

This was published 3 years ago


We’re rival MPs but both paediatricians, so united on how to protect school students from COVID

By Katie Allen and Mike Freelander

Fighting COVID-19 has been a marathon event – here in Australia and around the world. With every vaccination, COVID-19 becomes a less deadly disease – for us all. But we can’t forget the shadow impacts of the COVID pandemic, including the mental health impacts, particularly on our children.

This week the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute released a report outlining the enormous impact COVID is having on the mental health and wellbeing of our young, particularly the most disadvantaged. It says prolonged school closures and lockdowns can exacerbate these impacts.

They were the days ... the shutdown of schools is hurting students.

They were the days ... the shutdown of schools is hurting students. Credit: Michele Mossop

We are MPs from opposite sides in the Federal Parliament, but we are both paediatricians and we are united in our support for the MCRI report, especially its call to prioritise the vaccination of teachers, early educators and school staff to ensure we can get children back to school sooner.

Students across Australia have been missing out. Victorian students already missed almost 150 days of face-to- face learning – one of the highest rates in the world – and they are facing a second year of lockdowns, more than any other state in the country. In NSW it looks to be some time before students can return to school.

The MCRI report acknowledges there is no vaccine currently approved for children aged under 12, although vaccine companies have commenced trials to assess the safety in this age group. As such, the report recommends the priority for the nation is to vaccinate parents and adults of all ages to protect children and schools from outbreaks.


Prioritising parents and carers of children has the dual benefit of targeting the age group that is at the highest risk of transmission of COVID-19 and protecting an age group that, as yet, does not have a vaccine approved for use. It supports the Doherty Institute modelling that shows the age group most at risk of transmitting the Delta COVID variant is 20 to 40-year-olds.

We note the MCRI report also suggests consideration of vaccination of children aged 12 to15 as soon as possible. While the general rollout in that age group will be based on the advice of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, we welcome the recent federal government announcement that the Pfizer vaccination for children aged 12 to 15 is now approved for those with chronic conditions including those on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

We believe further efforts are needed to ensure these high-risk 12 to 15-year-olds get vaccinated quickly since some chronic conditions, including diabetes and obesity, significantly increase the risk of poor outcomes from COVID infection. Further, children with intellectual disabilities and development difficulties, such as autism, find it difficult to comply with social-distancing measures. For those with severe disability, this places a huge added burden on families.


As Australia’s vaccination coverage accelerates and approaches the national COVID plan targets of 70 to 80 per cent, we will see an increase in COVID cases among unvaccinated people, whatever their age. At this point there is no evidence that the Delta variant is resulting in more serious disease, but it is true that more cases in children are now occurring.


In NSW alone, more than 200 children aged under nine have been infected. Many parents – not only those of children in the high-risk groups – may be impatient for the day that all can be vaccinated. But confirmation of safe vaccines for under-12s may be many months away.

What is clear is that vaccination is protective against serious disease and death, whichever vaccine on offer in Australia is used, and whatever age the recipient. While we await the best vaccination options for children, we need to inoculate as many people as possible who might expose young Australians to the virus.

Our children are our future. Their health, wellbeing and education is critical to their future and indeed ours. We need governments of all persuasions to commence development of COVID-safe plans with prioritisation of vaccination of teachers and carers so that students can resume their educational journey and children with chronic health conditions are protected as we move to the next stage of the pandemic response.

Dr Katie Allen is the Liberal MP for the federal seat of Higgins in Victoria and a former paediatrician and public health researcher. Dr Mike Freelander, a paediatrician, is the Labor member for the federal NSW seat of Macarthur.

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