

This was published 1 year ago


Labor is so worried about war, it managed to avoid one with itself

Labor’s greatest disasters are self-inflicted. Two stark examples are the ideological Labor split of 1955, which kept it out of office for 17 years, and the fratricidal Rudd-Gillard-Rudd convulsions that ushered it out for nine. The party sends clear signals when it’s unelectable.

And some of its greatest advantages are handed to it on a platter. At the last election, Scott Morrison surrendered to Labor the Liberals’ two most precious credentials of electability – the title of party most trusted to manage the economy and the title of party most trusted on national security.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says Australia’s participation in the AUKUS pact will create 20,000 jobs.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says Australia’s participation in the AUKUS pact will create 20,000 jobs.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

True, Labor had to offer a credible alternative, and it did. But it was the sheer incompetence of the Morrison government that cost the Liberals their two-part golden ticket to government.

The ALP national conference, scheduled every three years, is a standing invitation for the party to self-harm in full public view. It’s a wonderful opportunity to indulge in bitter splits, ideological excesses and policy irrelevancies.

A successful conference doesn’t affect Labor’s electoral standing; a failed one certainly can. It’s like driving a car. Doing it successfully is taken for granted. Crash and you’re disqualified.

At this week’s national conference, there was only one seriously contested policy – AUKUS. The handling of the debate on the floor of the cavernous Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre was an opportunity for Labor to signal unelectability, and to hand back to the Liberals the credential as party most trusted on national security.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.Credit:

The invitation to oblivion was written across the banner positioned directly in front of the street entrance to the convention centre: “Drive the AUKUS supporters out of the ALP!” It was signed Spartacist, which is the theoretical journal of the International Communist League.

At one stroke, that would remove Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, his entire cabinet and almost all his parliamentary caucus. But it isn’t just fringe radicals from outside the party who were opposed to AUKUS.


Opposition to the Australia-UK-US defence technology agreement is based in the Labor left faction, and the left enjoyed a majority of the 402 delegates at this week’s national conference. After four decades of right-faction ascendancy, it was a breakthrough moment for the left.


Some of the biggest unions affiliated with Labor, bedrocks of the left faction’s power – the Electrical Trades Union, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the construction division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union – are hostile to AUKUS.

How would Labor’s left wield its newfound majority? This was the sort of moment that American observers of Australian politics had been fearing, suspecting that the mild-mannered Albanese was merely the Trojan Horse for a resurgent, pro-Chinese Communist Party left.

Anticipating the debate, Richard Marles, one of the key figures in Labor’s right faction as well as being deputy prime minister and defence minister, told a private meeting of his faction’s delegates that the conference vote on AUKUS would be one of the most important decisions that Labor’s national conference had ever taken.

And there was a real debate on Friday afternoon. It was carefully managed, but real nonetheless. Marles opened the argument in the much-anticipated debate by plainly naming the problem: “We are witnessing the single biggest conventional military build-up in the world since the end of the Second World War. In the year 2000, China had six nuclear-powered submarines. By the end of this decade, they will have 21.

“In the year 2000, China had 57 major warships. By the end of this decade, they will have 200. Now these are not our decisions. These are not our choices. But this is the world in which we live. And it is our unavoidable obligation to navigate our way through it.”

Minister for Defence Richard Marles: “Given what we face, [AUKUS] is a modest step”.

Minister for Defence Richard Marles: “Given what we face, [AUKUS] is a modest step”.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But why must the next Australian submarines be nuclear? Why not replace diesel-powered subs with new diesel-powered subs? “In the future,” said Marles, “diesel-electric submarines will become increasingly detectable. And so if we want to have this capability in the future, then we simply have to take the step of nuclear propulsion.”

“Given what we face,” he said, “it is a modest step”.

In opposition, the Electrical Trades Union’s national secretary, Michael Wright, protested that “we hold strong concerns that, while compliant with the terms of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, that [AUKUS] will set off a chain of events in our region that will see the further nuclearisation throughout South East Asia and beyond”.


Wright questioned the need for an estimated $368 billion, 30-year cost to Australian taxpayers. And he posited that AUKUS would turn out to be the “wedge that the Coalition uses to drive open a nuclear industry in Australia”.

He hadn’t noticed, apparently, that the Liberals need no such wedge – they are already committing to nuclear power in Australia. With the Liberals moving to nuclear reactors on Australian soil and the Greens opposed to AUKUS outright, Labor’s position of pro-AUKUS but anti-nuclear energy establishes it firmly at the political centre.

Most troubling, said Wright, was the problem of nuclear waste. The government has set the Defence Department the task of nominating Defence land as a waste dump but Wright made the point that permanent, safe disposal of highly enriched nuclear waste was a problem that had yet to be solved by any country.

But then the left-right factional divide broke down. A left stalwart, Pat Conroy, rose to speak in favour of AUKUS. Conroy served as an Albanese numbers man, currently as the defence industry minister and minister for international development and the pacific.

Conroy invoked the progressive case for armament: “We are anti-war because it’s workers that fight and die in wars. We’re anti-war because it’s families and pensioners that pay the price for war. So the central question for delegates here is how do we deter war?” He answered his question to loud applause: “The truth is, delegates, strength deters war.”

Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy backs the AUKUS agreement.

Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy backs the AUKUS agreement.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But Conroy really stirred things up with his next remarks: “Appeasement invites conflict.”

“So I urge delegates to heed the tradition of John Curtin who, in the 1930s, when Menzies was arguing for appeasement and tried to cut defence funding, John Curtin was the one who argued for a massive investment in our air force and navy to deter aggressors in our region.

“So, delegates,” Conroy posed, “do you want to be on the side of John Curtin or do you want to be on the side of ‘Pig Iron Bob’ Menzies?” He was, in effect, accusing the opponents of AUKUS of being not only appeasers but also Menzian Liberals.


But the political reality is that, by the time the AUKUS debate reached the conference floor, it was no longer about nuclear-propelled submarines, technology transfer, deterrence or appeasement. It was about the authority of the prime minister.

Albanese campaigned for office on the AUKUS policy in the 2022 election campaign. He shared a stage with US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in shaping it. He has funded it and advocated for it.

If the national conference, officially Labor’s policymaking mechanism, had overturned AUKUS, Labor would have inflicted a deep wound on its own leader and probably fatally injured the Albanese government.

Albanese’s deliberate efforts to dominate Australia’s political centre and cement power for another two terms would have been in tatters. Labor would have made itself a laughing stock. Peter Dutton would be laughing loudest.

The American sceptics of Australian seriousness would have been vindicated. Xi Jinping would have concluded that Australia had lost its spine.

So Albanese chose to intervene in the conference debate to speak the last word on AUKUS. He concluded on the theme of Labor tradition: “History shows us that in uncertain times, Australia finds its firmest footing with Labor government.” Andrew Fisher formed the Royal Australian Navy in 1913, he said, and John Curtin forged an alliance with the US during World War II.

Today, “our collective duty to peace and stability does not end at our own borders. We have always played a part because Australia is a serious global citizen.”

Albanese knew it was a winning proposition. His faction chiefs had marshalled the numbers in advance. The government’s position won the vote on the voices, with about 80 per cent of the delegates in favour – all of the right faction and most of the left – and 20 against. Disaster averted.

It was one small step for AUKUS, one giant leap for Labor.

Peter Hartcher is political and international editor.

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