

This was published 4 years ago

Queen's role revealed but Palace denies any part in Whitlam dismissal

By David Crowe

Buckingham Palace gave Sir John Kerr clear guidance he could use controversial reserve powers to break a deadlock in Australian politics one week before he cited the powers to sack Gough Whitlam and his government.

Queen Elizabeth II's private secretary, Sir Martin Charteris, told the then governor-general in November 1975 that the reserve powers had real value despite claims they were defunct, although he cautioned they should only be used at the "very end" of an impasse.

The letters between Sir John Kerr and the Palace show the Queen was aware the Australian governor-general was considering sacking the Whitlam government.

The letters between Sir John Kerr and the Palace show the Queen was aware the Australian governor-general was considering sacking the Whitlam government.Credit:

The advice is one of the extraordinary revelations in previously secret letters between Sir John and the Palace, igniting new arguments over the dismissal, the role of the monarchy and the push for Australia to become a republic.

The Palace reacted swiftly on Tuesday night to the dispute over the Queen's role, issuing a public statement that echoed a key claim in 1975 that the Queen played "no part" in the affair.

"While the royal household believes in the long-standing convention that all conversations between prime ministers, governor-generals and the Queen are private, the release of the letters by the National Archives [of] Australia confirms that neither Her Majesty nor the Royal Household had any part to play in Kerr's decision to dismiss Whitlam," the Palace said.

The letters confirm Sir John did not give the Queen advance warning he intended to dismiss Mr Whitlam as prime minister on November 11, although he canvassed his options with the Queen's private secretary and received counsel in return in the weeks before his move.

Sir Martin told Sir John on September 24 of legal authorities that said it was "constitutionally proper" to dissolve Parliament if a budget supply bill was blocked, and he emphasised the reserve powers in a letter on November 4.

"It is often argued that such powers no longer exist. I think those powers do exist, and the fact that they do, even if they are not used, affects the situation and the way people think and act," Sir Martin wrote.


"But to use them is a heavy responsibility and it is only at the very end when there is demonstrably no other course that they should be used."

Sir John named the reserve powers in a statement on November 11 to explain his authority to remove Mr Whitlam, install Liberal leader Malcolm Fraser as caretaker prime minister and force a general election to be held the following month.

Monash University professor Jenny Hocking said the Palace advice was "totally improper" and countered Sir Martin's public claim after the dismissal that the Queen had played "no part" in the events.

Professor Hocking said the Queen had breached a central tenet of the constitutional monarchy, to remain politically neutral.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull said the disclosures confirmed that having a monarch who was the head of state of another country was a flaw in the Australian system.

"What this demonstrates is the Palace was intimately aware of and contributed to Kerr’s decision-making process about the constitutional crisis," said Mr Turnbull, a founder of the Australian Republican Movement.

"It underlines why Australia should have an Australian head of state."

Mr Turnbull said Sir Martin would not have been able to sit in the Australian Parliament and yet could influence the nation’s affairs from London.

Former prime minister John Howard, a Liberal frontbencher at the time of the dismissal, countered those arguments by saying the letters highlighted what was being discussed in public.


"The use of reserve powers was being canvassed publicly at the time. The palace behaved with complete propriety. These letters confirm that," Mr Howard told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

University of Sydney professor Anne Twomey said the letters countered the "silly conspiracy theories" about foreign intervention and showed the key decision was made by an Australian, Sir John.

But former Labor Senator Doug McClelland, a member of Mr Whitlam’s ministry and later a President of the Senate, denounced the dismissal as a "denial of democracy".

"What Kerr did was awful, it was a demonstration against social democracy," Mr McClelland said.

"Not only was it a dismissal of the Labor government, a duly elected government, but it was a wanton disregard of the will of the House of Representatives in expressing no confidence in the Fraser government."

Labor leader Anthony Albanese said the dismissal, and the 45-year wait for the Palace Letters to be revealed, reinforced the need for an Australian head of state.

Peter FitzSimons, the chair of the Australian Republic Movement and a Herald journalist, said the letters revealed an "undemocratic power structure" in the Australian constitution that "should offend all Australians".

"We still have democratically elected Australian leaders reporting in to unelected English people. It was an affront to the national dignity then. It is a double affront now," he said.

Writing to the Palace on the day of the dismissal, Sir John said he had chosen not to tell the Queen he would dismiss Mr Whitlam.

"I was of the opinion that it was better for Her Majesty not to know in advance, though it is, of course, my duty to tell her immediately," he said.

Sir Martin responded with sympathy and support and praised Sir John for acting with "perfect" constitutional propriety as well as "admirable consideration" for the Queen.

Professor Hocking said the letters highlighted Sir John’s crucial decision to seek counsel from the Palace but to keep Mr Whitlam in the dark on his intentions.

"That’s the deeply troubling aspect of all of this – the deception of the prime minister," she said.

Gough Whitlam on the steps of Parliament after his dismissal in 1975.

Gough Whitlam on the steps of Parliament after his dismissal in 1975.Credit: Archive

In significant revelations, the letters confirm Sir John told Prince Charles in September that he feared Mr Whitlam would ask the Queen to recall him as governor-general and that this conversation was relayed to the Queen.

In a letter that shaped the dismissal, Sir Martin wrote on October 2 to tell Sir John that the Queen would take "most unkindly" to any request to recall him but would have to act on the prime minister’s advice.


"I think it is right that I should make the point that at the end of the road the Queen, as a constitutional sovereign, would have no option but to follow the advice of her prime minister," he wrote.

The letters show Sir John dwelt on this scenario and sent the Palace a news clipping that suggested Mr Whitlam could remove him.

On November 11, contrary to advice from High Court judge Sir Anthony Mason, Sir John chose to tell Mr Fraser of his intentions but took Mr Whitlam by surprise. He handed Mr Whitlam a letter of dismissal.

The Palace Letters reveal that Mr Whitlam telephoned Sir Martin hours after the dismissal, at 4.15am in London, to argue that he should be restored to the prime ministership because the budget supply bills had been passed and Mr Fraser's government had lost a vote of no confidence.

"He spoke calmly and did not ask me to make any approach to the Queen, or indeed to do anything other than the suggestion that I should speak to you to find out what was going on," Sir Martin wrote to Sir John on November 17.

Mr Whitlam later wrote that Sir John was "plainly obsessed" with the idea the prime minister would seek his removal.

In his memoir, The Truth of the Matter, Mr Whitlam said it was "preposterous" to suggest he would have phoned the Palace to seek Sir John's removal. The letter from Sir Martin reveals the phone call, but makes it clear Mr Whitlam did not ask for the Queen to intervene to removal Sir John.

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