

This was published 9 years ago

Asylum seekers – is there a better way?

By Michael Gordon

Call it the exception that proves the rule. When it comes to the big policy challenges facing the nation, from tax reform to combating terrorism, Malcolm Turnbull's mantra is that everything, absolutely everything, is on the table.

But when the task is to find solutions for those in limbo on Manus Island and Nauru, or to afford asylum seekers in mainland detention centres or the Australian community on bridging visas a measure of certainty, there are some ideas that are simply not up for discussion.

Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees await rescue by Acehnese fishermen off East Aceh, Indonesia, in May 2015.

Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees await rescue by Acehnese fishermen off East Aceh, Indonesia, in May 2015.Credit: AP

Here, the nation's leaders are paralysed by a kind of consensus on suffering, whereby any step towards affording damaged refugees on Manus and Nauru permanent protection in Australia is perceived as giving a green light to the people smugglers to resume their trade.

This much was clear during one of the new prime minister's first interviews, when Turnbull volunteered that he shared the concerns of Australians about the plight of those languishing in Australian-run detention centres and hinted things might change. "Let me be absolutely clear, there will be no resettlement of the people on Manus and Nauru in Australia," Turnbull said in a clarifying statement within a few hours, after blunt warnings from ministerial colleagues and bureaucrats.

Noor Bashar carries the body of his one-year-old nephew, Mohamad Noor, for burial at a camp for Rohingya in Sittwe, Myanmar, in June 2015.

Noor Bashar carries the body of his one-year-old nephew, Mohamad Noor, for burial at a camp for Rohingya in Sittwe, Myanmar, in June 2015. Credit: New York Times

"I know it sounds tough, but we cannot take a backward step on this issue ... the people smugglers have to understand ... we will not tolerate people smuggling."

The contradiction in the Prime Minister's response – on the one hand acknowledging the concern and saying policies are always under review and, on the other, refusing to bend – amounts to a challenge to those who crave a better way: to craft a policy that ends the nightmare of those on Manus and Nauru but eliminates, or at least minimises, the risk of desperate people boarding leaky boats.

So far, it is being taken up on three levels, though the prospect of relief any time soon for those who exist on a diet of sleeping tablets and painkillers, cannot distinguish one day from another and regularly resort to self-harm is as remote as the two distant islands.

A Rohingya man bathes his child at the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Teknaaf, Bangladesh.

A Rohingya man bathes his child at the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Teknaaf, Bangladesh.Credit: New York Times

The first, by academic Robert Manne, is deliberately narrow. It would see the Nauru and Manus caseloads gradually and quietly settled in Australia, roughly according to how desperate their situations have become, with the other blunt edges of Australia's policy, like turnbacks to Indonesia, remaining.

Once the centres were empty, they would be mothballed, but retained as a weapon to deter future arrivals.

Protesters at a rally calling for the closure of the Manus and Nauru detention centres.

Protesters at a rally calling for the closure of the Manus and Nauru detention centres.Credit: Anadolu Agency

"Essentially, the PM has two choices," Manne explains. "One is to accept that these 1500 people will be really destroyed in body and spirit. The other is to take what I think is an extremely small risk: that by gradually bringing them into Australia, boats will start to return."

This, after all, is the approach the Howard government took a decade ago, without reigniting the people-smuggling trade.

Part of the problem in this space has been that it's been relatively empty in terms of policy and very crowded in terms of advocacy.

Travers McLeod

The second group responding to the challenge is a small group of Coalition MPs, quietly urging Turnbull to act and focusing their attention on the potential to collaborate more closely with Indonesia, with turnbacks on the table.

The reformers are acutely aware of the dynamics within the Turnbull government, knowing that supporters of the deposed Tony Abbott will exploit any perceived policy retreats. As a consequence, they are opting for discretion and caution.

The third response is the most ambitious and the most important in the long term, with the aim of developing a regional approach to mass people movements that would render unnecessary dangerous boats trips and the cruel policies Australia has developed to deter them.

It has brought more than 30 experts, advocates, academics and government and non-government officials from Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar together in Bangkok this weekend for the second of six planned meetings over three years.

"To my knowledge, it's the first time that government and non-government players are coming together and talking about these issues from a number of countries in the region," says Arja Keski-Nummi, a former senior bureaucrat in Australia's immigration department who is taking part.

The expectation is that recommendations will be considered by officials meeting in Bangkok in the coming days and then ministers in a matter of weeks. The hope is that, within five or 10 years, the region will have a framework for dealing co-operatively and humanely with the challenge of those who are forced to flee their homelands by war, persecution, traffickers and even the impact of climate change.

If evidence was needed that the existing framework, known as the Bali process, has proved completely inadequate, last year's refugee crisis in the Bay of Bengal provided it in abundance.

Triggered by a crackdown on people smuggling by the Thai government after the discovery of a mass grave at a trafficker's camp, the crisis involved thousands of asylum seekers abandoned in boats in the Andaman Sea. About 300 Rohingya from Myanmar and Bangladeshis drowned or died of starvation, dehydration or injuries inflicted by those who abandoned them.

