

This was published 3 years ago


The lesson of 2020 is that pragmatism trumps ideology

This terrible year is about to close and the temptation is to draw some grand lessons from the experiences of COVID-19. It is a natural human impulse to try to find meaning in disaster.

But there is also a risk of jumping to conclusions based on pre-existing ideologies without looking at the facts.

For instance, when the virus first appeared a year ago, it was thought that authoritarian countries such as China would fare badly because they would withhold information from their citizens while open democracies would do better.


Yet some democracies, such as the US and Britain, have recorded high death rates. China has used its tight grip on its population to keep the disease in check.

The truth, of course, is complicated. Some democracies – such as Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan and South Korea – have done well, while Russia has been a disaster despite being a police state. The key factor is not political ideology but the pragmatic question of which countries had a co-ordinated public health response.

Here in Australia some on the left are using the pandemic to call for an end to insecure work. They rightly blame the deaths in aged care and the breaches of hotel quarantine on the use of poorly trained casual workers who operated in multiple locations.

Yet, outside that narrow context, the pandemic has not really changed the pros and cons in the long running debate about the split between casual and full-time permanent work.

After the pandemic, some people will prefer casual work with its flexibility and higher hourly wages and others will want job security. There is no long-term lesson about the structure of the labour market except that casuals should not be used in key health sectors if another pandemic comes along.

A similar debate has started on the role of government in society. Some on the libertarian right have argued that the long, strict lockdown in Victoria exposed the potential for state overreach. Fans of a bigger state sector have argued that the strain on health and welfare services shows the need for higher taxes and more government spending


It is true that the Liberal Party, usually the party of small government, has accepted that, just as in a time of war, the state had no choice but to expand to fight the pandemic. Yet as the pandemic recedes the arguments for and against big government will be little changed.


Australia will still have to balance the benefits of government spending and fiscal stimulus against the costs of servicing a higher debt. In a world of low interest rates and weak growth the case for government spending might be stronger for the next few years but that could quickly change.

The other area where some have claimed the pandemic has changed everything is the way that the federation operates. Some have looked to the national cabinet formed in March as a model for reducing the friction between state premiers and the prime minister.

Yet the division of powers under the federation, for all its faults, has stood Australia in good stead for 120 years, acting as a break on radical change from right or left. The debates over state rights will continue.

The Herald would like, as much as anyone, to end the year by drawing a deep and sage lesson about the events of 2020, yet the only one that comes to mind is so simple that it goes without saying: In times of crisis, it is important to work together, consider the evidence and avoid preconceptions.

Herald editor, Lisa Davies, writes an exclusive newsletter for subscribers on the week's most important stories and issues. Sign up here to receive it every Friday.

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