This was published 6 years ago
'It's time for healing. The country expects nothing less'
Kevin Rudd, the first of four recent PMs to be deposed mid-term, reflects on that "dark period" – and his new life in Manhattan.
“When you are attacked not for your views but for the kind of person you are, the truth is that the harpoon usually lands.”Credit: Alina Gozin’a
For a political refugee, Kevin Rudd has found a pretty comfortable sanctuary. Sitting in a high-backed chair in his office six floors above Manhattan's Park Avenue on the monied Upper East Side, he may no longer be Australia's prime minister but the title on his business card does say "president". And he and his wife, Thérèse Rein, have invested in a coveted old brownstone. Bringing a touch of Australia to New York, they're having it renovated. Thérèse is supervising.
"If you thought approval processes were tough in Oz, try New York," says Rudd, an appeal unlikely to win him much sympathy.
Rudd has been living in New York for three-and-a-half years now, a city he enjoys both for what it has and what it does not have. What it has, apart from a big-city bustle that Rudd says is pretty good "for a boy who grew up in the country", is the paid opportunity to indulge his love of world affairs.
He was recruited by the Asia Society, a genteel cultural institute founded to house a precious Rockefeller art collection, to expand it into hard policy. Next to the lifts on the ground floor is a magnificent sixth-century stone sculpture of the elephant-headed Hindu god Ganesh. Step out of the lift on the sixth floor and you are in Kevin Rudd's think tank.
The post of president of the Asia Society Policy Institute isn't the leadership job he first aspired to after losing the 2013 Australian federal election. He'd wanted to be secretary-general of the United Nations, conducting affairs between the great powers.
In his new book, to be released next week, he describes this not just as a hope. He describes the job as his "vocation". The then PM Malcolm Turnbull famously vetoed his candidacy, and the post went instead to a former Portuguese prime minister, António Guterres. Rudd still seems to resent being blocked by his own country so that another country could prevail.
In fact, Rudd has suffered three grand setbacks in his political life, each on a scale of national significance, each in the harsh glare of unblinking news coverage. The misfortune is personal; the scale is epic. He lost the prime ministership twice and was blocked from even contesting the UN job, an Australian vetoed by Australia. His verdict is that none of the three was a fair fight. It hurt him.
"It was not a happy place," he says. "Not a happy place. If it weren't for faith and family, I don't know that I would have come through it. I'm not sure that I would have come through it as a properly formed human being."
Awkward post-coup body language between then PM Julia Gillard and foreign minister Kevin Rudd, in October 2010.Credit: AAP
In his first years as PM, Rudd enjoyed the highest level of sustained popularity in the 40-year history of Australian political opinion polls. He was about as popular as Bob Hawke, yet more durably so. He captured the pressures of stratospheric expectations in the note he wrote to Barack Obama to congratulate him on his election in 2008, only a year after Rudd's: "Dear Mr President. You poor bastard. Welcome to Messiah syndrome. Infinite expectations. Finite resources." Obama found the unorthodox message uproariously funny, Rudd records in his book. It was also prescient for both of them.
After his rejections, the former Australian leader struggles with the hatred aimed at him: "I have never understood the perverse elements in Australian society that take pleasure in other people's pain. But I found that in political life there are people who do enjoy that, and in the public, too. We are trained to say, 'It's water off a duck's back.' It ain't. When you are attacked not for your views but for the kind of person you are, the truth is that the harpoon usually lands." And after losing the prime ministership, he says, "You don't want to bob your head up. You want to be out of it."
Out of The Lodge, Rudd was determined to escape Australia. He first planned to take up an offer to work as an academic at Harvard. He took the offer from the Asia Society instead, where his remit is to debate and propose policies to solve problems across the Asia-Pacific. Being president of a think tank of his own design, with a staff of 14 and an office with views extending in three directions across New York, has its consolations.
It's like a mini, pretend version of the UN job he so desired. In the few days after I spoke with him, Rudd hosted visiting national leaders including Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad, Iran's Hassan Rouhani, and Nepal's Khadga Prasad Oli.
