

This was published 6 years ago


Mirabella taught a few people a lesson we should all be grateful for

To say the former Federal Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella is not a friend of mine is something of an understatement. Nonetheless she deserves credit for taking on those who sought, carelessly, to tarnish her reputation.

Sophie Mirabella outside court.

Sophie Mirabella outside court.Credit: Joe Castro

Before the internet and the pervasive stealth by which social media has invaded our lives, an untrue insult had to be fairly vicious to travel far. Now, insults spin about the cesspool of the internet picking up believers with a suction power that would make Mr Dyson green with envy.

The claim, made in a local newspaper, was that two months before the last federal election Mirabella had encountered her opponent for the seat of Indi, sitting member Cathy McGowan, and shoved her during a photo opportunity. Mirabella is no wilting violet so the falsehood was dropped into a petri dish of credibility. That made it even more potent.

The timing was critical. Just prior to an election undecided voters may have been influenced by the reports.

The outlet didn’t do the appropriate checking and when told by Mirabella the story was untrue, held their ground.

People of bad faith can and do seek to use the media for their own ends. They can plant a seed or spread a rumour of which they, secretly, are the author. Spread widely enough or at least into the hands of veteran gossips their own hands appear clean. The story gets run as an investigation into whether the allegation is true. Damage done.


Don’t feel too sorry for the media. They can knowingly play fast and loose with the truth. Have you ever read to the end of an article about some scandal only to find a gutless disclaimer removing the name in the headline, photos and early text from any suggestion of wrongdoing? Who reads to the end?

When faced with having to back down, it is normal to be reluctant. Pride and personal prejudice come into play. The chance of being wrong should never be discarded lightly.


Media outlets have made a conscious decision to run a story. In many cases legal advice has been sought. The decision they then face is whether to back their judgment or back down.

Understandably, the bigger media outlets are more likely to tough it out. There’s two reasons for that. First, they work on the basis they’ve got more money than you. Or more that they’re prepared to take a risk. In most cases that’s true.

Remember, it’s not the personal money of the decision maker. Its a business expense. Sure, if you make too many bad decisions you might lose your job. That’s markedly different from it being your own money and if this one particular decision falls the wrong way... you lose your house. If you had some stupid Pollyanna view about all media being seekers of the truth, think again.

Years ago, I asked a radio producer if he was worried about a defamation suit, given the presenter had just alleged on air that someone had committed murder. Effectively he said, “Don’t be ridiculous, he’s (the alleged murderer) got no reputation left to protect.” It was true, but the truth of whether the guy committed the murder just didn’t matter.

The second reason goes down to the decisions that need to be made by the producers and editors. Whilst you might believe your reputation has been tarnished by a story you can bet the editor or producer believes theirs will be if they back down, because it was their decision to run it. They face a dilemma. Look stupid by backing down now, or even stupider if a court decision and penalty goes against their employer. I guess you could say it’s complicated.

When Mirabella lost her seat I was unhappy my team had lost but not personally for her. From a distance I was a bit of a fan of her replacement, Cathy McGowan. She seemed a no-nonsense, principled grassroots person. I still think that.

She, too, faced a decision. She could let the slur against Mirabella run or she could speak up and clear the air. But it appears she made a decision in her own interest to go doggo. Many supporters will hope and believe it is just the one mistake. But it’s very public and on the record. It was also not smart politically. She had, and I think still does enjoy, a reputation as a decent, principled person. Speaking up for Mirabella would have put that reputation up in big neon lights. It would have given her credibility you just can’t buy. Plenty of undecided voters, people not certain about voting for Mirabella, would have swung to McGowan. Now, there’ll be that doubt. A future opponent might milk that for all it's worth.


I’ve always taken the attitude that in public life you just have to cop it. In the end the truth will out. People who know you, either first hand or by reputation won’t believe rubbish about you anyway. But I was wrong. Over time the truth doesn’t always out. I’ve let a few bad journalists, editors and producers off the hook. My mistake.

There’s a myriad of factors to take into account when deciding whether to try and give the media a salutary lesson. Sometimes the falsehood is clear cut. Other times you’re left trying to prove something didn’t happen. Sometimes the financial risk is just too great or at a bad time for your family.

Mirabella, to her credit, jumped into all that. She taught a few people a lesson and we should all be grateful.

Amanda Vanstone is a Fairfax columnist and a former Coalition minister.

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