

This was published 2 years ago

Team Sharma or Team Spender? Who’s backing who in the eastern suburbs

By Michael Koziol

It’s the $64 (million) question in Sydney’s ritzy eastern suburbs: are you Team Sharma or Team Spender?

The election is yet to be called but plenty of corflutes are already strapped to mansion gates and taped on shopfront windows in the educated and affluent electorate. In years gone by, Wentworth was a safe seat where the Liberal Party raised money to fling elsewhere; now, Liberal incumbent Dave Sharma faces a serious challenge from well-connected and cashed-up independent Allegra Spender, daughter of late fashion designer Carla Zampatti.

“We need independents to push the agenda”, says former Ascham headmistress Rowena Danziger who is supporting Spender.

“We need independents to push the agenda”, says former Ascham headmistress Rowena Danziger who is supporting Spender.Credit: Steven Siewert

Plenty of personalities have already declared themselves for Spender, including Macquarie Group director Jillian Broadbent, trailblazing businesswoman Wendy McCarthy and, from the north shore, former Australia Post chief Christine Holgate.

To that list, Spender can add her high school headmistress Rowena Danziger, the long-serving former Ascham School principal and ex-Crown director who educated thousands of the eastern suburb set’s daughters over the years.

Danziger says she’s a swinging voter who has never joined a political party but voted for Malcolm Turnbull, a former member for Wentworth. She describes herself as “pro-Allegra, not anti-Dave”.

“We need independents to push the agenda,” she says. “If we had one more independent in the Parliament we would have got at least a discussion about the national integrity commission.”

Allegra Spender is challenging Liberal Dave Sharma in Wentworth.

Allegra Spender is challenging Liberal Dave Sharma in Wentworth.Credit: Jessica Hromas, Alex Ellinghausen

Danziger, 84, has recorded a video of support for Ms Spender praising her as “very intelligent, hard-working and a woman of great probity”, and says she will donate to the Spender campaign.

Far from being spooked about the prospect of a hung Parliament, she despairs at the government’s power to use its majority to dictate the agenda. “That is terrible for our political life, very bad for our community,” she says.


One source suggested it may be difficult to tell if Liberals had switched sides because some were simply “lying low” instead of getting actively involved. Sharma and Spender have many friends and acquaintances around the eastern suburbs, often overlapping.

Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull both said they were staying out of the race, had not donated to either candidate (and had no plans to) and would likely be overseas during the election campaign.

Lucy and Malcolm Turnbull.

Lucy and Malcolm Turnbull.Credit: Joe Armao

The Turnbulls might be sitting this one out, but many of their associates are still actively in the Sharma tent, including media mogul Bruce McWilliam, banker John O’Sullivan and businessman David Gonski, a source close to the campaign said. The next generation is coming on board too: McWilliam’s son Andrew hosted a “politics in the pub” event for Sharma last week at Waverley’s Robin Hood Hotel.

Private dinners at lavish homes are an important fundraising tool for Sharma in Wentworth, and they are being hosted by a slew of eastern suburbs power couples including Matthew and Fiona Playfair, Steven and Judy Lowy and Monica Saunders-Weinberg and her husband Richard.

Saunders-Weinberg, the philanthropist and Westfield heiress, hosted Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Sharma for a December lunch at her Bellevue Hill mansion, prepared by award-winning chef Guillaume Brahimi.

Monica Saunders-Weinberg.

Monica Saunders-Weinberg.Credit: Mark Morffew Photography

“My support for Dave Sharma is not about the Liberal Party, it is in support of the man that I know him to be,” Saunders-Weinberg told the Herald, adding he had a “modern understanding” of the issues confronting Australia, and his wife and daughters gave him “first-hand knowledge of the challenges women face”.

“His long-standing international political career has given him a global perspective unlike most,” she said. “[It] allows him to represent the multicultural diversity of this country in a fair and appropriate way. You will be hard-pressed to find a prouder Aussie.”

Former television journalist Kellie Sloane, who recently sought Liberal preselection for Gladys Berejiklian’s former seat of Willoughby, will also host a private dinner for her friend Sharma, an event slated to attract a who’s who of business and media types.

And charity queen Skye Leckie is prepared to throw open her purse and, if asked, her doors. “I’m very much there, Dave has 150 per cent of my support,” she says. “He’s a fantastic candidate and over the last three years he’s done the hard yards.”

Neither side would indicate how much money they have raised, though no one is pretending it’s small fry. Several people the Herald spoke to for this story said they would likely donate once the poll has actually been called – expected to be shortly after Tuesday’s budget.

Fertile ground for fundraising: Sydney’s eastern suburbs form the seat of Wentworth.

Fertile ground for fundraising: Sydney’s eastern suburbs form the seat of Wentworth.Credit: Kristjan Porm

A drive around the eastern suburbs reveals a distinct advantage for Team Spender on the corflute front. Residents who had Spender signs on display included company director Louise McElvogue, corporate adviser Andrew Sholl and his columnist wife Nikki Gemmell, investment manager Fred Woollard, and artist Rachel Buckeridge, daughter of late construction billionaire Len Buckeridge. Technology investors Andrea and Ian Gardiner are also supporting Spender, as is long-serving former ABC journalist Margot O’Neill.

“In the past week I’ve probably met half a dozen people who’ve said, ‘for the first time in my life I won’t vote Liberal’,” said McElvogue. “Women and professional women in particular are pissed off with the whole Liberal Party ... a lot of women are furious.”


Some eastern suburbs personalities are on the fence. Publican Fraser Short, who owns a string of Sydney venues including the Watsons Bay Boutique Hotel, met Spender this week at Camp Cove, searching for someone to do something about the staff shortage afflicting hospitality.

Short says he and other business owners who would normally lean Liberal are wondering whether they need to “ruffle some feathers” and take a chance on an independent.

“It kind of feels like no one’s listening,” he says. “I need to know that the federal representative of our local area has our back and realises the mental, emotional drain that this is not only putting on me as a business owner but putting on all small business owners across the country.”

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