He takes his work seriously and he's taken seriously. On the day after I spoke to him, The New York Times quoted him on its front page as a China expert speaking of the "war of a different type" that has broken out between Beijing and Washington, and the news website Axios published a piece he'd written on the same topic as part of its series featuring "expert views". He is in demand as one of America's foremost interpreters of the strident new China of Xi Jinping.
In his spare time he's writing a thesis on Xi's world view for a doctorate in philosophy at Oxford University. "What role does he actually want for China in the region and the world?" Rudd says. "It's the question I get asked by governments and businesses all around the world, so I've decided to make it a proper research project."
Kevin Rudd in his New York office.Credit: Alina Gozin'a
A former Obama ambassador to Australia, John Berry, now president of the Australian American Association, attests that Rudd has "kept himself relevant in current strategic policy in Asia". He's impressed at Rudd's recruitment of deputies – Danny Russel, a top Asia official under both Obama and Donald Trump, and Wendy Cutler, a top official at the US Trade Representative's office and the negotiator who led the American side in creating the Australia-US free trade agreement. "They are leaders in their field," says Berry. "Kevin is a good judge of horseflesh."
What doesn't New York have? It doesn't have Thérèse. Not very often, at least. Rudd's wife spends most of the year supporting her 92-year-old mum in Brisbane. She and Rudd get together when they can. A month-long European holiday this year, for instance, culminating in a cruise to Sweden. It was their first return to Stockholm since they lived there 35 years ago, Rudd posted as a junior diplomat. The Swedes got a good laugh with the remnant of his Swedish language skills, he says.
And New York doesn't have so many reminders of the painful past. He can live a full life yet still be partly "out of it". He's not the only former Australian prime minister to seek refuge here. Malcolm Turnbull took off for New York the moment he was deposed as prime minister, seeking six weeks' privacy and diversion. Coincidentally, Julia Gillard was here recently for six weeks, too, in her work on education for kids in developing countries as chair of the Global Partnership for Education.
Three former Australian prime ministers in New York simultaneously, yet Rudd didn't catch up with either of the other two. "We're like a Third World country," one Aussie expat quips. "Leaders get deposed in coups, then seek asylum in America."
Rudd is regarded in the US as a respected commentator on Asian affairs.Credit: Bloomberg
By the time I join Rudd for dinner at an unpretentious Italian restaurant near his office, he's already deep in conversation with the middle-aged couple at the next table. The American is telling Rudd of a new cafe, an Australian one, that he enjoys. Rudd lets him know that it's part of an explosion of Aussie cafes in Manhattan, so many that The New York Times ran a long feature in July titled "The Art of the Australian Breakfast". The writer lauded the dozens of cafes started by young expats from Oz for their "simple and sophisticated version of breakfast all day long, in a British-Mediterranean-Asian vernacular".
"The problem," Rudd tells his new American friend over pasta and red wine, "is that we Australians have become the world's worst coffee snobs. We come here, can't stand the coffee, and open our own cafes." Rudd confesses that he's one of the snobs. One of the facts of New York life that he finds endlessly surprising is "how truly atrocious the coffee is". The coffee is one part of Australia that he says he cannot do without.
A bit further into the conversation, when the topic turns inevitably to Donald Trump, the American, who has fallen under Rudd's spell, tells him, "You should run for president!" Rudd just laughs. The joys of anonymity.
It's not complete. There are too many Australians in New York to allow full anonymity. Not a day goes by when he's not spotted on the street and gladhanded by an Aussie. "Worryingly, I now run into Americans who say 'Hi'." They recognise him from his regular appearances on US TV talk shows, though they don't necessarily get it right: " 'Aren't you that British prime minister guy?'"
Lately, he says, many people he encounters, Australians and Americans, express disgust at the latest act of regicide, the political assassination of Malcolm Turnbull, who is still smarting some blocks away as we speak. And professional contacts, including ones in the Trump Administration, ask him what's going on. Says Rudd, "The bottom line for us as a nation and our global branding: it's unhealthy." But why is it happening? As the first victim of the current cycle, it's something Rudd has thought about a good deal.
