

This was published 4 years ago

'Time to get on with it': Taylor stares down gas industry complaints

By David Crowe

A new gas-fired power station will go ahead under federal government plans to stare down industry complaints about a sweeping intervention, with Snowy Hydro declaring it will take on the energy "oligopoly" to build the project.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor dismissed industry claims he was fuelling "policy uncertainty" with the government's new gas plan, which sets an April deadline to decide whether industry or government will build the new power station.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the gas industry has had time to build new capacity and it has not done so.

Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the gas industry has had time to build new capacity and it has not done so.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"The companies have had years to commit and they can still commit until April next year," Mr Taylor said. "They've had a lot of time – now it's time to get on with it."

The commonwealth's wholly-owned energy provider, Snowy Hydro, also declared it was ready to scale up a gas-fired power project in NSW to break the "oligopoly" formed by AGL, EnergyAustralia and Origin Energy.

"Having us in the marketplace as a stalking horse to keep competitive pressure on the market is a good thing," said Snowy Hydro chief executive Paul Broad.

At issue is the government demand for a new gas-fired power station to replace AGL's Liddell coal-fired power plant when it closes in 2023 and withdraws 1000MW from the east-coast electricity grid.

Australian Energy Council chief executive Sarah McNamara delivered a swift rebuff to the government's scheme on Tuesday on behalf of energy generators and retailers, saying there was no reliability threat to justify the new intervention.

"For more than a decade we have been warning of the dampening effect state and federal government interventions have on investor confidence," Ms McNamara said.


"There are no material reliability concerns that would warrant this kind of interventionist approach, and there are already mechanisms in place to address any shortfall identified."

Ms McNamara cited the Australian Energy Market Operator's estimate that NSW faced a potential shortfall of only 154MW, but Mr Taylor said the industry argument failed to consider the impact on prices.

"AEMO only assesses reliability on very strict technical grounds – they make no assessment of price impacts," Mr Taylor told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

"Our assessment is that there is a problem with reliability but the bigger problem is with price – because prices will go up if you take 1000MW out of the market and you don't replace it.

"More supply means lower prices – that's Economics 101. Less supply means higher prices."


Behind the government argument is the suspicion that energy companies want Liddell to shut without a significant replacement so prices and profits will rise, as they did in Victoria after the closure of the Hazelwood power station in 2017.

"What's obvious is those making money from the energy network are not interested in putting more supply into the market because it will affect price," Resources Minister Keith Pitt told the ABC.

With energy companies frustrated at the new intervention as well as the ongoing uncertainty over long-term climate change policy, some industry insiders said the private sector may ignore the April deadline and leave the government to build the new power station.

AGL has plans for a 250MW gas-fired power station at Tomago in the NSW Hunter Valley and said it was making "good progress" toward a final decision by early next year.

Mr Broad said Snowy Hydro was willing to proceed with a bigger gas-fired power plant at nearby Kurri Kurri to increase competition.

"The oligopoly prefers Liddell to close so they can capture the higher prices that follow, which is exactly what happened in Victoria," Mr Broad said.

"The existing market needs more competition. I'm sick of hearing about the concerns from the generator side and not enough about the consumer side."

The Kurri Kurri project is on the grounds of an old aluminium smelter near electricity transmission lines with a capacity of about 600MW.

"It's certainly economic and we're working on the size of the project at the moment, but 350MW is the start," Mr Broad said of the project.

"The idea would be that we should firm up some renewable sources as well, but we're waiting to see what happens by April."


While Snowy Hydro has taken on $3.5 billion in debt to fund the expansion of the Snowy Mountains hydro-electric scheme, it has government support to build Kurri Kurri as well. It also runs the Colongra gas-fired power plant on the NSW Central Coast, with a capacity of 657MW.

The Australian Industry Group welcomed the government plan to boost gas supplies and power generation but the policy statement was panned by Greenpeace, the Australian Conservation Foundation and others.

"Gas is a fossil fuel made up mainly of methane, a potent greenhouse gas – it has no place in Australia's recovery from COVID-19," said ACF spokesman Gavan McFadzean.


"If fully unleashed, Australia's gas resources could be responsible for up to three times the annual climate emissions of the entire world."

Former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce said a coal-fired power station would make more sense in the coal fields of the Hunter Valley, a view also put by Nationals senator and former resources minister Matt Canavan.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese accused the government of failing to secure gas supplies in the past but he and his colleagues did not reject the idea of a new gas-fired power station despite the concerns of the environmental movement.

Labor energy spokesman Mark Butler said the plan would not create jobs fast enough, but Labor resources spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon welcomed the policy as a "capitulation" on the old idea of extending the Liddell power station.

"In the Hunter we want two gas-fired generators and hopefully AGL will deliver one for Tomago and Snowy Hydro will deliver one for Kurri Kurri," Mr Fitzgibbon said.

He also backed the idea of a new gas pipeline to Newcastle to transport the gas, an option if Santos gains approval for the Narrabri gas field in northern NSW.

Labor MP Meryl Swanson, whose electorate of Paterson includes the potential gas power stations, said "we need the jobs in the Hunter" and she would support the plan if it went ahead.

AEMO welcomed the government plan and said the country would need 6 to 19GW of new "dispatchable" power over the next two decades.

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