

This was published 4 years ago


We cannot wait two weeks - we must go into lockdown now for the sake of our healthcare workers

New restrictions on social movement aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus appear to have resonated with Australians over the past week. But many have still not heeded the message, even as the number of person-to-person transmissions within the community rises. We cannot wait any longer. The government must enforce a full lockdown to stop the exponential growth in cases of COVID-19 that is putting the healthcare system - and its workers - at risk.

Based on our COVID-19 modelling, we expect to see enormous pressures descend on our hospitals and their staff in the next few weeks – and it could last for months, possibly colliding with a bad influenza season, which in itself can demand hundreds of ICU beds. Our medical workers are doing everything they can in a dangerous environment – in Spain, medical personnel make up 13.6 per cent of the country's 47,500 cases of coronavirus. In Italy, 33 doctors have already died. The least we can do is take steps to reduce the number of seriously ill patients needing care. This will help protect our health professionals and, of course, ourselves.

Centrelink queues have stretched around blocks in Australian cities

Centrelink queues have stretched around blocks in Australian cities Credit: Jason South

Not everyone has accepted the personal responsibility required. There are still too many crowds in our supermarkets for shopping to be safe – same for the long queues for Centrelink. Scenes of large groups picnicking in parks and on the lawns above Bondi Beach are also cause for concern.

In the early days of the disease, the virus was spread mainly by people entering the country from overseas. That threat is diminishing with time and quarantine measures. We now face an even bigger threat - the sustained spread of the virus from person to person. The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is doubling every three days and this is being driven by person-to-person contact in the resident population. The time from infection to the development of symptoms averages five to six days, though it is not uncommon for the incubation period to be 10 days or more. It is therefore very likely that we have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Australians, many of whom may have few symptoms, spreading the disease and not being detected in our current testing regimens.

We won’t be able to judge the success of the current restrictions for another two to three weeks. However, I fear that even if they are being strictly adhered to (they’re not), these restrictions leave us with numerous opportunities for continued community spread. And, we don’t have the luxury of waiting two weeks. When talking about exponential growth, two to three weeks is a long, long time.


We have not done all that we can. Not every job is “essential”, as the Prime Minister suggested. We have too many still working in situations where social distancing is difficult (for example, the construction industry). The recommendations regarding hairdressing would have been laughable if the matter was not so serious. Extending contact time from 30 minutes (when it should have been zero) sent a really bad message. The greater the time spent with someone carrying COVID-19, the greater the likelihood of infection.

The economic consequences of full lockdown are of course very significant and not to be taken lightly – shutting down 90 per cent of our economy is not an easy decision to make. But the health and economic outcomes for Australia will surely be better if we move quickly to lockdown than by allowing another week to pass, before finally acknowledging the inevitable. Better to do it now for a limited period when we can make a real dent in the spread of the virus than a few weeks from now, when it will be so much harder and take so much longer.


I have been contacted this week by many doctors and nurses who have real fear that the scenes of overwhelmed hospitals in Spain, Italy and the US could play out here. We need to do a lot more testing and our capacity to do so is improving. But I know I speak for the majority of health care professionals in Australia when I say that we need to move, immediately, to the lockdown stage many other countries have implemented. No more vacillating, we need to act today so that at least we can say that at this point we did all that is possible to minimise the spread of the virus, the need for hospital care and the loss of life.

John Dwyer is an immunologist and Emeritus Professor of Medicine at UNSW.

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