

This was published 4 years ago

'Ring fence critical habitat': Experts warn against government's plan

By Mike Foley

Experts warn threatened species protections may be reduced under the Morrison government’s plans to hand control of environmental assessments for major projects to the states under a new system of national standards.

Environment Minister Sussan Ley said the government was consulting with the states over the "one-touch" regime, which would "devolve" the Commonwealth's legal responsibilities to protect threatened species and World Heritage areas in assessments of major projects.

New national environment standards which are proposed by the Morrison government don't guarantee protection of habitat for critically endangered species like Leadbeater's possum.

New national environment standards which are proposed by the Morrison government don't guarantee protection of habitat for critically endangered species like Leadbeater's possum. Credit: Joe Armao

The plan doesn't commit to increase protections for critical habitats currently listed under the national environment laws.

There are about 1300 listed threatened species but only five registered critical habitats, which are limited to small areas in Commonwealth territory in South Australia, Macquarie Island, the ACT, and Pedra Branca, a rocky islet in the Southern Ocean.


Humane Society head of campaigns Nicola Beynon said the proposed national standards risked "ongoing destruction".

"In 20 years only five critical habitats have been listed on the EPBC Act Critical Habitat Register, two small sites on mainland Australia and three offshore island habitats for albatross," she said.

"Critical habitats for threatened species need to be ring fenced from ongoing destruction. The proto-type standard proposed for threatened species risks locking in the status quo."

The national standards do not rule out development in habitat for critically endangered mammals like Leadbeater's possum, Gilbert's potoroo, or koalas, which are listed as vulnerable and may be upgraded to endangered in some areas.


The most recent listing was made in 2005, and to date the challenge of listing critical habitat within a state or territory jurisdiction, to rule out the potential of clearing or development, has not been overcome.

Ms Ley revealed the plan as former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Graeme Samuel released the interim findings of his review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. He found the current environmental trajectory is unsustainable” and the laws were "ineffective and inefficient" for business.

Mr Samuel’s report proposed a draft set of national environment standards, which Ms Ley said she would take to parliament in August, with further changes to be considered.

The proposed national standards mirror the EPBC Act’s register of critical habitat, which stipulate "no detrimental change" can come from land clearing and project development.

The review noted that the critical habitat register is currently incomplete and "more should be identified and listed over time".

Ms Ley did not commit to expand the register of critical habitats, but said she would consider the issue.


"The standards will be consulted on before legislation is introduced. The consultation will canvass many issues including protections for critical habitat," Ms Ley said.

Environmental groups questioned if state governments should be granted control of project approvals, due to the federal government’s poor record on meeting EPBC Act requirements to protect and recover threatened species.

Only 10 per cent of the koala habitat cleared in NSW and Queensland between 2012 and 2017 was assessed by the federal government, despite national environment law requiring protection for threatened species.

Koalas were listed as a vulnerable species in 2012 and of the 160,000 hectares of known and likely habitat cleared up to 2017, 90 per cent was not reviewed by the federal government for its impact on the species. The new figures were revealed this week in an analysis of government development approval registers by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF).

Wilderness Society law specialist, Suzanne Milthorpe, said environmental law needed "clear lines in the sand right now".

"Unless the most important places are genuinely off-limits and the total amount of habitat destruction is substantially reduced then the situation will continue to worsen rather than improve," Ms Milthorpe said.

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