

This was published 1 year ago


Our political swamp will not be cleansed by the disgracing of Morrison

There is a danger in the ongoing humiliation of Scott Morrison that he becomes a convenient fall guy for a wider system failure.

Morrison’s conduct in office, and his subsequent refusal to accept the conclusions of a library shelf of damning reports into his misuse of power, is an extreme example of a political culture that created and enabled him.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

He reflects the worst instincts of an entitled generation of politicians, both Liberal and Labor, who believe that an election victory affirms their right to rule. It confers no such right. It gives them the privilege to represent the Australian people, and the responsibility to protect our democratic institutions.

Morrison’s one-man government was the culmination of a generation of bad practice that began with John Howard’s final term between 2004 and 2007, when the government ran on a model of continuous campaigning with a handout machine churning out funds at the local level for the purpose of re-election. Every prime minister from Howard inherited a system that centralised power and ran the country from the prime minister’s office, with the temporary exception of Malcolm Turnbull, who attempted but failed to restore the old-fashioned concept of cabinet government to a divided Coalition.

Morrison’s responses to the royal commission into robo-debt, the inquiry into his secret ministries, and the audits of infrastructure programs such as the outrageous commuter car park fund have in common a Catch-22 logic designed to absolve him of any blame. As the one with power, only he knew what it meant to wield it. So any questioning of his conduct – whether at a press conference at the time, or after the fact in the witness box of a royal commission – could be dismissed with the putdown that the interrogator didn’t understand politics.


“The findings which are adverse to me are based upon a fundamental misunderstanding of how government operates,” Morrison said in reply to robo-debt royal commissioner Catherine Holmes last week.

To be fair to Morrison, this retort was on the mild side when compared with the backhander he gave to former High Court Justice Virginia Bell on the release of her secret ministries inquiry last November: “As Prime Minister my awareness of issues regarding national security and the national interest was broader than that known to individual Ministers and certainly to the Inquiry. This limits the ability for third parties to draw definitive conclusions on such matters.”

If it were just Morrison saying these things as a defeated PM, the system could begin to move on.


But note how familiar this shameless line of rebuttal is. Daniel Andrews, the most electorally successful leader, federal or state, of this generation, has mastered the dark art of deflection, using a few chilling words where Morrison deployed a stream of self-serving consciousness. Recall the Victorian Labor premier’s curt dismissal of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission report in April, which found the Andrews government improperly awarded a Labor-affiliated union a $1.2 million contract. Andrews said the report was “educational”.

Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass, whose office originally referred the matter to IBAC, corrected the premier. “I think it says a lot about the premier’s views on corruption and integrity,” she told 3AW. The IBAC report was not educational – “it was a damning report about misconduct of ministerial advisers and ministerial responsibility for those advisers”.

Now to be fair to Andrews, nothing in the IBAC report comes close to the findings against Morrison in the robo-debt scandal. As the minister responsible for the scheme’s introduction in 2015, Morrison “allowed cabinet to be misled” and “failed to meet his ministerial responsibility to ensure that cabinet was properly informed about what the proposal actually entailed and to ensure that it was lawful”, Holmes wrote in her report.

The one who didn’t understand how government is meant to operate was, in fact, Morrison. Holmes found that Morrison gave misleading evidence to the inquiry. “The Commission rejects as untrue Mr Morrison’s evidence that he was told that income averaging as contemplated in the Executive Minute was an established practice and a ‘foundational way’ in which DHS (the Department of Human Services) worked.” He provided no written record of such advice.

Perhaps, Morrison had convinced himself that the central flaw in the scheme – the illegal use of annual tax data to create an average of a welfare recipient’s income from which a computer-generated debt notice was issued – was something previous Labor governments had invented and that he was a passive victim of their incompetence.


The robo-debt royal commission observed that the scheme “was the subject of heavy public criticism” by late 2016 but “was nonetheless persisted with until November 2019, when it was announced that debts would no longer be raised solely on the basis of averaged income”. That is, the illegal scheme sent its poison letters to almost half a million innocent Australians as Morrison rose through the ranks, from treasurer in Turnbull’s government to prime minister following Peter Dutton’s failed leadership coup in 2018.

Politicians on all sides, public servants and even the press gallery would be making a grievous mistake if they expect that the system will be cleansed by the disgracing of Morrison, and his eventual departure from parliament.

The office of prime minister was damaged long before Morrison occupied it. He inherited a system that had so politicised the idea of government that any criticism, advice or even simple community feedback was seen as a political attack, to be rebutted with the same intensity of language that a PM would use against an opposition leader in question time.

When Morrison told Catherine Holmes and Virgina Bell that they didn’t understand government, he was saying, in effect, that no one can judge an elected government between campaigns, or even after a government has been defeated. Only the people can hire and fire, but their sovereignty is limited to the election itself. If they have any complaints beyond that, they should wait their turn to vote again.


The challenge for Anthony Albanese and his government in the wake of the robo-debt findings goes beyond the re-empowering the public service, and better cabinet processes. The biggest question now is whether Labor can restore the traditions of representation to politics. That will require Albanese, in particular, to show that he can take criticism, to demonstrate from the top down that it is OK to speak truth to power again.

The test for the Labor prime minister will come when the polls eventually tighten. Will he succumb to the dual temptations of blame-shifting and pork-barrelling, and repeat the sorry history of Liberal and Labor predecessors? Or will he confess his mistakes in real time, and reduce the demand for future royal commissions?

George Megalogenis is a journalist, political commentator and author.

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