

This was published 5 years ago

'Nobody is above the law': Journalists committed a crime, says Peter Dutton

By Bevan Shields

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has rejected demands to drop police action against three high-profile journalists, declaring reporters are committing a crime by receiving top-secret documents.

As the minister responsible for the Australian Federal Police, Mr Dutton has come under pressure to order the agency to abandon any investigation into ABC journalists Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, and News Corp reporter Annika Smethurst.

The journalists were the subject of dramatic police raids in Sydney and Melbourne last month, which triggered international condemnation and a major political debate over press freedom in Australia.

The ABC reporters published top-secret government material containing allegations of misconduct by Australian troops in Afghanistan, including the potential unlawful killings of unarmed men and children, while Smethurst used leaked letters to reveal discussions inside the Department of Defence and Department of Home Affairs about giving Australia's domestic cyber spies broader powers.


Mr Dutton on Friday rejected demands from media chiefs to drop any action against the reporters.

"Nobody is above the law and the police have a job to do under the law," he told the Today program.

"I think it is up to the police to investigate, to do it independently and make a decision about whether or not they prosecute."

Critically, Mr Dutton added: "These are laws that go back decades in western democracies like ours where, if you've got top secret documents and they've been leaked, it is an offence under the law and police have an obligation to investigate a matter referred to them ... and they'll do that."


Section 7 of the Crimes Act notes that any person who receives or communicates a secret document without permission has committed an indictable offence and faces up to seven years in prison.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, who was being interviewed alongside Mr Dutton, was given an opportunity to say whether he believed police action against reporters should be dropped, but said it was a matter for the government.

"Quite clearly the government needs to show leadership on this issue," he said.

Mr Albanese has previously challenged Attorney-General Christian Porter to explain whether he stood by his claim that there was "no evidence" journalists were the focus of law enforcement action.

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age this week revealed the AFP approached Qantas in March seeking details on two flights taken by one of the two ABC reporters who received and published top-secret government material containing allegations of misconduct by Australian troops in Afghanistan.


A document recounting the exchange between the AFP and Qantas is headlined "Statement in the matter of R v Daniel Michael Oakes", suggesting police could be building a case against the reporter in addition to pursuing the Defence whistleblower who has already admitted to leaking the information.

In addition to the possible case against Oakes, emails obtained under freedom of information laws show that Smethurst could also be prosecuted.

A detective sergeant from the AFP's "sensitive investigations" unit emailed communications staff on the morning after the raid on Smethurst's home to thank them for their service.

One staff member wrote back: "Reporting hasn't caught up on the publishing offence - many still think she's just doing her job."

Asked last month whether it was a crime to publish leaked secret documents, acting AFP commissioner Gaughan replied: "Yes, it can be", but noted there might be public interest exemptions under federal law.

"I'm not going to rule in or rule out anyone subject to further charges," he said.

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