

This was published 9 months ago


Pezzullo gone but the lessons should not be forgotten

Anthony Albanese promised not to sack any public servants but, on Monday, the prime minister claimed his second executive scalp – without blood on his hands.

Mike Pezzullo has been one of Australia’s most powerful public servants.

Mike Pezzullo has been one of Australia’s most powerful public servants.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Instead, the secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, Michael Pezzullo, was fired following an independent inquiry finding he had breached the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct.

In September, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and 60 Minutes revealed through leaked messages that Pezzullo spent years using a political back-channel to two Liberal prime ministers to undermine political and public service enemies, promote careers of conservative politicians he considered allies and lobby to muzzle the press. He was shown to have used the largely untraceable encrypted messaging apps WhatsApp and Signal for exchanges with Scott Briggs, a lobbyist, businessman and former vice president of the NSW Liberals, and repeatedly claimed he was apolitical and a neutral servant of the government of the day.

Pezzullo’s position was untenable the moment the exchanges were published. No minister, Labor or Coalition, would trust him again. A more honourable man would have quit and saved the government the bother and taxpayers the money of an inquiry. Not Pezzullo.


Nevertheless, the Herald commended Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil for suspending him less than a day after the reports appeared. She referred Pezzullo to the newly appointed Australian Public Service commissioner, Gordon de Brouwer, for investigation.

Now, the commissioner has determined Pezzullo breached the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct at least 14 times, finding he had used his duty, power, status or authority to seek to gain a benefit or advantage for himself, engaged in gossip and disrespectful critique of ministers and public servants, failed to maintain confidentiality of sensitive government information, failed to act apolitically in his employment and failed to disclose a conflict of interest.

Albanese announced the governor-general in council had terminated his appointment as secretary in a terse four-paragraph statement on Monday. He said Stephanie Foster would continue to act as secretary of the department until a permanent appointment was made.

Pezzullo, a career public servant since 1987, worked for federal departments and Hawke government ministers, and had a stint as Labor leader Kim Beazley’s deputy chief of staff, before rejoining the public service with customs and border protection, overseeing Operation Sovereign Borders. Prime minister Tony Abbott appointed him head of immigration and border protection in 2014.


Under the Coalition, he accrued a bureaucratic stronghold perhaps unrivalled since wartime, pushing hard within the Turnbull government to introduce a Home Affairs Department. It would bring powerful agencies formerly under the watch of the attorney-general, including ASIO and the federal police, under the umbrella of a new super-department with Immigration and Border Protection. He was appointed the secretary of Home Affairs in 2017, a role that vested him with extraordinary influence, and he was trusted implicitly by successive governments to wield that influence judiciously and impartially.


Politicisation of the public service results in valuing partisan politics over policy and does the nation, indeed a political party, little good in the end. As the robo-debt royal commission has shown, integrity, accountability and transparency bowed to soft corruption and abetted a policy that not only victimised welfare recipients but resulted in fictitious debts and real deaths. Kathryn Campbell, the secretary of the Department of Social Services and Human Services at the height of the robo-debt crisis, was given a new job soon after Albanese won the election on a reported annual salary of about $900,000. Fourteen months later, when the royal commission handed in its report in July, she resigned, Albanese’s first scalp.

Now, Pezzullo has joined her. And another shameful episode of public service has closed.

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