"It's just become indescribably juvenile," he says of the coup against Turnbull – which no one in the Morrison Government seems able to explain to the electorate. But how did it become so? Rudd's explanation is based on a generational factor.
The main parties are now in the hands of a cohort who grew up in student politics, if growing up is not an overstatement: "I think it goes to the Young Labor-Young Liberal generation. This generation finally has power in their hands. Mark Arbib and Christopher Pyne, these are people for whom politics is simply a game. It's a cultural shift away from loyalty: you stuck by your leader, you gave him a go, once, twice, three times, before you go on."
Bob Hawke and John Howard concur with Rudd on this point. Both main parties increasingly have been taken over by a cadre of political apparatchiks who have known no other line of work, have no experience outside politics.
For the people, politics is supposed to exist to solve their problems. For the apparatchik class, politics exists for its own sake. Reality has become inverted. Which is why they keep conducting coups against all the evidence – they don't see it as the country does. As respected Sydney political scientist Rod Tiffen puts it, "What's most obvious to the public isn't the virtue of the new leader, it's the amount of blood on the floor."
Mark Arbib, a strutting, rasp-voiced, bald-headed senator and junior minister in Rudd's government, was also the convenor of the NSW Right faction of the Labor Party. He graduated from the Sussex Street school of political thuggery where, as state general secretary, he put a series of NSW Labor premiers into and out of power as if they were Ken and Barbie dolls. He brought his skills to Canberra.
It was Arbib's decision to turn against Rudd that mobilised the 2010 coup and installed Julia Gillard as leader. In his book, Rudd recounts phone calls where Arbib would scream furious invective at him in attempts to get his way. He demanded Rudd dump his planned emissions trading scheme, for instance. "I told him to calm down and f… off," Rudd recounts. Rudd says that his refusal to genuflect to Arbib cost him dearly.
It was the first time that an elected prime minister of Australia was torn down by his own party during his first term. It was not to be the last, as the Liberals would soon demonstrate. It set off the parallel cycles of vengeance and bloodletting that have dogged federal politics, Labor and Liberal, to this day, earning Canberra the title of "coup capital of the democratic world", in the words of the BBC.
"What they [the student politics generation] saw in Arbib's audacity in 2010 was to admire the craft and to see that it could succeed," Rudd suggests. "That's the sick part." Or, in Rod Tiffen's words, the coup was "tactically brilliant and strategically stupid". Brilliant for its swift efficiency; stupid because it damned the party and degraded the nation. Arbib left politics, as Rudd puts it bitingly, to work for James Packer's gambling business, "a moral universe" in which he would be "more than comfortable".
After Barack Obama was elected in 2008, Kevin Rudd sent him a note saying, “Dear Mr President. You poor bastard. Welcome to Messiah syndrome. Infinite expectations. Finite resources.”Credit: David Foote- Auspic/DPS
The former prime minister readily hands out brisk character assessments of a number of serving Labor members of parliament. But, of course, Rudd reserves his harshest judgment for Julia Gillard, the deputy who turned against him. Rudd hasn't told his side of the story in full until now, with the publication of his book, Kevin Rudd: The PM Years. The second and final volume of his memoirs, to be released by Pan Macmillan on Tuesday, it is his unabashed effort to establish the "alternative narrative". Because "each of us, even former prime ministers, are entitled to a right of reply".
And he does present some interesting new information, not necessarily all serious. The time that Italy's notoriously debauched and corrupt prime minister Silvio Berlusconi invited a group of world leaders to his private resort on the Sardinian island of La Maddalena, scene of his "bunga bunga" parties, for instance. Rudd was deputised by other leaders to phone to express a collective reluctance to come. Berlusconi wanted to discuss climate change, but the others thought that the middle of the global financial crisis was the wrong time. The Italian assured Rudd that they'd have a great time and to bring his own yacht. The Australian pointed out that he didn't own a yacht.
