

This was published 3 years ago

Qantas’ plan for mandatory COVID jabs wins Prime Minister’s backing

By Nick Bonyhady

Qantas’ decision to mandate COVID jabs after surveys showed its 22,000 staff overwhelmingly backed the move has been hailed by the Prime Minister as the “right model” for other businesses seeking to do the same.

With the government determined to largely leave mandatory jabs to individual companies, Qantas’ decision will stand as a template for other big firms from mining to hospitality feeling compelled by health and safety rules to require jabs for their workers.

Qantas will require its frontline staff to be vaccinated against the coronavirus by November.

Qantas will require its frontline staff to be vaccinated against the coronavirus by November.Credit: James Brickwood

Some employer groups were left frustrated by the government’s stance after a roundtable on Wednesday morning with unions, regulators and Attorney-General Michaelia Cash, and issued statements suggesting some of their members would move individually to require jabs.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday it was a decision for individual firms, but praised Qantas’ approach. “They have a reasonable position to be able to make this request, and they’ve gone about it, I think, in a very engaged way,” Mr Morrison said. “They’ve shown, I think, the right model about how you go about this.”

Even within the aviation industry, the national carrier’s move will have an impact on more than 10,000 other staff employed by contractors and suppliers that Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said were now working with the airline on their own vaccination plans.

The decision also moves the mandatory vaccination debate into a new phase, showing more firms are willing to stare down the union criticism and social media firestorm that engulfed food manufacturer SPC when it became the first major Australian company to announce it will require jabs.

‘They’ve shown, I think, the right model about how you go about this.’

Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Qantas’ new policy, which also extends to Jetstar, will require frontline staff such as pilots to have both jabs by November 15 and office staff to be double vaccinated by the end of March. Medical exemptions will be granted sparingly in-line with federal health advice.

“If other employees decided that they’re not taking the jab, then they’re deciding I think that aviation isn’t the area for them,” Mr Joyce said.


Employers are allowed to issue reasonable directions to their staff, which could include requiring vaccinations, and Qantas has cited the long distances its personnel travel, the number of people they interact with and essential nature of much of its work to justify its move on safety grounds.


The airline hasn’t decided yet whether it will also require passengers to get vaccinated on domestic flights.

Unions quickly objected to Qantas’ plan, saying its promise to consult after making its announcement was backward. “An employee should not have to decide between a jab and a job,” said

Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association secretary Steve Purvinas while the Transport Workers Union and Australian Services Union took aim at the lack of vaccine supply.

“It’s mystifying, disturbing and unnecessary,” transport union boss Michael Kaine said of Qantas’ decision.

As the Qantas news broke on Wednesday morning, unions and employers were meeting with Attorney-General Michaelia Cash and regulators to discuss the workplace rollout.

On issues including indemnities for the side effects from workplace vaccination and which businesses are allowed to require jabs, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Andrew McKellar said businesses did not get the answers they need.

“We need some leadership on it from government,” Mr McKellar said. Australian Resources and Energy Group boss Steve Knott was similarly critical, saying there had been political paralysis.

“No one wants to take on the tough issue of, if safety is first, what do you do with the vaccine-hesitant cohort within a workforce?” Mr Knott said.

Ai Group chief executive Innes Willox said the meeting cemented his view that employers would need to get their own legal advice and choose for themselves whether to mandate jabs.


“It will not be surprising if more businesses that are public-facing or have workers in close proximity announce decisions to mandate vaccinations over the months ahead,” Mr Willox said.

In the meeting, two sources said Senator Cash had cast doubt on the prospect of a wide range of businesses from hospitality to retail being allowed to mandate vaccines under current law.

She said in a statement the meeting had been positive and co-operative as unions and businesses agreed the goal was to vaccinate as many Australians as possible against COVID-19.

In a survey of 12,000 Qantas staff, 89 per cent said they had received at least one coronavirus vaccine dose or planned to get one, which Qantas has encouraged with paid vaccination leave. About three-quarters of Qantas staff supported requiring all colleagues to be vaccinated.

Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus said the survey data showed that Qantas’ staff were already eager to be vaccinated and only waiting on supply.

“By bringing out the big stick, actually this is a recipe for conflict where we don’t need conflict,” Ms McManus said in an argument the unions say is true for the entire economy.

Ms McManus said the unions would now reach out to employer groups to try to find common ground on issues like paid vaccination leave.

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