

This was published 14 years ago

Last year's champ has become this year's chump


Think for a moment about all we have learnt about Kevin Rudd in the last few weeks. An eminent author, David Marr, has told us he is motivated primarily by anger, stemming from a traumatic period in his childhood. A voice coach has told us he has an unpleasant voice. The retailer Gerry Harvey has told us Rudd and his government are hopeless salesmen. The billionaire miner Andrew ''Twiggy'' Forrest has told us he is taking the country in a communist direction. And Kevin's brother has said he is not impressed by the job he is doing as prime minister.

These observations vary in depth and validity but it is clearly open season on Kevin Rudd. Anyone with something disparaging to say about Rudd, your time is now.

This is the man who a year ago was enjoying record approval ratings, having 2 ½⁄ years ago won a sweeping election victory. This period of success was accompanied by extravagant flattery that praised his political genius, his work ethic, his high moral calling, his ability to mix social vision with practical politics.

The turnaround could hardly be more complete. It is another example that the media are either at someone's feet or at their throat. The man who could do no wrong a year ago now can do nothing right. Last year's champ is this year's chump. Rudd is no longer the man who achieved record approval for so long, but simply the man who blew it.

Interestingly, many of these critical claims have surfaced in a way that the media saw no need to seek ''balancing'' perspectives. Only Forrest's communist claim was put in the context of a controversy. Gerry Harvey's comments, in particular, were treated with uncritical reverence as self-evident truths. A papal edict would have received much more critical scrutiny.

Inspired by a sharp slide in the polls, there is considerable commentary pondering whether this could be a one-term government, the first since 1931, when, in the depth of the Depression, James Scullin's Labor government was defeated.

To my mind, the most ludicrous and probably baseless recent reporting has been about a potential leadership challenge in the Labor government. Most recently, we have stories saying ''party bosses'' have told the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, to challenge now. The prominence of these stories is in inverse proportion to the strength of the evidence supporting them.

These ''party bosses'' do not know their political history very well. Almost invariably a leadership challenge in government is followed by defeat at the next election. The only exception, I think, since World War II was Paul Keating's victory in 1993 after his ousting of Hawke.

But it is a most improbable scenario for other reasons as well. Gillard has been centrally involved in all the decisions that have attracted the most opprobrium for the government. Any semi-competent opposition would bring this into sharp public focus the moment she became leader.

So far at least, no evidence - public or semi-public - has surfaced of any breakdown in relations between them. This is not a Howard-Costello scenario, where by the fourth term of government personal relations had broken down and it was clear that both sides were feeding the media self-serving accounts of their grievances with the other. This is a first-term prime minister, one who has the authority of having been the leader who won government from opposition, and having since seen off two opposition leaders.


The only result from a leadership challenge now would be to ruin the prospects of two Labor leaders at once.

It is time to take a deep breath. Currently unknown developments may always intervene but in my view it is all but certain that Kevin Rudd will lead Labor into the next election. Despite the polls, my guess is that the most likely result is that he will win a clear majority of seats and a clear victory (maybe 52-48) in the two party preferred vote.

Then the media will be full of stories praising Rudd. But that praise is likely to be as unbalanced and characterised by as much amnesia as the current bout of negative coverage.

If, and when, Rudd wins a substantial victory, his government and his own personal credibility will remain tarnished - and properly so - because of the somersaults and inconsistencies of the past several months. Whatever the winning margin, the support for him will be the more brittle and conditional because of his self-inflicted wounds.

His policy style and especially his penchant for political control have too often been counter-productive. The media are fixated on the crisis du jour and the apocalypse of the week but, much more worryingly, it seems that the government is also.

The line between spin doctors and panic merchants can be a thin one. Too often the government has spun itself dizzy, and failed to achieve any sustained focus on its good news. For example, recently published data in the OECD Factbook 2010 shows that between the first quarter of 2008 and the third quarter of 2009, only three of its 30 member countries recorded both growth in the economy and growth in total employment. They were Australia, South Korea and Poland.

All other countries either showed a contraction in the economy or a fall in employment numbers, 24 of these rich economies recording both.


This is a remarkable achievement. Is it the media's or the government's fault it gets so little attention?

Rod Tiffen is emeritus professor in government and international relations at the University of Sydney. This article is also appearing on the Inside Story website.

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