"Kevin, I know you're a socialist," replied Berlusconi. "But there's no need to worry. Because I'm going to lend you one of my yachts." Rudd gave up. Berlusconi didn't. Even when an earthquake prompted a change of venue, the Italian showered gifts on his guests. Rudd found personally tailored suits, monogrammed pyjamas, exquisite Italian leather briefcases, desk sets and watches, among other things. He surrendered them to his protocol officer. A concerned Barack Obama pulled Rudd aside the next morning to ask if he'd found gifts in his room, no doubt relieved that he hadn't been singled out for this attempted inveiglement.
Rudd with Silvio Berlusconi … the Italian leader once offered to lend the then PM a yacht.Credit: Penny Bradfield
Rudd reveals, on the more serious side, that as PM he had offered secretly to hand over the leadership to Julia Gillard. In February 2010, she was urging him to kill the government's proposed emissions trading scheme. She had told him in an earlier one-on-one on the verandah of Kirribilli House that they needed to dump the scheme "or we'll be walking into an election year with a huge target painted on our foreheads", according to Rudd's account. She returned to her argument repeatedly, and, further, told Rudd not to attempt to call a double dissolution election to get the scheme passed.
Now, recalling drinks with Gillard in his office, Rudd writes: "I then mentioned the unmentionable. You do realise that I don't intend to be prime minister for life?" He would leave after winning a third election and offered her a transition to the prime ministership during his third term: "Not only do I want you to be Australia's first female prime minister, I want to smooth the way for that." According to Rudd's account, Gillard became visibly uncomfortable and asked him to drop the topic. He laid out his plan. He was already thinking of running for the UN secretary-general's post in 2015-16 when South Korean Ban Ki-moon's term ended. "Julia just looked at me. Silently. Impassively. Then, saying she had a meeting to go to, she rose and walked out."
The story supports Rudd's central contention: "It's that Julia decided as of late 2009 that she was not prepared to wait to become prime minister through an orderly succession in the future." She spent half a year in cahoots with a cabal of disgruntled "faceless men", led by Arbib, until they saw their chance and struck. "Their action was driven by little more than personal political ambition, dressed up as a higher purpose."
But why would Gillard place any faith in a promised handover of power? The precedents tell us that such deals are not honoured. Bob Hawke failed to relinquish power to Paul Keating as he'd promised. John Howard didn't keep his undertaking to hand over to Peter Costello. Power is addictive.
One of the extraordinary features of the book is that, along with photos from Rudd's prime ministership and a healthy sprinkling of political cartoons, Rudd has included coloured charts of political opinion polls from the time. This is to drive home a key point – that the Rudd government was consistently ahead in the polls. "How did they explain the fact that I had lost only one out of 86 previous polls?" poses Rudd. This is not a fiction. Rod Tiffen, who is professor emeritus in government and international relations at Sydney University, says, "He was still doing quite well in the polls when you look back. That's one of the bizarre things about the coup."
But surely Rudd is being a bit too precious. How did he manage to become Labor leader in the first place? By waging a coup against Kim Beazley, jointly with Julia Gillard. Rudd lived by the sword. Shouldn't he accept that he died by the sword, that there is a raw justice in the verdict of the caucus whomever it favours? No, he says. The difference is that Beazley had had three turns in the leadership before he was overthrown.
In June 2010, Thérèse Rein watches on as a sober Rudd speaks after being deposed.Credit: Andrew Meares
If Rudd is so blameless, why was he so hated by many in Labor? The antagonism has been transmitted to people who weren't even in the federal parliament at the time. Rejecting Rudd has become an article of faith for some. A junior such as the Victorian Labor government's current minister for small business, Philip Dalidakis, for example, has boycotted a launch of Rudd's book on the grounds that he had never represented Labor values and "he treated staff, colleagues and bureaucrats with contempt and his only achievement was the Apology to the Stolen Generations". This is a caricature of Rudd as hate figure.
The Rudd government with Gillard as deputy gave Australia its first compulsory paid parental leave. It began the momentum for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, something Whitlam had dreamed of. It overrode prevailing free-market ideology to launch the National Broadband Network, designed to be a universal, high-performance all-fibre system until the Abbott government downgraded it. It's hard to say that these initiatives aren't informed by "Labor values".
