

This was published 1 year ago


The time has come to end the sorry Julian Assange saga

Trapped in a limbo of his own making, the years have turned ailing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange into a victim.

The initial anger of some about the recklessness of Assange’s release of confidential diplomatic cables was countered by debate about the public interest outweighing potential damage to individuals, but such nuances have faded and as he fights extradition to the US, there is growing support to end his Kafkaesque incarceration.

US ambassador Caroline Kennedy has met Australian MPs who want Julian Assange brought back to Australia.

US ambassador Caroline Kennedy has met Australian MPs who want Julian Assange brought back to Australia.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen / AP

Today’s Herald Reader Poll reflects the change of heart: 79 per cent of people said the Biden administration should drop its pursuit of Assange. Only 13 per cent disagreed. Eight per cent were unsure.

The politics seem to be moving in his favour too.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has admitted frustration at his inability to find a diplomatic fix and is concerned about Assange’s mental health. “I can’t do more than make very clear what my position is and the US administration is certainly very aware of what the Australian government’s position is. There is nothing to be served by his ongoing incarceration,” he said. Then Opposition Leader Peter Dutton – long highly critical of Assange – backed Albanese saying it had gone on for too long. “The matters, I think, have to be dealt with and if the prime minister’s charting a course through to an outcome on that, that’s a good thing,” Dutton said.


Further adding to a possible resolution, a cross-party delegation of Australian politicians met United States ambassador Caroline Kennedy to increase pressure on the Biden administration to drop its pursuit. The meeting came just a fortnight before Albanese is scheduled to host Joe Biden’s first presidential visit to Australia.

Next month, Assange will have spent 11 years either in jail or holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He fought extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations – which were dropped in 2019 – and then extradition to the US for publishing military and diplomatic cables. His asylum was withdrawn in 2019 and he was jailed for breaching bail in London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison where he languishes still. The US subsequently charged him with 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and a separate hacking-related charge and is still seeking his extradition.

Attitudes towards Assange have changed markedly since he became an international figure. Our editorial of August 2, 2010, was unimpressed: “The most dubious aspect of the WikiLeaks exercise, where sympathies are most likely to turn against the self-appointed tribune of the right-to-know and its founder, Julian Assange, is the failure to block out the names and villages of dozens of Afghans who gave information to American forces or were otherwise friendly. This is a virtual death warrant.” By 2021 our tone had ameliorated: “Even those who believe that Assange deserves some punishment for his actions must concede that he has already paid a very high price. The struggle has clearly taken a toll on his mental and physical health.”


Assange has spent more time locked away, both voluntarily and involuntarily, than Chelsea Manning, the US soldier who disclosed classified documents to WikiLeaks and subsequently served a seven-year sentence. Assange fathered two children while in the embassy and married. In late 2021, his wife said he had suffered a mini-stroke.

Various Australian governments have been wringing their hands since the Assange saga started. Nothing has come of whatever behind the scenes efforts were mounted by Labor and Coalition governments. The time has come to end this sorry saga. In our new spirit of friendship, the visit by the US president is surely an opportunity for the governments to show and share some common humanity.

Bevan Shields sends a newsletter to subscribers each week. Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.


An earlier version of the editorial referred to Julian Assange fighting extradition to Sweden for sexual assault charges. This was incorrect, it was an investigation into sexual assault, which was subsequently dropped.

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