

This was published 6 months ago


You know your country’s in trouble when Pauline Hanson is claiming vindication

On the day this week that we learnt Australia’s population had grown faster than at any time since 1952, when Bob Menzies was prime minister and the British were setting off their first nuclear test in Australian territory, Pauline Hanson stood up in the Senate to claim vindication.

She recalled her first parliamentary speech. In 1996, she reminded the Senate, she had “warned we were in danger of being swamped by immigration from Asia”. That, too, was something of a bombshell in Australian history.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis.Credit:

Since that moment 28 years ago, Hanson has sought to foment racial and religious division against Muslims, Indigenous Australians, Asians … any minority would do.

Although she’s been a near-continuous presence in Australian politics, she has remained on its fringe, the angry ghost of Australia’s racist past, summoning the spiteful spirits of its ugliest impulses.

It’s been to Australia’s credit that she has failed. It’s the proud boast of a succession of prime ministers now that Australia is the most successful multicultural nation on earth.

It’s true that social harmony has been put under new pressure over the past few months. The barbaric Hamas attack on Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu’s savage retaliation against Gaza has inflamed sentiment in Australia.

But this has not shaken the foundations of Australian society. The anger and hate, which has zero effect in Gaza, can only damage Australian society. Fortunately, it’s likely to fade with the conflict itself, episodic rather than structural.

But this week’s immigration statistics gave Hanson fresh material. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said that the overall Australian population grew by 2.5 per cent in the year to September 30. That compares with the annual average since federation of 1.6 per cent.

In numbers of people, the increase was 659,800 in the year, equivalent to adding another Canberra plus another Cairns in just 12 months. That’s adding an average of about 100 extra people per hour, every hour, all year.

This week’s immigration statistics gave Pauline Hanson fresh material. “Was I right? You’d never admit it but yes, I was.”

This week’s immigration statistics gave Pauline Hanson fresh material. “Was I right? You’d never admit it but yes, I was.”Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

That includes the increase in the Australian-born population as well as immigrant arrivals. What’s the breakdown between the two? If you think of it as 100 extra people per day, 17 of those were from natural increase and 83 from immigration.

Remarkably, this record increase in immigration doesn’t seem to have aggravated unemployment, even during an economic slowdown.

The old nativist war cry that “immigrants steal our jobs”? It falls completely flat. This week we learnt that the unemployment rate fell from 4.1 per cent to 3.7 per cent in February. The number of new jobs created in the month was a remarkable 116,000, two-thirds of them full-time.

But where the population pressure is felt most acutely is in housing. The Liberals’ opposition spokesperson, Dan Tehan, seized on the immigration numbers. “We have never seen this many people arrive in Australia in one year,” he said.

“Australians will rightly ask, where are all these people going to live? We are in the middle of a housing crisis. We are in the middle of a rental crisis. People can’t see their GP. Yet [Labor’s] big Australia continues to get bigger.”

It was only a year and a half ago that Peter Dutton said, “we do need an increase in the migration numbers”. He certainly got what he wished for.

But while the politics is a bit ordinary, the problem is very real. A long-running housing shortage has become acute. We have priced a generation out of the ability to buy a home. It’s a grave national failure.

Hands full: Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil says the immigration intake in the year starting July 1 will return to “normal levels”.

Hands full: Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil says the immigration intake in the year starting July 1 will return to “normal levels”.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The federal and state governments have made a joint promise to build 1.2 million new homes over the five years from this year. But the reality is that new housing starts this year will actually slow to about 155,000, the slowest pace since 2012, according to the investment and advisory house Jardens. That’s enough to accommodate a new Cairns, but still leaves the equivalent of Canberra with no homes.

Pauline Hanson this week crowed that the numbers of immigrants was out of control: “I was called racist, of course, by the major parties and big media, who are in lockstep for a big Australia. But today, seven out of the top 10 source countries for immigration to Australia are in Asia, including four out of the top five. The numbers are out of control. Was I right? You’d never admit it but yes, I was.”


When Hanson claims vindication it’s a bad day for our country. Self-evidently, her boast is racist. Apparently it’s OK to be swamped by Brits and Kiwis but not Indians, Vietnamese and Filipinos. Yet she’s right that the last year’s immigration intake is too high for the country’s housing stock.

The media generally ignored Hanson’s speech. Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, however, reported it prominently on Friday, accompanied by a photo of Hanson and a conspicuous pull-quote from the senator for Queensland: “Our Australian people are refugees in their own country.”

This sort of inflammatory racism is death to Australia’s social harmony and national functioning. Yet it’s just a small foretaste of the divisive, right-wing populism that will follow unless the country fixes its housing problems, and its accompanying problems of missing infrastructure.

Look around the world. Immigration is the incendiary that has fired hard-right populist movements. It’s Donald Trump’s strongest suit, it was the basis of the national self-harm that was Brexit. Across Europe, hard-right parties have been surging, at the top of the polls, or running second, in nearly a dozen countries, including France and Germany.

In some cases, like the US, it’s illegal immigration feeding the populist right. In others, such as Britain in the Brexit vote, it’s also legal immigration. One way or another, immigration is the issue.


Australia, so far, has been inoculated against this poison. Why? Because it has successfully managed its problem with unauthorised boat arrivals. It’s been wrenching and difficult, and it’s come at a real human cost for some refugees, yet it has controlled the inflow and contained the political opening for the demonisation of immigrants.

Hanson’s recrudescence this week is a small reminder that the divisive, right-wing populist style of politicking is always present, hunting relentlessly for opportunity whenever there is immigration mismanagement.

Whether it’s legal immigration or illegal is irrelevant for the purposes of political exploitation. “Otherness” and resentment are the only prerequisites.

Fortunately, the two elements of Australia’s present predicament are getting government attention. The immigration intake surged so much because it was a two-year catch-up after a two-year border shutdown. This is why Dutton was calling for more immigrants a year and a half ago and now fretting that there are too many.


The Home Affairs Minister, Clare O’Neil, has announced that the immigration intake in the year starting on July 1 will return to “normal levels”, a net intake of about 250,000 immigrants.

She’s spoken of reshaping the intake even as it shrinks, giving priority to highly skilled immigrants to fill critical workforce gaps while cutting back on low-skilled immigrants and foreign students taking Mickey Mouse courses as a backdoor to working and staying.

This leaves the second element, which is much harder. State and federal governments are acting to increase the housing supply. The Albanese government is pursuing 17 different measures and adding some $25 billion in investment over a decade, for instance. But it won’t be enough.

Much more remains to be done. Two key crossbench senators – David Pocock and Jacqui Lambie – next week will agitate on sweeping policy reform including reviews of negative gearing and capital gains tax. It is possible to have independent senators pursuing problem-solving rather than destructive racism. Yet still more needs to be done at state and local council levels to build homes and related infrastructure.

The mayor of Liverpool Council in Sydney’s immigrant-rich south-west, Ned Mannoun, for instance, says that his municipality has land available for tens of thousands of new homes but no supporting infrastructure.

“We are happy to take the growth as long as the state builds the infrastructure,” he tells me. “For example, we have room for 30,000 new homes in the suburb of Austral, but the road is literally a farm road – no gutters, no lights, no drainage. We are not NIMBYs – we will take the growth, we will do our share, but the people pay their taxes, and they ask ‘where’s the infrastructure?’”

The need is that basic.

Unless Australia fully confronts the housing shortage, this is a problem with potential to go nuclear.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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