

This was published 3 years ago

‘Moving the debate’: Mike Cannon-Brookes on climate independents and his budget wishlist

By Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Technology entrepreneur and environmentalist Mike Cannon-Brookes is yet to financially back any political candidates for the upcoming 2022 federal election, but believes the climate independents have been effective in moving the debate on the environment, integrity in politics and gender.

The Atlassian co-founder – the third-richest Australian with an estimated fortune of about $20 billion, according to the AFR Rich List – wants Australia to take the political heat out of climate action by embracing the economic opportunities of decarbonisation.

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes said the issue of climate action needed to be depoliticised.

Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes said the issue of climate action needed to be depoliticised.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Last October Mr Cannon-Brookes and his wife Annie pledged to make $1 billion in climate investments and give $500 million in climate philanthropy over the next 10 years. That is on top of previous investment in companies with a decarbonisation focus, such as solar financing company Brighte and solar infrastructure project Sun Cable, and donations to organisations such as the Climate Council that he believes are depoliticising the issue of climate action and focusing on solutions. One of the more recent philanthropic donations is to Rewiring Australia, founded in 2021 by Dr Saul Griffith to research and promote the benefits of electrifying homes.

Mr Cannon-Brookes made his first and, so far, only foray into political donations in 2019, with a $50,000 gift to Simon Holmes a Court’s Climate 200 campaign backing independents running on an agenda of climate action.

Mr Cannon-Brookes said it was obvious why the independents were focusing on climate change, integrity in politics, and gender, given they were areas where the government had performed poorly or engaged in hyperbole such as last election’s claim that Labor wanted to “end your weekend” with its electric vehicles policy.

“The independents are more or less being a catalyst to increase the volume of discussions on those three things, which in my view can only be a good thing,” he said.

“It’s also about moving the debate – by taking an issue and taking a stand, you force others to respond to your stance.”

“If anybody who’s pointing fingers is more transparent than Climate 200 then I’ll eat my hat ... It’s beyond the pot calling the kettle black.”

Mike Cannon-Brookes

But Mr Cannon-Brookes said his support was issue-based rather than partisan, also singling out NSW Treasurer Matt Kean for praise over his success in winning support for climate policy not only from his own party but also the Nationals and Labor. He said the federal Coalition had an opportunity to reset with the upcoming budget and Australia would win once all sides were setting out competing policy for how best to benefit from the decarbonisation “that’s going to happen with or without us”.


He has identified four priorities he hopes the government will include in the federal budget, or that candidates will embrace in the upcoming election. These are electrifying homes to replace gas and petrol, investing in infrastructure and incentives for electric vehicles, making Australia a base for battery manufacturing, and building out transmission infrastructure to support renewable energy.

“We can get lost in this narrative of ‘technology not taxes’ – where there’s a delaying of climate action and a delaying of the economic benefits of a carbon cap from a belief that we need to wait for some magical technology of the future,” Mr Cannon-Brookes said. “These are all technologies we have today that just need to be deployed and rolled out.”

Mr Cannon-Brookes said he was trying to be “productive and concrete” and rejected the narrative that he was “just throwing stones” at the government from the sidelines, pointing out he sat on a number of government boards and councils at both state and federal level. While none of these roles were directly to do with climate change, he said he “put up his hand repeatedly for a whole lot of things” and would be willing to serve if asked.

Mr Cannon-Brookes said he was “happy to be a small part” of Climate 200 getting off the ground, but he has not had time in this election cycle to consider further support.

He also revealed he was one of the early backers of the little-known Climate Outcome Foundation, which in turn donated $195,000 to Climate 200 in 2018-19 and $77,000 in 2020-21. Mr Cannon-Brookes described the donation as small and said the group at the time was trying to educate the public about the benefits of decarbonisation through podcasts and other media.

Climate Outcome Foundation was deregistered in January, before it would have to register with the Australian Electoral Commission as an associated entity and start disclosing its donors. It passed on most of its funds to Climate 200, in a move that political opponents have used to attack Mr Holmes a Court over political transparency and integrity.

Liberal Senator Jane Hume recently accused founder Simon Holmes a Court of hypocrisy and described supporters as “trust fund babies” and “part of a new bunyip aristocracy” trying to “subvert democracy”.

Mr Holmes a Court in turn claimed a backlash to the senator’s attacks spurred a fivefold increase in donations over a 48-hour period, rising from nearly $8000 a day before Senator Hume’s comments to nearly $40,000 a day, mostly from small donations.

Mr Cannon-Brookes said that did not surprise him because the attack was “bullshit”.

“If anybody who’s pointing fingers is more transparent than Climate 200 then I’ll eat my hat,” he said. “It’s beyond the pot calling the kettle black.”

Climate 200’s disclosure for 2020-21, which was lodged with the electoral commission by February 1 but has yet to be made public, will also reveal a $56,000 donation from technology entrepreneur and prominent Zali Steggall backer Anna Josephson.


Climate 200 executive director Byron Fay said 7600 donors had contributed $7.1 million since the relaunch of Climate 200 in August, with a third coming from rural and regional areas, but these donations won’t be reported until next February.

Mr Cannon-Brookes said Australia should have real-time disclosure for political donations rather than the disclosures being published once a year, months after the election, adding there was no technical impediment to this.

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