

This was published 2 years ago

Liberals’ WA gas cash splash offers both climate action and delay

By Peter Milne

Prime Minister Scott Morrison came to Western Australia spruiking more than $200 million for jobs from so-called clean hydrogen and storing carbon dioxide underground, but the climate benefits are mixed.

What will the cash do for the electoral hot-button issue of climate change in the only state to produce more greenhouse gases than in 2005, the reference year for Paris Agreement emissions cuts? It all depends on what you mean by clean hydrogen.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Perth.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Perth.Credit: James Brickwood

“Hydrogen is a clean … fuel that produces no carbon emissions when used,” according to a January media release from Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor that ticks the two essential boxes of political spin: it is both accurate and misleading.

By this logic, electricity is clean energy as it “produces no carbon emissions when used”, ignoring whether it came from a coal-fired power station or a rooftop solar panel.

What matters is how the hydrogen is made, and the Coalition is having a bob each way.

The confusion of hydrogen’s many colours

Most hydrogen produced now is extracted from coal or gas with massive amounts of carbon emissions and used to make chemicals and fertilisers.

This product, called ‘grey’ hydrogen when gas is used, is of no use as a fuel to reduce global emissions. It would be more efficient to just burn the gas.

An improvement is to capture and bury the carbon emissions to make what is called ‘blue’ hydrogen. The catch is that with current technology about one-third of the emissions are not captured and when released warm the globe, and there are concerns that carbon capture and storage could prove expensive and unreliable.


Alternatively, hydrogen can be separated from water using equipment called electrolysers powered by renewable energy to produce emissions-free ‘green’ hydrogen.


Proponents of blue hydrogen argue it is presently cheaper than green hydrogen so better placed to provide the fuel to early adopters and help the market build scale until improvements in technology bring the cost of green hydrogen down.

The counter-argument is that once facilities for blue hydrogen are built their owners will be loath to switch them off, and they will just extend the use of fossil fuels, delaying the urgent decarbonization of the energy system required to limit the damage greenhouse gases are wreaking on our planet.

Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest, who has taken his iron ore miner Fortescue into the new business of green hydrogen, is not a fan.

“Blue hydrogen is not ‘clean’ and, tragically, most governments – without a scintilla of science – are throwing tens of billions of dollars in subsidies at it,” Forrest said in 2021.

The Coalition is throwing hundreds of millions, but not billions, at his preferred method of hydrogen production as well as the one he derides.

BP will receive up to $70 million towards a green hydrogen plant at its shuttered Kwinana oil refinery south of Perth that will include a 75-megawatt and cost more than $250 million.

Another $70 million will match state government funding for its Pilbara hydrogen hub near Karratha to be mainly spent on a pipeline for hydrogen or its product ammonia from a new industrial area to Dampier port.

Carbon capture and storage hopes to avoid another Gorgon

WA Hydrogen Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the state government had decided it would only fund green hydrogen projects.

“We’re not opposed to blue, and we’re happy to facilitate those projects … but the money that we’re putting in, we’re going straight for the green which has to be the endpoint,” she said.

WA Hydrogen Minister Alannah MacTiernan.

WA Hydrogen Minister Alannah MacTiernan.Credit: Peter de Kruijff

“We know that green hydrogen can work and can reduce emissions, carbon capture and storage is a less certain proposition.”

Perceptions of carbon capture and storage in WA are not helped by it being home to the world’s largest attempt to reduce emissions at Chevron’s Gorgon gas project.

Despite costing more than $3 billion so far, Gorgon’s carbon capture and storage is still not operating at its design capacity six years after the project started up, resulting in millions of tonnes of additional greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.


Carbon capture and storage is a key plank of the Coalition’s “technology not taxes” approach to emissions reduction that ironically uses our taxes to pay companies to develop their technology.

MacTiernan said the federal government wanted carbon capture and storage included in the state’s Pilbara hub.

“And we said, ‘No, we don’t think that’s appropriate’,” MacTiernan said.

“So they have got now a separate CCS project, which they’re totally funding.”

The winner was Woodside, which has been offered $40 million towards a multi-user carbon capture and storage hub at the Burrup Peninsula that will store carbon dioxide in offshore reservoirs.

The Burrup CCS Hub is also backed by BP, Mitsui and Mitsubishi which, along with Woodside, are all partners in the massive Browse LNG project that would produce CO2-rich gas offshore and process it at Woodside’s North West Shelf LNG plant on the Burrup Peninsula.

If the Burrup CCS Hub allows Browse to go ahead, albeit with a slightly smaller carbon footprint, the government’s investment may increase global emissions, not reduce them.

Federal Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor is bullish about carbon capture and storage despite the example of Gorgon and said Australia had a competitive advantage due to its “world-class geological storage basin”.

“Proving up low-cost CCS will be essential to reducing emissions from LNG production and building an early cost advantage in clean hydrogen production,” he said.

The Coalition offered support to three other carbon capture and storage projects in WA.

Santos will receive $3 million to investigate using its declining Reindeer gas field for carbon storage and potentially blue hydrogen production.

Oil and gas minnow Buru Energy has $7 million to do the same at its onshore tenements along the Pilbara coastline it owns with Mineral Resources.

Mitsui, which operates the Waitsia gas field near Dongara, has been promised $20 million towards a carbon capture and storage project to support the production of blue hydrogen that will be processed into ammonia and burnt in Japanese coal-fired power stations to reduce emissions.

Politically, the purpose of the announcement was to offer more jobs for votes, but in the state with the nation’s lowest unemployment, this traditional pitch may not resonate as strongly as it has in the past.

The federal government estimated that across the nation clean hydrogen exports could create 16,000 ongoing jobs by 2050: less than 600 new positions a year in a workforce of 13.4 million.

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