

This was published 2 years ago

The DLP, 65 years after The Split, has too few members to survive

By Tony Wright

The Democratic Labour Party, a political tantrum that lasted 65 years, appears to have finally sputtered out.

Unable to muster the required 1500 members to the satisfaction of the Australian Electoral Commission, the party, formed originally to fight what its leaders perceived to be communist influence in the ALP, has lost its party registration.

The Democratic Labor Party is no more.

The Democratic Labor Party is no more.Credit: Fairfax Media

Though the old Cold War outfit never managed to get a member elected to the House of Representatives in all the years of its existence, it managed to keep the Australian Labor Party out of government through the 1950s and 1960s, largely by directing its preferences to the Liberal and Country parties.

Its current deregistration is the second time in six years the AEC has called time on the DLP. It was stripped of its registration in 2016, but after a review, the AEC decided the party did have at least 500 members, as required under the rules at that time.

By then, the party had changed the spelling of its name (the word Labor became Labour in 2013) and was having a last hurrah of sorts, having swapped its anti-communist rhetoric for social conservatism.

A Ballarat blacksmith, John Madigan, sat in the Senate as the party’s single federal parliamentary representative – the first in almost 40 years – from 2011. However, he quit the party in 2015, blaming a “cancer of political intrigue” in the Victorian branch, and left parliament in 2016.

A 1972 DLP campaign event.

A 1972 DLP campaign event.Credit: Fairfax Media

That left a single DLP parliamentarian, Rachel­ Carling-Jenkins, who won a Victorian upper-house seat at the 2014 state election.

By June 2017, she was gone from the DLP, too, joining Cory Bernardi’s short-lived Australian Conservatives. Bernardi deregistered his party in June 2019 after he admitted it had suffered a lack of political and financial success.


It is all a long way from the DLP’s heyday, when it achieved Senate representation – and the balance of power several times – from the mid-1950s to the 1970s.

That came to a screaming halt after Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam – who referred to the DLP as “an old harlot” – managed to persuade the former DLP leader and senator, Vince Gair, to become Ambassador to Ireland.

Australian voters seemed to lose their appetite for DLP Senators after the international world was exposed to Gair, a soak and a laughing stock.

The DLP lost all its Senators at the 1974 election and never regained momentum.

It was down but not entirely out by 1978, when all state branches except Victoria’s voted to dissolve.

Yet this was a party that caused one of the great political earthquakes in the mid-1950s, when it split the Australian Labor Party.

Its original name left nothing to the imagination about its purpose: in 1955, it called itself the Australian Labor Party (Anti-Communist) before opting to become the Democratic Labor Party in 1957.

The DLP annual conference in 1969.

The DLP annual conference in 1969.Credit: Fairfax Media

The party grew from the formation of anti-communist industrial groups (Groupers) within trade unions and the ideological work of a prominent Melbourne-based Catholic anti-communist, B.A. Santamaria, who formed The Catholic Social Studies Movement (known as The Movement).

In 1954, the then Labor Party leader, Dr H. V. Evatt, denounced The Movement and the industrial groups. The following year, seven federal MPs from Victoria and 18 state MPs aligned with The Movement and the Groupers were expelled from the ALP.


So began the Split, and a long period of hatred between the ALP and the DLP.

Now, 22 years into a new century, the DLP, for lack of members, is no more.

The party’s officials, who claim they have evidence of more than 1650 members, have 28 days from March 4, when the DLP was deregistered, to lodge an application for a review.

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