

This was published 3 years ago

The JobKeeper cliff we never fell off: How the experts misjudged the recovery

By Jennifer Duke

For the first three months of the year, the nation braced for a calamity. Treasury, academics and a grab bag of top economists had been warning that up to 250,000 workers would lose their jobs after March 28.

The historic $90 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme was scheduled to end but the international border remained shut, the world was (and continues to be) in the midst of a pandemic, and coronavirus outbreaks threaten to force communities into lockdowns at any moment. About 1 million workers were relying on these federal government payments and some industries had been ringing the alarm bell about how stripping away the subsidy would mean mass closures in their sector, such as tourism or events.

JobKeeper was introduced at the height of the coronavirus pandemic as people losing their jobs queued outside Centrelink.

JobKeeper was introduced at the height of the coronavirus pandemic as people losing their jobs queued outside Centrelink.Credit: Janie Barrett

University of Melbourne Professor Jeff Borland estimated as many as 250,000 people might lose work. Treasury predicted 100,000 to 150,000 people would have their jobs cut and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warned it would be “bumpy” as JobKeeper came to an end. Those who were on zero hours or limited work while receiving the payment were considered most at risk.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ANZ and Westpac all estimated job losses in the range of 100,000 to 150,000. But April and May have come and gone without huge queues outside Centrelink offices, so where was this employment cliff we were all warned about? It simply never happened.

Reporters have been cautious over the past two months about how to cover the effects of the end of the JobKeeper scheme because the statistics best reflecting the post-subsidy labour force take some time to be collected and compiled.

Some of this information is now available. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ latest count shows the unemployment rate fell to 5.1 per cent in May with 115,000 jobs created - a much better recovery than expected - and the participation rate increased to 66.2 per cent. There are now concerns about a major skills shortage for businesses - from nursing, teaching to auditing - not a job shortage for workers.

“It has been magnificent,” Deloitte Access Economics partner Chris Richardson says, praising both federal and state government spending as among the reasons for the success in keeping Australians in jobs. Richardson is among those who thought the end of JobKeeper would have its difficulties but his latest report in March said it wasn’t “as scary as you think”. This view has since been justified by the figures.

He says the nation’s success in keeping coronavirus relatively suppressed, high levels of consumer and business confidence, and low interest rates driving activity - from home renovations to retail spending to business investment - have helped smooth the transition away from the subsidy. “There is a risk we have continued to be too negative on a bunch of things,” he says.


Some people sadly did lose their jobs when the scheme ended. Most of them have picked up new work relatively quickly, helping the overall employment figures. Single touch payroll data unveiled by Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy, appearing in front of the Senate committee on June 1, shows 56,000 people lost work in the four weeks after the subsidy ended (of these, 40,000 lost their jobs in the first fortnight). If 150,000 people lost their jobs after the end of the scheme and could not find work, the unemployment rate would have risen by about 1 per cent. Several economists who expected a sharp rise in job losses also predicted this would be offset by the same people finding other work due to the recovering economy.


Dr Kennedy told the committee this seems to be the case. “Early indicators suggest that, while there have been some job losses associated with the end of the program and there may be more in the future, the strength of the broader labour market has meant that many of these individuals are finding jobs,” he said.

Another reason for the soft landing was the tapering down of the scheme over time, with the federal government extending the scheme twice with a few changes. Not only had the amount being paid to individual workers declined, fewer businesses were eligible in each tranche as their performance was re-assessed. ATO data in January showed about 960,000 people were receiving the subsidy down from 1.54 million at the end of December. At its peak, about 3.8 million people’s pay packets were backed by government money.

The tapering meant some companies had already dropped off the scheme last year, limiting the shock to the system when the entire program came to an end.

Also softening the blow was the introduction of more programs to keep the economy charging. Several coincided with the end of JobKeeper, including hundreds of millions of dollars for the tourism sector in the form of half-price flights and direct grants to travel agents and operators. Small and medium businesses were helped with expanded schemes for federal government-backed loans to get them on their feet. States and territories have also supported struggling sectors.

There are still some wildcards. The ABS monthly labour force data count doesn’t include non-residents in its employment calculations, which may be presenting only part of the picture when the nation’s borders continue to be closed. The next ABS quarterly labour account for the post-JobKeeper period, which does count non-residents, is released in September. There were 286,000 fewer non-resident workers in the first quarter this year compared to the same time last year, which is contributing to the higher level of job vacancies and skills shortages. There were about 521,000 non-resident migrants in the first quarter of 2020.


More than 1 million people continue to receive JobSeeker and the ABS counted 701,100 people as unemployed in May 2021 compared to 695,000 at the same time in 2019 (ahead of the pandemic). About 928,000 people were unemployed in May 2020.

University of Melbourne Professor Jeff Borland, who expected 150,000 to 250,000 people would lose work after JobKeeper ended, believes up to 90,000 people may have lost work after the scheme ended when considering Treasury’s calculation and ABS figures for April showing 30,600 fewer people in work.

Regardless, he accepts his initial estimates were too high. One of the reasons for this is the difficulty calculating the effects of huge stimulus programs on employers, which he says has translated into strong balance sheets for both households and enterprises. He also thinks some businesses may have been engaged in “creative accounting” and were receiving the subsidy without being in as much financial trouble as required to qualify for the scheme. Businesses taking advantage of the wage subsidy while raking in huge profits has prompted some Labor MPs to criticise the scheme as poorly designed.

During the JobKeeper period, some MPs held concerns the scheme was “freezing” the labour market and stopping staff from exiting employment and moving to different roles. Borland says it now seems likely it was more of a “light frost”.

Ross Gittins is on leave.

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