

This was published 4 years ago

Rooftop solar a shining light in Australia's renewable revolution

By Mike Foley

Households and businesses are increasingly embracing solar panels as the technology gets cheaper and power bills soar, with the renewable power source set to play a bigger role in Australia's shifting energy mix.

Australia is already a world leader in rooftop solar, with more than 2 million of the nation's 13 million homes fitted with panels, and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasts households and businesses will supply a quarter of the country's energy needs by 2040.

David Green is one of a growing number of Australians who've installed rooftop solar panels.

David Green is one of a growing number of Australians who've installed rooftop solar panels.Credit: Eddie Jim

Installations dropped to about 150,000 a year between 2013 and 2016 - from more than 350,000 in 2010 - as generous state feed-in tariff schemes petered out. But the annual installation rate is back over 200,000 as households in NSW and Victoria face energy price rises of up to 10 per cent a year.

David Green, who installed solar panels on the roof of his Burwood, Melbourne home a year ago, has sliced $470 off his annual electricity bill and earned another $800 for the excess power he sends back into the grid. With the $2225 Victorian state government rebate, he calculates his installation cost will be paid back in three years. Without the rebate, it would take six years.

"We use less power from the grid, my power bill is reduced, excess power is exported back into the grid and I earn feed-in credits that further reduce my bill," Mr Green said.

Experts say a new-look distributed energy grid, where the majority of electricity generation comes from houses, businesses and large-scale renewables, would cut bills for those who are able to install panels and batteries as well as those who remain reliant on the grid.

A 2017 report by the CSIRO on the evolution of the electricity network found with good planning, by 2050 a distributed energy grid would pay up to $2.5 billion a year to customers who supplied power back to the network and deliver an annual electricity saving of $414 to an average household.

Business groups including the Australia Industry Group have called for an end to "uncertainty [and] lack of co-ordination" in climate and energy policy since the government's dumping of the national energy guarantee last year.


But Victoria Energy Policy Centre director Bruce Mountain said while Australia's lack of a national energy policy to guide private investment had hampered development of the market, customers were taking matters into their own hands.


"There is massive investor uncertainty and network access is turning out to be more complicated than they thought it would be," Mr Mountain said. "But that doesn't mean the fundamental picture isn't positive and households and businesses are investing on their own. Rooftop solar is an ongoing revolution that will help put a lid on power prices for all customers - those that install solar and those who don't or can't."

The national energy grid sourced about 77 per cent of its power from fossil fuels in the past year, 18 per cent from large-scale wind and solar, and 5 per cent from rooftop solar.

The rapid uptake of household solar has prompted warnings from the Australian Energy Market Commission that the ageing grid would need upgrades to cope with the forecast penetration of renewables.

AEMO says 30 gigawatts of large-scale renewable generation will be needed by 2040 to replace old coal-fired power plants, as well as 20 gigawatts of dispatchable power like quick-start gas plants, batteries or pumped hydro to back up the renewables, coupled with billions of dollars of investment in transmission networks.


In the absence of national targets, Victoria has legislated a target of 50 per cent renewable energy by 2030 and is investing to support private industry. NSW has set a goal of 35 per cent emissions reduction on 2005 levels by 2030 and nominated three regional renewable energy zones where government will smooth the path through the approvals process for private investors, and co-ordinate investment in transmission lines to link new projects to the grid.

Australian National University Energy Change Institute director Lachlan Blackhall said while Australia was on a "very positive track" to develop an integrated grid and leverage new opportunities, strong policy was needed to guide the renewable shift.

"Australia is leading the world in how we transition to operate a grid powered by renewables and distributed assets," Dr Blackhall said. "Fossil fuels are set to reduce from about two-thirds of our capacity to about one-third by 2030 and all of that capacity is taken up by renewables - both centralised and distributed [large scale and household].

"Policy is needed to integrate the rapidly shifting energy mix. But it's an opportunity to export our expertise and generate jobs growth, not just in renewables but also decentralised energy. It's really exciting."

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