

This was published 2 years ago


Self-imposed shadow lockdown is crimping consumer spending

There was a time when getting a notification on your phone was fun.

I’ll admit though that now whenever my mobile pings, I look down at it with a bit of fear because it’s most likely Service NSW telling me I have been somewhere that also had a COVID-19 case. The day freezes for a minute as I scroll through my recent history to find the location and consider whether I had been too close to anyone that day or forgotten to wipe down the trolley.

It’s not just our willingness to buy, it’s also our ability to spend. Consumers are facing supply chain problems.

It’s not just our willingness to buy, it’s also our ability to spend. Consumers are facing supply chain problems.Credit: Steven Siewert

No matter how quick I had tried to be at the grocery store or the service station, nor how infrequent the trip, it seems there’s no escaping the reminder that the virus is lurking almost everywhere. You can wash your hands and wear a mask, both useful in helping protect yourself, but Omicron is not slowing down.

So it’s no surprise some people are feeling cautious right now about where they want to go and what they want to do. Staying home where possible, particularly while there are daily reports the health system is under strain, is a rational option.

It seems many have the same idea. There are already signs people are in their own self-imposed “shadow lockdown” as Omicron cases surge. While it’s early days on the data front, with the official statistics bureau getting through critical November data releases, card spending measures from ANZ for early January along with CreditorWatch statistics for December show a significant drop in activity towards the end of last year and the start of 2022.

This caution to spend, also known as the level of consumer confidence, is being tracked closely by economists and politicians. By the end of November, there was a widespread expectation that 2022 might finally be the year the federal government could pass the spending baton back to households after pouring tens of billions of dollars of fiscal stimulus into the nation during the pandemic.

There’s been no problem with the capacity to spend … rather, fear and lockdowns have presented problems for the ability to spend.

Chris Richardson from Deloitte Access Economics

Households and businesses have plenty of cash to spend on aggregate so this is a reasonable expectation. In fact, retail spending reached a record level in November on Australian Bureau of Statistics data and home lending was surging with interest rates still at record lows.

But then Omicron turned up the volume on COVID-19 again.


The white noise from coronavirus lurking in the background (and often foreground) of our lives through all the small ways we have to amend our lives to more safely live with the virus and, yes, the notifications of cases has an effect on our willingness to splash our cash.


As Deloitte Access Economics’ Chris Richardson says in his latest outlook report “these new strains mean that uncertainty is again front of mind for families and businesses… [which could] see investments delayed and discretionary spending reined in”.

However, this time it’s not just our willingness to buy, it’s also our ability to spend. We are facing “supply chain problems”. For consumers, this basically means you might want to buy something but it’s not immediately available. This has already been the case for a host of products from some vegetables all the way to games consoles like the latest Xbox and there are a host of reasons for this, including workforce shortages as the virus leaves many at home isolating both here and overseas.

The upshot of all of this is that the household spending-driven recovery will probably be delayed. We know from two years of dealing with the virus that when the government imposes lockdowns there is a sharp drop followed by a jump in activity when the restrictions are lifted. It’s a white-knuckle ride, but one we’ve been on several times before.

So while we appear to be seeing signs of a similar drop in spending and activity again, economists are remaining optimistic about our ability to bounce back due to our track record during the pandemic.

But this time we don’t know exactly what the recovery will look like. Will it again be the “v-shaped” rollercoaster we have become so accustomed to?

When lockdowns are self-imposed it will mean households themselves have to be comfortable to voluntarily emerge out from hibernation. What these exact conditions look like to ensure they feel confident enough to do this is not an exact science, but it’s clear the success of the health system during the latest outbreak will be a critical factor.

It’s possible people will start spending at different times. Without a formal end to a lockdown there isn’t a clear “signal” to people they have a green light to be out and about. This might mean the recovery isn’t as sharp and synchronised as it has been previously.

And there’s still a chance some spending habits will change forever as working from home becomes more permanent and people re-evaluate their lifestyles as we shift to living with the virus rather than trying to snuff it out.

But one critical factor is our comfort level with the virus as it becomes endemic, especially as treatments improve and booster shots are provided more widely.

As Richardson explains: “there’s been no problem with the capacity to spend … rather, fear and lockdowns have presented problems for the ability to spend”.

It’s this fear that poses one of the biggest economic challenges.

Ross Gittins is on annual leave.

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