

This was published 1 year ago


‘Quite frightened’: What’s needed to defend ourselves will shock many Australians

The number 9/11 has two very different meanings, depending on your country’s date convention. In the United States, 9/11 is September 11, the date in 2001 when terrorists sent planes into Manhattan’s twin towers, launching the clash of religion and values that defined the decade. Before that, the European date format 9/11 had marked November 9 – the day in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell, completing the end of the Western-Soviet Cold War.

The fall of the wall seemed at the time to signal the triumph of liberalism, a high-point for Western self-confidence. But the attack on America brought with it ambiguity. What George W Bush hoped would be a short war in Iraq turned into a long, drawn out and often disastrous entanglement in the region, which cascaded into adjacent conflicts, including Syria. Prime Minister Tony Abbott described the Syrian conflict as one of “baddies versus baddies”, but by that stage even Westerners who had been in favour of toppling the tyrannical Iraqi regime had begun to worry, in the words of the skit, that we might be the baddies.

Even the Americans, once satirised by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone as “world police”, now doubt themselves. The European beneficiaries of US mobilisation in World War II and the subsequent Marshall Plan that preserved a strategic – and, on 9/11/1989, historically decisive – portion of Berlin for the Western allies have never forgiven their benefactors. In the age of “self-care”, Americans concluded they had enough strife and colonial guilt to deal with at home. Donald Trump expressed the weariness of the US when he promised to end the “forever wars”. In doing so, the man often described as a right-wing populist gave voice to 20 years of largely left-liberal angst.

The question of whether the West was acting justly was always an important one. The ability to ask it sits at the heart of Western values. But asking it also erodes the belief that they are superior values, creating the moral relativism which struggles to say unequivocally that something is wrong if it is the practice of another “equally valid” culture. For instance, who are we to judge Iran for its treatment of women when we fail to take action on domestic violence at home. If that seems worth pondering, you’re both a champion and a victim of Western values.

More proximately, that question sits at the heart of how we respond to the shifting geopolitical tectonics. Our existence and the ability to keep asking the question will depend on us feeling certain that we must preserve, even fight for, the ability to keep asking that question. It will depend on resolving in our own favour the question of what former defence minister, deputy prime minister and Labor leader Kim Beazley referred to at the Ramsay Centre last Wednesday night as “our right to be here”.

If that sounds like a loaded phrase, it’s because it is. Beazley points out that Australia as it currently exists is a product of superior force; the British were forced to find an alternative for the prison hulks moored around Georgia, and Australia seemed like an uncontroversial place. Not terra nullius but territory that was easy to seize from Indigenous inhabitants. Similarly, the British were able to chase the French away after they claimed Western Australia because of superior British naval force.

Time to muscle up? Australia will need to spend more to ensure its own security.

Time to muscle up? Australia will need to spend more to ensure its own security. Credit: ADF

Now, Beazley fears, we face a situation in which modern Australia is vulnerable to being gazumped in its turn, as we are rendered relatively weak in comparison to forces that might possess the military and economic, as well as psychological, legal and ideological capacities to exert their will on us.

And Beazley is frightened. “Quite frightened,” to be precise. In that very British-Australian way of using a modifier for emphasis.


The Americans are no longer talking about US pre-eminence to our ministers, he says. Instead, they talk a lot about allies and leveraging their allies. And it is “very important for [Australia] to remember that as we go about calculating and defending ourselves”.


Ourselves. That’s a frightening shift in language right there, as it means we cannot be a juvenile nation in the protection of our allies. We need to play our part. And that will mean significantly increasing our defensive and deterrent capabilities in the next three years.

Some of the necessary measures will come as a shock to many Australians, especially from a Labor government. We need only look to the Ukrainian war on Europe’s doorstep to see that national security must be treated as an existential threat, on a par with climate change.

Beazley’s well-informed fears would require spending vastly more on defence as well as digging “really big holes in Western Australia, in Victoria, Queensland, and NSW” and filling them full of crude oil. “Because you cannot keep processed oil for longer than six months,” he says. We need to build refineries as well as open the one in Western Australia and add the two shut recently in the eastern states.

It will take courage to frighten a population ready for some post-COVID peace, but no government is there just for the good times. In a sign that it is aware of the challenge, the Albanese government has already taken action to ensure that Australian rare minerals crucial to building defence capability would be off-limits to Chinese investment and that we again become a nation that can build things.


To support necessary measures, sometimes against the grain of climate concerns and possibly at the expense of other budget spending, Australians will need to begin to feel again that we have something to lose; that despite or because of their internal paradox, liberal values are worthwhile preserving.

If we agree we have something of value, it is right to be quite frightened of losing it.

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