged an appeal, and the Court of Criminal Appeal found the judge erred in failing to consider in her written reasons any steps taken by him to ascertain consent.

However, the court said it would be “oppressive” for Mr Lazarus to face a third trial.

Mr Speakman said the reforms would not have been possible without sexual assault survivors like Ms Mullins telling her story.

NSW Police Commissioner, Mick Fuller.

NSW Police Commissioner, Mick Fuller.Credit: James Brickwood

“My determination is to make sure that a case like that never arises again. This is not just about holding perpetrators to account, but making sure that these cases don’t arise,” he said.

Ms Mullins said she was grateful that her case had been a catalyst for reform.

“We are now leading the way in this space. Hopefully other states can look to NSW and enact their own reforms.”

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said the new laws would aid judges and juries that often struggled with the “grey” areas of consent.

“While it may always be grey, it can’t be as grey as what it is now and clearly the legal application at the moment is not servicing anyone in my opinion,” he said.

Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said school curricula would be updated to reflect the law reforms once the changes passed Parliament.“[We’ll] also ensure that our teachers have the resources that they need to make sure young people understand what they can and can’t do when it comes to being in those situations.”

But national criminal justice spokesman for the Australian Lawyers Alliance, Tasmania-based barrister Greg Barns, SC, said affirmative consent laws, while useful in consent education, would not make a significant difference to criminal trials.

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