But the overarching accomplishment was adroit economic management. Australia, with Canada, was one of only two developed countries to avoid the Great Recession of 2008. In the US and Europe the recession has been followed by an angry right-wing populism and the rise of a far-right fanaticism. Australia stands apart.
Rudd earned a lot of Labor resentment from the high-handed way he treated some of his colleagues. Some fumed silently, awaiting their chance for vengeance.
"Extreme personality" is the category created by three political scientists as part of their explanation for the prime ministerial upheavals of the last decade. "Kevin Rudd was a creative fashioner of ideas, a gifted political communicator and had an enviable ability to inspire optimism in the electorate," write Paul Strangio, Paul 't Hart and James Walter in their 2017 study of the prime ministership, The Pivot of Power. "Yet he was a poor driver of the prime-ministerial government machine: manic and chaotic, incapable of recognising his own limitations and cavalier of key relationships." They put Tony Abbott in the "extreme personality" category, too, characters difficult for their colleagues to tolerate.
But most of the Labor anger at Rudd didn't flow from anything he did as prime minister. It flowed from the conviction that he'd fatally wounded Julia Gillard's government by leaking against her. The early and damaging leak that Gillard as deputy had opposed the idea of paid parental leave, and opposed paying an increase in the pension, for example.
Rudd's book confirms the accuracy of the leaks. He quotes Gillard as objecting to the pension increase in a cabinet meeting by saying that "these old buggers will never vote for us". And that jaws around the cabinet table dropped when she argued against paid parental leave as "middle-class, bourgeois welfare". Yet he denies being the leaker at the time. Many in Labor will simply refuse to believe his denials. Rudd, unable to disprove it, will have to suffer their judgment. As a former member of his cabinet put it to me, "Rudd will wear those leaks like an albatross around his neck for the rest of his life."
Rudd doesn't want to wear any further blame as a Labor saboteur. He handles the subject of Bill Shorten carefully. There's a touch of disdain in his portrayal of the federal Opposition Leader in his book. Each time he appoints Shorten to a ministry, he senses that he is disappointed, feeling entitled to something grander. But he apportions only secondary blame to Shorten – a participant in the toppling of two prime ministers – for plotting against him in the 2010 coup, after Gillard and Arbib. He credits Shorten with great capacity.
Would Anthony Albanese be a better Labor leader? Rudd is a friend and admirer of Albanese. But he resists any temptation to endorse his mate. "Caucus had the opportunity to vote for the leader and if Albo wanted to challenge, his opportunity was after the last election," Rudd replies. "Rules are rules. Whether I approve of the political outcome or not."
Rudd has suffered three grand setbacks in his political life: “It was not a happy place. If it weren't for faith and family … I'm not sure that I would have come through it as a properly formed human being.”Credit: Alina Gozin'a
The rules that now protect the Labor leader from coups are, of course, a Rudd legacy. He says he's proud that his rules have delivered five years of stability, five years for Shorten to work towards victory. The Liberals should change their rules to follow suit, he advises. But a tinge of resentment quickly follows: "I'm still waiting for the thank-you note from caucus."
Rudd says that he's past the bitterness. "The only way through all that is while you can't forget, you can forgive. Otherwise you are simply eaten away by bitterness." Has he forgiven Julia Gillard for the coup? "Yes," he replies, and refers me to page 597 of his book, where he says that it was Thérèse who confronted him with the question of forgiveness. He admits this is tough: "We are all human beings." He says, nonetheless, that he bears "no lasting enmity" against the coup plotters.
He goes on: "For me, the events of 2010, one of the darker periods in our party's history, are now closed. It's time for healing. It's time for reconciliation. It's time instead to build for the future. The country expects nothing less."
Indeed, the reconciled Rudd reveals that strangers approach him frequently for help in coping with their own traumas. "I try to help people I meet to put their challenges into the wider context of their lives. It can look too big. But if someone is dying, and I run into many people who are declining rapidly, that's where the whole question of meaning is so important. Whether they are ranking atheists or serious God-botherers, the key is to identify a higher purpose for which they have lived, other than themselves.
