

This was published 2 years ago


Morrison’s strategy a political masterstroke or moral failure

Any lingering doubts moderate Liberals might have had that Scott Morrison was prepared to sacrifice heartland seats, including Kooyong held by his Treasurer and deputy Josh Frydenberg, to harvest votes in the regions and outer suburbs have been dispelled.

They smelled a rat on Sunday when he pledged to proceed with religious discrimination legislation without simultaneously protecting the rights of LGBTQ students.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he had no regrets about choosing Katherine Deves because he wanted strong women to run for the Liberals.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he had no regrets about choosing Katherine Deves because he wanted strong women to run for the Liberals.Credit: James Brickwood

Confirmation followed with another, even more robust defence of his chosen candidate for Warringah, Katherine Deves, after her carefully stage-managed retraction of an earlier apology for her transphobic tweets.

Morrison, who had earlier excused Deves’ repugnant assertions on the basis of her apology, now defends her retraction and supports the substance of her claims undeterred by any mangling of medical or legal facts.

Senior Liberals fear Morrison has deliberately sealed the fate of a clutch of moderates already struggling to survive, thanks to the poor handling of the challenge from women independents as well as from Labor in inner urban seats, which now threatens to hollow out the party and could eventually split it in two.

They accused Morrison of abandoning progressive Liberals and using Deves to chase conservative Christians or people of other faiths – as he did against same-sex marriage in 2017, and again in 2019 when he promoted his religion and refused to condemn Israel Folau’s homophobic rants – in the belief he could break through Labor’s red wall in the Hunter or western Sydney.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.

Illustration by Dionne Gain.Credit:

One Liberal described that as fantasy, another as treachery.

According to three NSW Liberal sources, Deves’ campaign for Warringah is now being run out of the prime minister’s office with Morrison’s chief political adviser, Yaron Finkelstein, playing a key role. A spokesman for the prime minister rejected these claims as “completely false”: “The PMO (prime minister’s office) is not involved in Ms Deves’ campaign.”


Local Liberals are boycotting her and her campaign, preferring to help out in other seats like North Sydney where Trent Zimmerman has been caught in a pincer movement between independent Kylea Tink and Labor’s Catherine Renshaw. Zimmerman had earlier called for Deves to be disendorsed.

According to one well-connected Liberal, Deves’ Sky interview recanting her apology was set up deliberately to resuscitate the issue with the prime minister banking on getting asked about it at his press conference the next morning. Which he was.

“I am absolutely pleased that I’ve been able to recruit and we’ve been able to appoint strong female Liberal candidates that won’t just run with the pack when it comes to issues, but will actually stand up for what they believe in,” Morrison said. “That’s what being a Liberal is all about.”

Not everyone agreed. “Hateful and hurtful,” was how one Liberal described it, fearing for the future of the party if Frydenberg lost his seat.

The PMO says it was unaware of Deves’ interview with Sky news until it aired.

Another, a former MP, said Morrison’s strategy not only amounted to deliberately sacrificing moderates, but of actively working against fellow Liberals ideologically opposed to him whom he disliked. He described the betrayal of sitting members as “an act of treason”.

It is fatuous for Morrison to congratulate himself for choosing Deves when she makes Craig Kelly (another Morrison captain’s pick) look rational, and after he and his party have so badly mishandled the threat from the teal independents.

Liberal candidate for Warringah Katherine Deves.

Liberal candidate for Warringah Katherine Deves.Credit: James Brickwood

The crude political tactics, the sledging, the denigration of obviously articulate, accomplished women for daring to challenge the Liberals’ best and brightest was manifestation of the sort of behaviour which had alienated those voters in the first place.


They have been accused of threatening to wreak havoc on democracy. They are daughters or nieces of Liberal royalty, they are doctors or small business owners yet they are mocked for allegedly allowing themselves to be manipulated by a male multimillionaire, Simon Holmes à Court. They have been branded fakes, stooges and anti-Liberal groupies. They have faced legal challenges for the great crime of putting up corflutes too soon and even had elderly family members dragged into the political fray.

This petty, patronising campaign on top of Morrison’s own poor behaviour on so many fronts has seen his problem with women go from bad to worse.

Labor’s internal polling of key marginal seats has confirmed a visceral dislike of Morrison, adding weight to the complaint of moderate Liberals that he is the biggest drag on their vote. Although it is high everywhere, his unpopularity soars among women where his net approval rating is in the minus-20s. Among men it is in the minus-teens.

The biggest turn-off nominated by voters is his refusal to accept responsibility, which explains why Labor’s “that’s not my job” ad, and Anthony Albanese’s use of it in the closing stages of the Nine debate, has cut through.


According to one source familiar with the Liberals’ internal polling, 70 per cent of Liberal voters defecting to the teal independents have been driven by their dislike of Morrison. The primary vote of moderate Liberals in those half-a-dozen blue-ribbon seats plunged to between the mid-30s and the low 40s. They need to get their primary vote up around 45 per cent to survive.

Frydenberg’s survival strategy is to plaster every piece of available space in his electorate with posters urging voters to “Keep Josh”. There is a near-invisible Liberal logo and no Morrison presence, virtual or actual. In fact, posters featuring Morrison with Liberal candidates are as rare as yowie sightings.

“People will win in these seats in spite of the prime minister, not because of him,” according to one threatened MP still hopeful he could hang on.

As well as Kooyong, Goldstein, Wentworth, Mackellar and Curtin under threat from independents, there is an ever-expanding list of prime Liberal real estate tilting to Labor including Bennelong, Reid, Chisholm, Higgins, Brisbane, Ryan and Leichhardt.

Morrison’s political strategy to back Deves could well be deeply flawed. Or it might, like his reluctance to back real wage increases for the poorest Australians, prove to be a masterstroke.

Most troubling is the morality of it. It is cruel and reprehensible that such a sensitive matter, with the potential to cause grievous harm to vulnerable people, has been planted in the middle of an election campaign by a flailing, floundering prime minister.

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