

This was published 5 years ago

Policy needs to support innovation in electric car sector: AEMC

By Mike Foley

The Australian Energy Market Commission says policy makers need to pave the way for the rising number of electric vehicles on the nation's roads, warning if they don't drivers will wear unnecessary costs.

In an issues paper released on Thursday, the AEMC noted global market share had been "growing significantly", with more than 5 million electric vehicles sold worldwide to date. Sales reached 1.13 million in the first half of 2019, up 46 per cent on the same period the previous year.

The rise of electric vehicles must be accompanied by new policy, the AEMC says.

The rise of electric vehicles must be accompanied by new policy, the AEMC says.Credit: Bloomberg

Australia trails the world, with electric vehicles accounting for just 0.6 per cent of vehicles sold last year. But sales of electric cars, including hybrid plug-ins, more than tripled in the past year to 6718, from 2216 in 2018. The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics forecasts 60 per cent of new cars sales in Australia will be electric by 2046.

AEMC acting chief executive Suzanne Falvi said policy makers "need to make sure that existing rules and regulations don't stifle innovation".

"Sales of electric vehicles increased by more than 200 per cent between 2018 and 2019 and we need to lock in lower-cost ways to support consumers who want them," Ms Falvi said. "If we get ahead of the curve, we can make sure this technology makes a positive contribution to our future power system and doesn't become another cost driver."

Manufacturers have cited "range anxiety" as a major hurdle in the take-up of electric cars in Australia, with a lack of public charging infrastructure holding back their adoption. Cost also remains a major barrier.

Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor expects to release an electric vehicle strategy by the middle of the year that focuses on practical actions to address these barriers. A government source said there were no plans to set targets for vehicle sales as part of the strategy.

Electric Vehicle Council chief executive Behyad Jafari supports sales targets that would send a "signal to the global industry that Australia was a suitable place in which to invest and engage".


The AEMC's issues paper, which calls for stakeholder feedback, said an increase in the electric vehicle fleet would probably increase electricity consumption and put new demands on the energy grid. The new paradigm was a "significant opportunity for retailers to innovate" with products designed for electric vehicle drivers.


"It is important that retail market regulation enables retailers, or new energy service providers, to efficiently realise and deliver value streams from the charging (or discharging) of [electric vehicle] batteries," the AEMC paper said.

New technology could enable electric vehicle owners to send "off grid" power directly from their rooftop solar to their car batteries, and potentially sell excess into the grid.

"With the right systems in place, households can charge their vehicles when energy is cheap and have the option to sell power back into the grid when it's more expensive," Ms Falvi said.

The AEMC paper said charging stations needed for electric vehicles would have a large impact on the grid, noting that one charging station built in Adelaide in 2017 with eight chargers was equivalent to the connection of 100 new homes.

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