

This was published 5 years ago

'Life-changing': New measures to help women leaving abusive relationships

By Stephanie Peatling

Women leaving abusive relationships will be able to access their superannuation early as part of a suite of Coalition government measures aimed at helping women improve their financial security.

The Minister for Women, Kelly O'Dwyer, will also on Tuesday announce new funding for family law property mediation and greater transparency over superannuation in property settlements.

"Sadly we are all familiar with the abhorrent statistics regarding family and domestic violence in this country. Around 17 per cent of women have experienced violence from a current or former partner since the age of 15. That is 1.6 million Australian women," Ms O'Dwyer told Fairfax Media.

The Minister for Women, Kelly O'Dwyer, will release the Coalition government's women's economic statement on Tuesday.

The Minister for Women, Kelly O'Dwyer, will release the Coalition government's women's economic statement on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"While superannuation should ideally be preserved until retirement, there are certain immediate and extreme circumstances where the benefits today outweigh the benefits of maintaining those savings until retirement. The government considers that family and domestic violence is one of these special circumstances."

Easier access to superannuation information would give women - particularly those on low incomes - an added source of income as they re-establish themselves after leaving an abusive relationship.

Streamlining the property settlement process will also give women faster access to income.

Helen Matthews, the legal and policy director at Women's Legal Service Victoria, said the service had been campaigning for the Government to enable easy access to information about their partner's superannuation via the ATO as well as a streamlined small claims property process.


"These simple reforms are life-changing for women fighting for fair financial outcomes in our family law system," Helen Matthews, the legal and policy director at Women's Legal Service Victoria, said.

"Many women escaping from family violence are living with limited assets and serious debt. For them, superannuation is often the only part of the property pool. The current mandatory disclosure of superannuation assets mechanism is broken for women who are leaving abusive relationships."

A report written by the service earlier this year, Small Claims, Large Battles found women were struggling to support themselves while they waited for the court system to make decisions about property settlements.


In 87 per cent of cases, the women surveyed reported family violence was a factor in the relationship breakdown.

In 20 per cent of cases superannuation was the only significant asset of a separating couple.

Although the Family Law Act recognises super as an asset, it can be very difficult for one partner to locate their partner's funds - especially without legal assistance. Those who do seek legal representation can find the cost either outstrips or takes up most of the property settlement.

As part of the women's economic statement, Ms O'Dwyer will announce a new electronic information sharing system between the Australian Tax Office and the Family Law Courts so superannuation assets can be identified quickly and accurately.

She will announce $5.9 million for a two-year trial of ways courts can more speedily resolve family law property cases for families with an asset pool of up to $500,000.

There will also be $50.4 million for mediation services to try to keep families from using the courts to resolve property disputes. This includes $10.3 million for legal aid services to run lawyer-assisted mediation to help women to reach more equitable property settlements.

Other measures to be announced by Ms O'Dwyer include the reinstatement of the time use survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The survey was last conducted more than 10 years ago and was a crucial source of information about unpaid work at home - such as the care of young children - which is connected to the gender pay gap.

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