

This was published 6 years ago

Parliament to consider sweeping changes to the way ABC board members are picked

By Bevan Shields

An influential crossbencher will exploit the Morrison government's slim grip on power in Parliament to float a radical overhaul of the ABC board selection process, including establishing US Senate-style confirmation hearings.

In an "urgent" four-stage reform plan that would delay the appointment of a new chair and managing director at the embattled public broadcaster, Fairfax Media can reveal independent senator Tim Storer is gathering cross-party support to amend legislation that dictates how ABC board members are selected.

He has also proposed an end to political battles over the $1.3 billion annual cost of the ABC and SBS by establishing a mandatory, independent and public review of their government funding every three years.

The ABC board is under pressure after last week's disastrous firing of managing director Michelle Guthrie and subsequent resignation of chairman Justin Milne, who wanted high-profile reporters Andrew Probyn and Emma Alberici sacked because they were unpopular with the Coalition government.

Ms Guthrie, who was dumped just halfway through a five-year contract, is still considering her legal options and may pursue court action against the government. She and the board directors who unanimously agreed to terminate her $900,000-a-year job are also expected to be called to give evidence at a parliamentary inquiry that threatens to expose more damaging details about the turmoil at the top of the ABC.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison put the broadcaster's board on notice on Sunday, saying he expects them to "do better".

"And if they don't, well they can expect a bit more attention from me," Mr Morrison warned.

The seven remaining ABC directors are clinging to their positions amid calls for them to quit over a failure to swiftly address documented evidence of Mr Milne's editorial interference, as well as doubts over their suitability for the coveted five-year positions.

An independent nomination panel is meant to select ABC and SBS board appointments, but their recommendations have been repeatedly ignored by Communications Minister Mitch Fifield.


Recent government picks include Minerals Council of Australia chairwoman Vanessa Guthrie, South Australian businesswoman Donny Walford, and lawyer Joseph Gersh, who is close to former treasurer Peter Costello. The panel also last year recommended Gilbert + Tobin founder Danny Gilbert for the $160,000-a-year chairman's role, but former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull appointed Mr Milne, who was a friend and former business colleague.

In a letter to Mr Morrison sent Sunday night, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten demanded to be "genuinely consulted, with sufficient notice," on all new ABC board decisions, including the new chair.

"Labor is incredibly concerned about the ability of Senator Fifield to make suitable appointments, including for the new ABC chair, given his disregard for the independent nomination panel process," Mr Shorten wrote. "This approach cannot continue."

Senator Storer told Fairfax Media the crisis was a rare chance to restore confidence in the system, and will propose a series of amendments to the ABC Act when Parliament resumes in a fortnight.

The changes would likely receive the support of Labor and most crossbench members in the Senate. In could also go close to a tie in the House of Representatives should the government lose the October 20 Wentworth byelection.

The changes would force the existing independent nomination panel to publish the names of who it thinks should sit on the ABC or SBS board, ahead of giving the advice to the government.

The government would also need to publicly explain "in advance and in good time" if it intends to ignore the panel's advice. If that happens, the communications minister would need to consult the leader of the opposition. If that still fails to produce a consensus, the government's pick would be subject to a full public Senate committee inquiry similar to confirmation hearings in the US Senate.

Independent senator Tim Storer.

Independent senator Tim Storer. Credit: AAP

"The ABC is the nation’s premier cultural institution; the prism through which we view
ourselves, our nation and the world," Senator Storer said.

"The positions of managing director and chair should not be filled permanently unless and until new legislative arrangements are in place to strengthen that independence and transparency."

The Coalition has already started sounding out potential new ABC chairs, including former Nine chief executive officer David Gyngell, who is understood to not be interested. Former News Corp Australia chief executive Kim Williams and Fairfax Media chief executive officer Greg Hywood are in the mix for the job.

The new acting chair of the ABC, Kirstin Ferguson, declined requests for an interview on Sunday. Ms Ferguson is under fire after Fairfax Media revealed she knew as long ago as May of Ms Guthrie's frustration with Mr Milne's interference in editorial matters.

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