

This was published 5 years ago


Seeking a solution to the housing problem

By Simon Cowan

If you’re hearing a distant drumming sound lately, it’s coming from rational economists repeatedly beating their heads against the wall while listening to the ridiculous debate over Labor’s housing affordability policy.

Labor has proposed restricting negative gearing to newly constructed properties, while halving the capital gains ‘discount’ from 50 per cent to 25 per cent. Labor claims this will “help level the playing field for first home buyers competing with investors” and “help put the Australian dream of home ownership back within the reach of middle and working class families.”

Master Builders Australia released modelling this week showing this change will cause a potential loss of up to 32,000 full-time jobs, 42,000 fewer new dwellings being built and a reduction of nearly $12 billion in building activity. Labor disputes this, claiming it doesn’t reflect Labor’s policy because it doesn’t take into account grandfathering.

Labor has proposed restricting negative gearing to newly constructed properties.

Labor has proposed restricting negative gearing to newly constructed properties.Credit: James Alcock

This excuse must be rejected. Contrary to Labor’s claim, it would be dishonest to model transition effects (such as grandfathering existing negative gearing recipients) as if they represent the ongoing effect of the policy. The whole point of transition arrangements is that they are temporary.

Labor can rightfully claim that grandfathering will slow down the negative effect on building in the short term — but not that the effect isn’t real.

But these sort of claims and counterclaims are simply the normal cut and thrust of political debate. What raises this debate to the level of head-meets-wall stupidity is that Labor is furiously arguing that its policies aren’t going to ‘make house prices fall significantly’ — which is literally the definition of housing affordability.

Making housing more affordable means making it cheaper. Cheaper means lower prices. Assuming they are not being duplicitous, Labor is effectively arguing that their policy is not going to work very well.

The Coalition is arguing the opposite, because … of course they are. They are claiming Labor’s changes will actually make houses much more affordable. In essence, they are saying Labor’s policy will solve a problem both sides agree is important.

Explaining the economics here really helps understand the absurdity. Imagine a simple demand and supply graph. As price goes up, more people are inclined to sell so the number of houses in the market increases: an upward sloping line. Yet as the price goes up fewer people can afford to buy homes and so the number of buyers decreases: the inverse of the line above.


There is a great deal of complexity in the model (eg: short term and long term) and in the real world. But the basic model holds: buyers and sellers meet on price, moving along demand and supply curves.

However, external interventions can also move the position of these curves up or down. If government bans foreigners from buying houses, the number of potential buyers will fall. If government puts a tax on sellers, fewer houses will be offered for sale at a particular price. In each case, a new meeting point between buyers and sellers will be established.

Moving the curve is what Labor is proposing to do. By removing these tax concessions, Labor is effectively increasing tax on some buyers. This will reduce the demand for properties, shift the demand curve down, and cause the price to fall.

This fall in price is the key to the effectiveness of the policy. Owner occupiers will not suddenly be able to afford $1.4 million for a house after the policy if they couldn’t before. For the house to become more affordable it has to drop in price to say $1.2 million, which happens because investors have been chased away.

A policy aimed at reducing demand, and price, may be offset by buoyant market conditions. Its effects may well be exacerbated in a falling market. It will certainly have different effects in different parts of the market.

But a fall in house prices will have negative, as well as positive, consequences. The person who owned that house that was once worth $1.4 million has lost $200,000 in net worth. Nor is everyone who owns a house a multi-millionaire property investor — some of the losers from this policy might even vote Labor.

The existence of losers is why the parties are arguing the opposite positions to the ones they ostensibly should. By running a scare campaign over falling house prices, the Coalition are admitting that protecting home values for existing owners is their priority and housing affordability is not.

Meanwhile Labor wants to simultaneously claim that housing will become much more affordable for home buyers and reassure homeowners that they won’t lose out. The problem is these outcomes are mutually exclusive.

Perhaps the real lesson is that solutions to our housing problems actually lie in removing distortions on the supply side — not creating more on the demand side.

Simon Cowan is research director at the Centre for Independent Studies.

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