

This was published 3 years ago

‘Labor government should have the guts’ to crack down on tax-shirking digital giants: Labor MP

By Jennifer Duke

Digital behemoths such as Facebook and Google would be forced to pay more tax under a proposal from a Labor backbencher who wants an immediate crackdown on multinational corporations to help repair the federal budget.

Victorian MP Peter Khalil, a former security adviser to ex-prime minister Kevin Rudd, is suggesting either a tax on the revenue companies earn from selling personal data, a digital services tax or a tax on cash flow to force multinational corporate giants to pay more to the Australian government. He further believes these taxes would help pressure major corporates to support a global minimum tax rate, which could limit the use of offshore tax havens.

Peter Khalil, Member for Wills in Victoria, wants a quick crackdown on global behemoths shirking tax.

Peter Khalil, Member for Wills in Victoria, wants a quick crackdown on global behemoths shirking tax.Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

“A Labor government should have the guts and ambition to do something like this,” Mr Khalil said.

Earlier this month, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US was working with the G20 nations to agree on a global minimum corporate tax rate. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said at the time Australia would remain “an active and constructive participant in these discussions”.

But Mr Khalil does not want Australia to wait for a global agreement, warning this could take years. In a speech to be delivered on Wednesday evening at the Victorian Trades Hall in Carlton, and a white paper he has written for the John Curtin Research Centre, the Labor backbencher will lobby for new local taxes on multinationals to return “hundreds of millions of dollars back into our coffers”.

He said this could be part of Labor’s post-federal budget response, focused on repairing the nation’s bottom line in a fairer way, and would be popular with voters.

Several other countries have imposed digital services taxes, including France, Italy, Spain and the UK. This is usually a 2 or 3 per cent tax on the revenues of larger social media platforms, search engines and online service providers.

Mr Khalil said multinationals could use their significant resources to legally move money offshore and use strategies to minimise tax. “It goes to that rising sense of inequality both perceived and real.”

But Professor Robert Breunig, director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the Australian National University, said a digital services tax would be inefficient.


“The tech firms would pass the cost on to local people, they’ll make Australian businesses who want to advertise pay more,” Prof Breunig said. “If you want to tax Australian consumers more then go for it.”


He said the view of multinationals as a major cause of inequality was “misguided”, adding the federal government would be better placed working alongside international counterparts to discuss ideas like a global minimum tax rate.

“We are in a period with a lot of things going against free trade ... Australia needs to be at the table strongly fighting against that [attitude],” he said. A recent paper co-authored by Prof Breunig found the digital economy raises Australia’s GDP per capita by $5000 a year and estimated putting a new tax on this sector would risk this success for a relatively small revenue gain.

Blueprint Institute chief economist Steven Hamilton was sceptical of the potential success of individual countries attempting these tax changes alone or as a group, describing digital taxes as “tinkering around the edges” when more significant reform was needed.

“Even if we get cooperation it feels like delaying the inevitable,” Dr Hamilton said. “We’ll end up facing these same issues a few more years down the track ... it’s futile and counter productive.”

Instead, Dr Hamilton said a significant destination-based tax, levying a charge where goods and services are consumed, would be worth considering.

Independent Senator Rex Patrick, who has criticised high profile business leaders for tax avoidance, was keen to examine Mr Khalil’s proposals. “In principle, I support measures that might claw back some of the taxes evaded by tech giants that exploit overseas tax havens,” he said.

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