"It's not a psychological ruse. It's about humanist or spiritual transcendence way beyond the brute physicality of our existence. And it's usually summed up in the great commandment about loving your neighbour as yourself. I spent many hours recently with a dying lady in her late 40s where this was the essential question which provided comfort as she went into decline."
In his adopted home, Rudd finds spiritual solace in an Episcopalian church in Harlem, in Manhattan's north. "My church is a social justice church. It runs a fantastic program for prisoner release. There aren't many happy clappers there. I'm not sure ScoMo would feel too comfortable there," he says with a mischievous chuckle.
But when Rudd says that, in all three of his major setbacks, he hadn't faced a fair fight, he was only twice speaking of politicians. First was Gillard and the faceless men and the secret coup in 2010. Second was Turnbull, who had privately agreed to support his bid for the UN secretary-general's job but then opposed him, according to Rudd. In the third case it was not a politician who made it an unfair fight but Rupert Murdoch, he claims, who took sides with Tony Abbott's Coalition in the 2013 election against Rudd's ALP after Rudd's comeback as prime minister.
Even if Rudd has forgiven Gillard, his forgiveness doesn't extend to Murdoch, a man he describes as a "cancer on Australian democracy". He is campaigning for a royal commission into the dominance of Murdoch's media ownership in Australia and into the Channel Nine takeover of Fairfax Media (publisher of Good Weekend). Murdoch has created a "culture of terror", he says, where no one dares oppose him. Murdoch, he says, is a "coalition partner of the Liberals".
But Rudd himself courted Murdoch and his editors assiduously for years. He explains: "You are faced with the reality that he owns 70 per cent of all print media in Australia. In my case," as a Queensland MP in the electorate of Griffith, "the local throwaway paper, the state newspaper and the national newspaper are all printed in my electorate, and all owned by Murdoch. So you try to work out a deal with the beast. You can't work out a deal with the beast. You just have to name it."
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, whom Rudd describes as a “cancer on Australian democracy”.Credit: Reuters/Mike Segar
Again, Rudd's words don't jibe with his actions. He did seem to strike a deal with Murdoch, who supported Rudd at the 2007 federal election. That, argues Rudd, was only "at the end when they concluded we were going to win and they came around to accept the inevitable". The Murdoch papers turned against Rudd in power.
Today Rudd rages against him with the anger of the impotent. "Every Labor prime minister recognises that in Rupert Murdoch they have a strategic foe," Rudd tells me. "Every Labor prime minister tries to manage that foe. Sooner or later, every Labor prime minister realises that foe aims to destroy them. My advice to Bill is, 'Don't try it, it won't work.'"
There is no refuge from Murdoch in New York. He looms large here. Not only does Murdoch own the New York Post, not only does he have his headquarters in midtown Manhattan, but he also owns Fox News, the cable channel often credited with fomenting the angry populist movement that became the cheer squad and base support for Donald Trump.
"The Murdoch media is a magnifying glass for anger in the US and learned its craft of how to build readership in Australia, how to magnify the anger of a few into the anger of many," says Rudd. One indicator of the seething resentment is that, along with the photos and Newspolls in the centrefold of Rudd's new book is a collection of anti-Rudd front page attacks by Murdoch's Sydney tabloid, The Daily Telegraph. Reproduced in full colour, with the permission of News Corp Australia.
Kevin and Thérèse like to visit New York's Long Island on weekends. They enjoy the Hamptons and the quaintly historic island of Nantucket, in nearby Massachusetts, in summer. Rudd is deeply engaged in US life and deeply interested in the country.
He wonders at the apparently irredeemable race relations in the US – "two groups of people looking past each other, very rarely socialising with each other" – something he hadn't truly appreciated until he lived here.
An apology would be "enormously healing" for race relations in the US, but he fears that it may be too late: "We may have caught it in the nick of time in Australia. It may be that America is too old. We've been at it for 200 years, they've had 400."
Kevin Rudd, agent of vengeance against the Murdoch media, as reconciler and refugee. His book, he says, is not therapy. It is, for him, "completion". For him, perhaps. The political figures he deals with in his alternative narrative will have a different view, with recriminations stirring anew. Tellingly, he has no plan to return to Australia.
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