

This was published 4 months ago

‘You are collaborating’: Wong attacks Greens over violent Gaza protests

By Matthew Knott

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has accused Greens politicians of collaborating with violent pro-Palestine protesters and inciting attacks on Labor MPs’ offices that have led to public servants being injured, a claim rejected by the Greens as a false smear.

In fiery scenes at Senate estimates on Monday, Wong also accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of acting recklessly and undermining Australia’s efforts to convince China to abide by international law by calling for Australia to consider withdrawing from the International Criminal Court.

Wong later revealed the government would ban Israeli settlers regarded as extremist from receiving visas to travel to Australia, responding to a call first made by Labor MP Julian Hill in January.

Asked during the hearings about restrictions on extremist settlers travelling to Australia, Wong said: “We will deny anyone identified as an extremist settler a visa to travel to Australia, which is in line with the approaches taken by like-minded countries.”

The United States and United Kingdom last year imposed visa restrictions targeting individuals believed to be involved in undermining peace, security and stability in the West Bank, including extremist settlers.

Questioned by Greens senator Jordon Steele-John earlier about whether the government had applied double standards by not imposing sanctions on Israel over its conduct in the war in Gaza, Wong said: “It is double standards to engage in violent and aggressive protests and incite them and think that you’re doing something about peace.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong accused the Greens of encouraging aggressive pro-Palestine protests.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong accused the Greens of encouraging aggressive pro-Palestine protests. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“On social media, we have posts which target people personally, we have posts which are threatening and violent, and you are collaborating with them.

“That is not leadership. So if you think you are for the cause of peace, maybe you should start practising it in this country.”


Wong said Greens MPs had spoken at rallies that led to Labor MPs’ offices being invaded and electorate staff being injured, as well as the storming of Labor’s Victorian state party conference in May.

Steele-John responded by saying Wong’s comments were inappropriate, adding: “This is beneath you.”


A spokesperson for the Greens said: “Senator Wong’s statements today are not correct.

“The protest at an MP’s event Senator Wong refers to was not addressed by a Greens MP; a former Greens candidate spoke.”

The Greens spokesperson said: “The Greens support peaceful protest. As long as Labor fails to take action against the state of Israel to stop the invasion of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine, including sanctions, the community will continue to be concerned.”

Government sources, who asked not to be named to speak freely, said the protest where staff members were injured occurred at the Melbourne office of Labor MP Ged Kearney and involved a former Greens candidate who had not been elected to parliament.

The former Greens candidate was not involved in the violence, but was named in promotional material for the event.

One staff member injured her hip after being pushed while another needed to wear an ankle brace after protesters stomped on her ankle, the sources said.

Kearney said she was a longstanding supporter of Palestinian rights and protest rallies, but said that “the community and working people shouldn’t be in harm’s way because of protests”.

“I’m furious that the Greens have been involved in promoting something that included aggressive, sexist and intimidating behaviour toward my community,” she said.


Greens leader Adam Bandt said the party rejected any violence last week, and that protesting should not lead to breakage or property damage.

The electorate offices of senior Victorian MPs Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles and NDIS Minister Bill Shorten were vandalised in a co-ordinated action that began about 4am on Friday, before planned protests throughout the day.

Wong also said it would damage Australia’s national interest to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, a move Dutton has said the government should consider after the court’s top prosecutor requested an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for allegedly committing war crimes during the war in Gaza.

Wong told Senate estimates hearings in Canberra that Australia must be consistent in promoting a rules-based international order in the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific.

“We do nothing to help make it happen by recklessly threatening to pull out of the bodies that uphold international law,” she said.

“That kind of talk might sound tough, but it undermines Australia’s core security interests.

“For example, we cannot insist China abides by international legal decisions in the South China Sea but threaten to pull out of the International Criminal Court.

“We do nothing to shape the kind of region Australia needs by picking fights, blowing up relationships, or beating the drums of war.”

Wong urged the Israeli government and listed terrorist group Hamas to agree to a ceasefire deal outlined by US President Joe Biden last week, saying the government supported its terms.


“The death and destruction is horrific,” Wong said of the situation in Gaza. “This human suffering is unacceptable.”

Biden last week said the first phase of the proposed deal would last for six weeks and would include a “full and complete ceasefire”, a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza and the release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly and the wounded, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

The second phase would include the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers, with Israeli forces withdrawing from Gaza.

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