

This was published 5 years ago

Labor plans to ram tax package through lame duck Senate

By Shane Wright

A Labor government would attempt to force its tax agenda, including a plan to hit high-income earners with a new deficit repair levy, through Parliament before a potentially hostile new Senate is installed in July.

Putting itself on a possible collision course with the current Senate, shadow treasurer Chris Bowen has confirmed a series of start dates for Labor's ambitious tax agenda, with many proposals due to kick in from July 1 – just six weeks after the expected election on May 18.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

The deficit repair levy on Australians earning more than $180,000 a year, a minimum 30 per cent tax rate on distributions from discretionary trusts, and an overhaul of franking credits are among the tax proposals needing parliamentary approval.

Changes to the low and middle-income tax offset announced in last week's budget also need to be made law before the end of the financial year, with the Australian Taxation Office confirming the laws need to be in place as soon as practicable if people are to receive the $1080 rebate from July 1.

MPs now expect a special sitting of Parliament in the last week of June that would include senators who were elected at the 2016 poll but may have lost their position at the 2019 election. Those senators would still be entitled to vote on legislation until the new Senate convenes from July 1.

Mr Bowen told the National Press Club that a Labor election win would give it a mandate to implement its tax agenda.

"That is, I think, the necessary opening part of the conversation with the Senate crossbench," he said.

"That doesn't necessarily mean they automatically support our policies. But it is the essential door opener to the conversation to say you are going to have questions about some of these policies.


"We [will] start with a moral authority of a mandate from the Australian people."


Under the current Senate, Labor could get enough support from the Greens, Derryn Hinch, the Centre Alliance block and South Australian independent Tim Storer to pass the deficit levy, which has been estimated to raise $6.2 billion over a decade by imposing a 2 per cent impost on workers earning more than $180,000 a year.

Labor has said the levy would remain in place until the budget surplus amounted to 1 per cent of GDP. Under the government's latest budget, that has been pushed back until 2026-27.

Labor's plans for negative gearing, family trusts and franking credits would also need to be passed relatively quickly, but the party faces a tougher battle to win crossbench support for those changes. Combined, these tax changes are forecast to raise almost $20 billion over the forward estimates.

Mr Bowen said Labor would deliver larger surpluses than those promised by the Coalition, citing Parliamentary Budget Office analysis that showed the government's stage two and three tax cuts, scheduled to commence in 2022 and 2024, would cost $286 billion over the following six years.

Labor is opposed to both stages.

The shadow treasurer said Labor would consider tax cuts for workers and businesses but only when the budget was in a stronger position.

"We would do it in the proper sensible and prudent and traditional way of considering budget by budget what's affordable in the economic circumstances," he said.

Scott Morrison has likened Labor's tax policies to the weights he wears while swimming

Scott Morrison has likened Labor's tax policies to the weights he wears while swimmingCredit: AAP

Prime Minister Scott Morrison accused Labor of trying to put "weights" on the national economy.

"Over the last six months or so I've taken up, to keep myself somewhat fit, swimming laps. Now if anyone said to me, 'You know, you’d go a lot faster if you put a weight belt on,' what do you think I’d say to them? It's hard enough," Mr Morrison said.

"But that's what $200 billion of higher taxes will do to our economy. It will slow us down. It'll slow you down."

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