

This was published 2 years ago

Trust a toxic issue as Morrison fights fire with fire

By David Crowe

Scott Morrison chose to fight fire with fire in Parliament on Tuesday and the latest Resolve Political Monitor helps explain why.

Under attack over his honesty, the Prime Minister started calling Labor leader Anthony Albanese “sneaky” for planning policies that would take Australians by surprise.

The latest Resolve survey shows Morrison has lost more ground against Albanese on key measures of personal leadership.

The latest Resolve survey shows Morrison has lost more ground against Albanese on key measures of personal leadership.Credit:

Trust is turning into a toxic issue for Morrison and he has made a simple decision. The best form of defence is attack. Branded a liar on the international stage, he tells Australians they can trust him on the economy. Branded a liar in Parliament, he tells voters that Albanese is not being straight with them.

The next election could easily turn on whether this works.

The latest Resolve survey shows Morrison has lost more ground against Albanese on key measures of personal leadership.


Only six months ago, when the government was riding high on a popular budget, Morrison had a lead of 24 per cent over Albanese when voters were asked which of them was preferred prime minister. Now the lead is just 11 per cent.

Asked which side was honest and trustworthy, voters gave Morrison and the Coalition a lead of 8 per cent in May. Now the lead is just 2 per cent.

The Prime Minister has also seen his net performance rating sink to minus 9 per cent. He has had a negative rating in the Resolve surveys before, but not this low. More voters now think he is doing a poor job compared to those who think he is doing a good one.


Labor is trying to paste the “liar” tag all over Morrison and has no shortage of glue. The latest slide in Morrison’s ratings came a few weeks after French President Emmanuel Macron said Morrison did not tell the truth. Morrison responded by claiming journalists took selfies with Macron when they did not and then said Macron sledged Australia when he did not.

Labor is reminding Parliament of every old claim so it can make its label stick. Morrison used to deny calling former Labor Senator Sam Dastyari “Shanghai Sam” when he clearly did so. He once said it was “gossip” that he wanted church leader Brian Houston invited to the White House when it turned out to be fact.


In a mystifying own goal, Morrison even claimed in Parliament on Monday that he told Albanese where he was going on his holiday to Hawaii in December 2019. This was wrong. He told Albanese he was going on leave, not where he was going. He had to correct the record after question time.

The new Resolve poll captures the predicament of a prime minister losing ground, even though it surveyed the 1606 voters before Parliament resumed this week.

But it also reveals a Labor leader who is on the nose. Albanese has a negative net performance rating of minus 14 per cent, worse than Morrison. Voters are drifting away from the Prime Minister but Albanese cannot seem to close the deal.

At 32 per cent, the Labor primary vote is too low to deliver a Labor government. While others say the party is doing much better than this – it was 38 per cent in the Newspoll last week – Labor has been mugged by reality before. Its primary was 33.4 per cent at the 2013 election, 34.7 per cent in 2016 and 33.3 per cent in 2019.


Unlike others, Resolve does not have an “undecided” category because it asks voters to nominate their primary votes in the same way they fill in their ballot papers at an election. Unlike others, Resolve does not exclude the “uncommitted” group because there is no such cohort.

Respondents have to choose an option. Rather than selecting Labor, some are giving their votes to the Greens, others and independents. Measuring this last group is difficult, because there is no such thing as a national vote for independents who vary so much in each seat, but the findings are useful.

Why? Because they highlight the fertile ground for groups like Climate 200 and the “Voices of” campaign to install independents in Liberal seats. Those movements raise the real prospect of a hung Parliament.

The illusion of political polling is that it predicts the future. It does not. It only captures a point in time. And it does it with a margin of error. That margin is 2.5 per cent in this new survey, which means the gap between Labor and the Coalition in two-party terms is too close to call.

The trouble for Morrison is laid bare in these findings, but so are the challenges for Albanese. Nobody should assume Labor is rampaging to victory. Least of all Labor.

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