When the boats sought refuge in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, they were initially turned away, prompting a humanitarian crisis and international condemnation that forced the three countries to think again and offer temporary haven.

And when Abbott was asked if Australia would contribute to a solution by agreeing to resettle some of those found to be refugees, he delivered his signature three-word slogan: "Nope, nope, nope."

Aimed at a domestic audience, the statement did incalculable damage to Australia's standing in the region and globally, undermining the contribution this country has made in providing humanitarian assistance over decades and the capacity to be taken seriously in leading a regional response.

"Is Australia still taking refugees?" was the response of one stunned official from the other side of the world.

"Our problem is that we're fair weather friends," says John Menadue, formerly one of Australia's most senior bureaucrats and one of the participants in this weekend's Track II Dialogue on Forced Migration. "We run to the region when we've got a problem and then we walk away and lose interest."

While this is true, last year's episode invites other conclusions that are just as troubling as the Abbott response: that countries tend to be reactive, rather than anticipate a problem and have a framework in place to deal with it; and most respond through the prism of narrow national interest and sovereignty, when a broader outlook would result in better outcomes for all.

The crisis also underscored one of the biggest problems with the asylum seeker debate, both here and in Europe: the failure to articulate solutions informed by the facts in all of the affected countries.

"This is not like tax, where it's a crowded field of people saying they have the policy answer," says Travers McLeod, the Melbourne-based chief executive of the Centre for Policy Development, one of the three conveners of the dialogue.

"Part of the problem in this space has been that it's been relatively empty in terms of policy and very crowded in terms of advocacy."

Others problems are the absence of trust between key players, the lack of will on the part of regional institutions like ASEAN to get involved and the absence of so-called Track II dialogues (those involving key players outside government) aimed at developing ideas for governments to consider.

McLeod sees the dialogue as the most concerted attempt to date to deal with all of these problems, saying: "Until we put this policy laboratory together, there was no hope for us in carving out what that regional solution looks like."

Paris Aristotle, a member of Julia Gillard's expert panel on asylum issues that proposed a regional framework in August 2012, agrees, lamenting that no real progress has been made in developing one since.

The panel recommended the reopening of offshore processing centres on Nauru and Manus as a short-term "circuit-breaker" to deter boat arrivals, but calls to dramatically increase Australia's humanitarian intake, take more refugees from the region and build the capacity of countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand to improve conditions for asylum seekers were overlooked.

"Over the last 3½ years, the greatest failing has been that almost no progress has been made on a coherent regional framework that would provide the architecture to manage this issue co-operatively," says Aristotle, chief executive of the Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture and a participant in the dialogue.

"Australian policy has stopped boats and, most importantly, prevented deaths at sea, and that's a good thing - except for the fact that it is not sustainable over the long term and it's causing terrible harm to people which has to stop."

Now the pressure is mounting on all parties to embrace a more collaborative approach that anticipates challenges and provides answers.

Globally, the World Economic Forum's most recent report identified a "noticeable increase in both perceived likelihood and impact of the risk of large-scale involuntary migration".

This was heightened by three factors: people were staying in host countries longer; the global humanitarian architecture was unable to effectively respond; and most displaced people were moving to other developing countries, where social and governance systems were already weak or likely to fail.

In the region, there is no evidence that the persecution that forces Rohingya to flee will not continue, despite the victory by Aung San Suu Kyi's party in the November elections, and no guarantee that last year's crisis will not be repeated.

There is also a recognition that climate change and related extreme weather events have the greatest potential to trigger mass movement of people in Asia, with the top five nations in coastal, low-lying areas, as classified by population, all in this region: Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, India and Indonesia.

So what might it look like, this regional approach? Two guiding principles should, Menadue says, be adopted from the successful Indochinese program under the Fraser government: protection and processing in the region and prompt resettlement, based on a fair sharing of the burden.

The starting principle is that no country in the region can unilaterally and satisfactorily address the escalating challenges posed by forced migration.

With roughly one resettlement place on offer for every 10 people who need to be resettled, the framework would focus on providing longer-term sustainable care to displaced people in transit countries, promoting new migration pathways and more opportunities for migrant workers and assisting local integration.

It would also provide for a rapid response to any crisis, including mobilising search and rescue teams and have the support of ministers under an energised Bali process.

For Australia, it would mean further expanding the refugee program and deploying some of the billions now spent on imprisoning asylum seekers offshore on building the capacity of regional countries to provide basic services and work rights to displaced people.

Inevitably, it would also mean striking a deal whereby Indonesia co-operates with turnbacks to prevent a revival of the people-smuggling trade, but one where asylum seekers are no longer turned back to poverty, deprivation and indefinite detention.

And it would mean that those on Nauru and Manus are offered permanent protection here, in New Zealand and potentially elsewhere.

Most of all, it would also mean being brave enough to have a discussion where everything is on the table, and to accept that it is possible to construct a policy that protects Australia's border without knowingly, wantonly, damaging the lives of a relatively small group of vulnerable people who came to this country seeking protection.

Michael Gordon was invited to participate in the Track II Dialogue on Forced Migration in the Asia-Pacific by the Centre for Policy Development.

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