

This was published 2 years ago

Marise Payne says ‘every action’ needs to be taken to prevent war over Taiwan

By Anthony Galloway

Foreign Minister Marise Payne has defended the government’s rhetoric over Taiwan, saying Defence Minister Peter Dutton’s comments are focused on preventing war from breaking out in the region.

An intense domestic debate about Taiwan has erupted after former prime minister Paul Keating last week claimed it was not a vital “interest” for Australia, while Mr Dutton declared if the United States committed forces to defend the island it would be “inconceivable” that Australia would not join in.

Defence Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Minister Marise Payne have both weighed in on the increasing tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

Defence Minister Peter Dutton and Foreign Minister Marise Payne have both weighed in on the increasing tensions in the Taiwan Strait.Credit: Sarah Baker

It followed Mr Dutton’s comments earlier this year that the prospect of a war over Taiwan could not be discounted, and secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, Michael Pezzullo, warning the “drums of war” were beating.

Several national security experts are concerned Australia’s heightened rhetoric over Taiwan could be playing into China’s strategy of “psychological warfare”, which aims to coerce the island into accepting unification with the mainland.

Asked for her response, Senator Payne suggested the comments were not aimed at increasing tensions in the region.


“I have said before that conflict is in no one’s interests and differences in relation to Taiwan need to be addressed peacefully, through dialogue and not with the threat or the use of force or coercion,” she told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

“The focus of Australia’s Alliance with the United States – the bedrock of Australia’s security – is to promote a secure, prosperous, rules-based Indo-Pacific region.

“As Minister Dutton says, war would be devastating and we need to take every action to prevent it.”


China, which regards the island as a renegade province, has threatened to take Taiwan by force if necessary but has stated its aim is for “peaceful reunification”.


Natasha Kassam, the director of the Lowy Institute’s public opinion and foreign policy program, said “overhyping the likelihood” of an invasion of Taiwan unintentionally assists the Chinese Communist Party’s message that unification is inevitable.

“For a long time, the Chinese Communist Party has suggested that the only options available to Taiwan are unification or war,” she said.

“What is needed is consistent, calm messaging that unilateral changes to the status quo will not be tolerated.”

Ms Kassam said she believed China could continue living with the status quo whereby both Taipei and Beijing claim sovereignty over all of China but in reality the island is an independent democracy.

“The idea of forcing unification through an invasion is such a high-risk proposition at an incredibly important political moment in China’s own calendar – it seems to me unusually risky, even if you accept that Chinese President Xi Jinping is more willing to take risks than some of his predecessors.”

“I think the risk of a miscalculation or an accident has increased significantly … but I still think that ultimately China’s strategy is to wear down the will of the Taiwanese people with a combination of psychological warfare and ‘salami slicing’, rather than an invasion.”

Instead of heightening the rhetoric around the prospect of war, Ms Kassam said the Australian government should be exploring a free trade agreement with Taiwan as well as pushing for its membership of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Ms Kassam also criticised Mr Keating’s claim that Taiwan was not a core interest for Australia, saying there was a “misplaced sense that Australia could somehow stay out of a conflict between the United States and China”.


John Blaxland, professor of international security and intelligence studies at the Australian National University, said “strategic ambiguity” has stood Australia in good stead for decades and Canberra shouldn’t be making a public call either way on whether it would help defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion.

“I think US president Teddy Roosevelt is worth revisiting when he said: ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’. We have a small stick and have not been speaking softly,” Professor Blaxland said.

“My concern is this, it is a free kick, because we’ve given China the words, we’ve telegraphed an apparently war-like intent which can be used in domestic consumption to bolster President Xi’s own position over Taiwan.“

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