

This was published 1 year ago


The secret weapon to fighting cybercrime is secrecy itself

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has emphasised that Australia will adopt a more muscular approach to cyber defence in response to the wave of ransomware attacks against Australian firms, including Optus and Medibank. Deliberate ambiguity about what Australia is capable of, and what it is willing to do, needs to be at the heart of our strategy.

O’Neil’s declaration that Australia’s response will more heavily include “hacking the hackers” – that is, offensive cyber operations – is welcome. This posture should make Australia a harder target and hopefully deter attacks. The minister’s public signalling about this pivot from traditional law enforcement to offensive cyber operations builds on changes laid down by the previous government.

The Australian government is shifting its focus to hacking the hackers and deterring cyberattacks.

The Australian government is shifting its focus to hacking the hackers and deterring cyberattacks.Credit: Bloomberg

In 2021, the Coalition introduced laws to allow the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to access data disruption warrants, which allow them to launch cyberattacks to prevent serious crimes.

To support this pivot, a new joint standing operation between the AFP and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has been established. The collaboration of the AFP and ASD for this task is necessary for two reasons.

One is capability. As the nation’s premier cyber agency, ASD possesses highly classified tools for collecting intelligence and undertaking offensive cyber operations that law enforcement agencies simply don’t have and would struggle to operate alone. While ASD’s support for law enforcement operations can be a game changer, it does mean there is an intense and growing competition within government for ASD’s skills and capabilities.

After all, ASD’s primary responsibility is to support the Australian Defence Force and focus on cyber threats from foreign adversaries.


Second, there is a wicked fusion between purely criminal cyber actors and those working at the direction of foreign states, such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. This means the AFP must be meticulous when undertaking disruption operations against an apparently criminal group because it could turn out to be state sponsored.

ASD can help by identifying anonymous actors and shaping operations to either avoid targeting state-backed entities or target them in a way to reduce the chance of retaliation and escalation. This means we can expect many of the operations O’Neil has backed to be conducted in a deniable way so those affected may never know they were hit by Australian agencies. It will also mean the Australian government will have to sustain a policy of neither confirming nor denying individual offensive cyber operations.


Strategic ambiguity is not just essential to how Australia offensively strikes at cybercriminals, it is also key to how the government and businesses respond to attacks, especially those attacks extorting a ransom.

O’Neil has outlined that the government is considering outlawing the payment of ransoms to cybercriminals to disrupt their business model. No one wants to pay a ransom or provide an incentive for extortion, but making the payment of ransoms illegal could actually make responding to attacks more difficult by removing a key element of strategic ambiguity.


Effectively countering cyberattacks demands swift and united action from government and the private sector, with affected firms working hand-in-glove with security agencies as soon as an attack is detected.

Outlawing the payment of ransoms could discourage companies from working with agencies. Instead, companies could choose to keep the attack secret to preserve all possible options for regaining access to their systems. Multinational firms may also choose to process ransom payments overseas in a way that evades Australian jurisdiction.

The process of negotiating ransoms is also a critical opportunity for victims to buy more time, and, crucially, it’s a key way government agencies can learn about the attacker and garner valuable intelligence. Outlawing ransom payments could make it harder for agencies to engage in these negotiations. It would also give victims uncertainty about whether they were engaging in illegal activity by simply trying to negotiate with their attacker.

Strategic ambiguity about how Australia deals with cybercriminals is important because sometimes paying the ransom may be the least worst option. We know that cybercriminals target essential systems in times of crisis and when lives are at risk, the cost of a ransom could seem insignificant. For example, Australia saw ransomware attacks on hospitals during COVID-19 surges. If paying a ransom meant a hospital could continue to carry out life-saving treatment, was it the wrong thing to do?


Alongside hardening Australia to attack, there also needs to be initiatives that shrink the size of the targets for cyberattacks. This is proving the more difficult task for lawmakers as they search for options that respond to the public’s demand for greater protection but don’t unduly disrupt businesses. One option that should be more closely explored is a data tax.

Taxing how much sensitive customer information businesses store could help protect their client’s privacy and reduce the likelihood of firms being targeted in the first place. This is because a tax on non-essential customer data would disincentivise firms, such as Optus, from accumulating vast lakes of incidentally collected data that isn’t necessary for their core operations, but is otherwise tantalising to cybercriminals.

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