

This was published 2 years ago

Tennis, Twitter and his phone: Josh Frydenberg’s vices

By Jennifer Duke

Welcome to Quick Q – Monday Media’s weekly Q&A series dedicated to finding out more about the personalities that matter most in the Australian media landscape.

Every week The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age asks key figures across corporate media, business, sport, federal politics, radio, television and culture to answer a series of questions about their lives, careers, hobbies and news habits.

This week’s conversation is with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg

Treasurer Josh FrydenbergCredit: Alex Ellinghausen

How did you get your big break?

It was an opportunity to work for Alexander Downer who was then foreign minister. I studied in the United Kingdom doing a Masters in International Relations at Oxford and I had done my thesis on Indonesia. In particular a notion called “dwifungsi”, which is the dual role of the Indonesian military and politics and strategic affairs. I really wanted the opportunity to work in the field of foreign policy. So when the opportunity came around to work with Alexander Downer I seized it. He became a great mentor and somebody I learnt a lot from. He certainly wasn’t perfect, but he had very strong convictions and courage. That was a great experience.

What are your daily news media habits?
I am a voracious consumer of all things print and TV, whether it’s ABC, Sky or the various newspapers. I can’t stay off my phone as well, watching for good and for bad the comments on social media.

Which living person do you most admire?
It would be my parents, my mum and dad. They lead by example and are my role models. My mum is a psychologist, my Dad is a surgeon. They both have contributed to the community through their professions and were very loving parents to my sister and I.

Your guilty streaming pleasure?
Recently it has been Manifest on Netflix. The problem with these shows is when you start it is very hard to turn it off, which is a big issue at night.

Which phrase do you overuse?
Carpe diem. Ever since watching the Dead Poet’s Society, I’ve lived by that.


What did you want to do when you grew up?
Be a tennis player. I soon realised that my ambition was greater than my talent. I had a very exciting year abroad [playing tennis after the HSC] and when I started university I was a bit distracted and found myself wanting to spend more time on the tennis court than in the library, but it corrected itself over the years.

What was your first job?
Tennis coach.

Facebook or Instagram?

Recommend a podcast...
It would have to be my own podcast – Josh Frydenberg Podcast with Sarah Grynberg.

What’s one vice you wish you could give up?
My phone. It’s the first thing I look at in the morning.

The song that’s always on high rotation?
Amazing by Alex Lloyd. It’s always on when I’m on the exercise bike in the morning and it doesn’t matter how many times I listen to it, I love it.

What are you reading?
I’m about to open [Rafael Nadal’s book] Rafa: My Story. My wife has read it, she loved it. I got the opportunity to see his brilliant win at this year’s Australian Open. He’s an amazing player and also seems very grounded.

Favourite movie of the past decade?
Lincoln, which is based on my favourite book in politics Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin, which gave an insight into Abraham Lincoln and how he patched together a team of his rivals to steady America through the most difficult times.

Top of your sporting bucket list?
Roland-Garros, the French Open.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
The pain of discipline is far easier than the pain of regret. It was a good reminder when I was doing my VCE and there were many distractions, including tennis, but I put my head down and studied hard and it opened a pathway to university and that led my one way or another to where I am today.

What are the three things you couldn’t live without? One, my family, two my friends and three, my phone.

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