

This was published 2 years ago

Cyber soldiers and the final frontier will influence the next war. Is Australia ready?

Cyber offensive capabilities will prove crucial in the next war. Is Australia ready to fight online?

By Anthony Galloway


Australia’s cyber spy agency now has a warning for criminal hackers and other nation states: if you attack us, we have the capabilities to attack you.

This is the message Australian Signals Directorate boss Rachel Noble sent when she talked about her agency’s “offensive capabilities” at the National Press Club in Canberra.

“Offensive cyber has been fully integrated into ASD’s signals intelligence and cyber security functions and is a mature component of the OneASD mission – to protect our national security,” she said.

Noble’s speech in November marked the completion of an important shift under way for a number of years at ASD, which had previously only ever talked about its defensive capabilities.


Cyber attacks are already a key feature of the “grey zone” warfare being waged by authoritarian countries like China, Russia and Iran. The grey zone refers to a growing area of political warfare that falls somewhere between war and peace and also includes disinformation campaigns, intellectual property theft, coercion and propaganda.

While western democracies engaged in the grey zone extensively during the Cold War, they may have dropped the ball after the fall of the Soviet Union and let authoritarian countries gain ascendancy in this arena. Because they are not restricted by the same rules and norms, authoritarian regimes love to compete in the grey zone as they can seek an advantage by asymmetric means.


But cyber could also feature in the next actual war, with Russia already providing the example when its hackers launched a blitz of cyber attacks on Georgia in 2008 during a conflict with that country.

Ahead of an invasion of Taiwan, China could very likely launch a series of major hacks to immobilise the island’s forces and keep its population in the dark. Within days, Russia could use cyber attacks against Ukraine alongside a potential invasion.

The year 2021 marked a major turning point for cyber, when malicious hacks by nation states and ransomware groups became a problem for the everyday person including in Australia.

The big shift was that both criminal groups and nation states no longer just focused on hacking into one organisation; they instead targeted software vulnerabilities to gain access to tens of thousands of businesses and government agencies. This was on display in China’s Microsoft Exchange server hack and SolarWinds attack by hackers connected to Russia.

The Microsoft Exchange attack was unprecedented in the way in which China’s Ministry of State Security was alleged to have used criminal contract hackers to expose vulnerabilities in the software to hack into computers and networks all over the world. It led Australia to join Britain, Canada, the European Union, Japan, New Zealand and NATO in publicly attributing the attack to China’s MSS.

“What made Microsoft Exchange perhaps even more pernicious than SolarWinds was the way in which the Chinese Ministry of State Security used and potentially collaborated with cyber criminals”, says Katherine Mansted, senior fellow at the ANU’s National Security College.


“China’s actions also left the door open to a range of criminal actors who jumped in on the back of the hack, triggering a global cyber crime feeding frenzy.

“It caused a massive amount of destruction and we’re still seeing the consequences now - there are still organisations in Australia that are vulnerable and that probably don’t even know that they have been hit or they will be hit.”

What are Australia’s cyber defences?

In the face of escalating attacks by nation states including China and Russia, it has become futile for the government not to talk about the ability of Australia to strike back. But ASD is still extremely tight-lipped on the nature of these offensive capabilities.

For this reason, it is more difficult to assess whether the nation has the right level of cyber capabilities to defend itself when compared with conventional defence capabilities. But we do know that ASD and the Australian Cyber Security Centre are receiving record funding, with an additional $1.35 billion committed in 2020 over the next decade.

Mansted says Australia is a “regional cyber power, with strong offensive capability”.


“The Australian government is absolutely increasing signalling – and willingness to use – cyber capability for disruptive purposes,” she says.

“Partly, this is about deterrence. But also, like we see with submarines and tanks, it’s also about building domestic support for investing in these capabilities.”

Defence Minister Peter Dutton says he wouldn’t underestimate the capabilities of ASD, as well as US’s National Security Agency and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

“The capabilities that they’ve got aren’t spoken about publicly, but they do an enormous amount of work which defeats adversaries online,” he says.

Dutton says he believes the public is ahead of where the government and media is in terms of awareness about the risks in cyberspace.

Peter Dutton says cyber attacks are now unprecedented.

Peter Dutton says cyber attacks are now unprecedented. Credit: Matthew Absalom-Wong

“People in business are experiencing the denial of service, they’re experiencing the cyber attacks, they know of people in their own family who have been subject to extortion online,” he says. “There’s well documented and publicly acknowledged cases where information, records, health records, political party information have been hoovered up predominantly by China, Russia, and Iran. So I just think it’s a statement of the obvious that the cyber attacks now are unprecedented.”


‘The final frontier’

The other frontier that Australia began boosting its defences in over the past year is space. A lot of the critical infrastructure that countries rely on is heavily dependent on space infrastructure such as satellites, and hackers have already begun focusing on this “final frontier”.

Space would also likely be a key component of any future war between major powers: think of the ability of satellites to detect when a hypersonic missile is fired, or a cyber attack on a satellite in order to feed the enemy false information or disable it.

We saw a glimpse of this in November when Russia carried out an anti-satellite missile test, obliterating one of its own satellites in orbit and creating a vast cloud of debris that came dangerously close to the International Space Station.

Dutton says space is already a “contested” field and a “key element” of modern warfare.

“And that just increases as the technology improves – low orbit satellites and all of that. Space is a modern reality for defence forces to deal with,” he says.

“We need to invest more into cyber defences and our offensive capability ... in addition to the necessary investment into space and satellite technologies and early warning systems, state-of-the-art radar systems.”


James Brown, chief executive of the Space Industry Association of Australia, says the intensity of competition in space between great powers right now is more intense than it has been for half a century.

“China had twice as many launches as the US last quarter and put more cargo into orbit than any other country, and both China and Russia are regularly interfering with US government satellites in orbit,” he says.

China and Russia are developing a full suite of “counter-space” systems including capabilities to launch a cyber attack on satellites.

Malcolm Davis, senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, says the US and its allies are moving “more cautiously” because they are for the moment focused on strengthening norms against space weaponisation.

“I don’t think that approach will work,” Davis says. “I’d fully anticipate that our adversaries will undertake counter-space attacks against our critical space systems prior to, or at the outset of a future war, with the aim being to leave us deaf, dumb and blind.”

Davis says Australia would be wary of developing counter-space capabilities because it does not want to take the same approach of China and Russia with testing that creates space debris.


“The focus of our approach is going to be resilience… This approach contributes towards space deterrence by denial – making it more difficult for an adversary to deliver a decisive counter-space attack,” he says.

Australia has not gone into much detail about these capabilities in the final frontier.

But as we’ve seen in the conventional cyber realm, developments are never far away.

This is the final of our four-part series Is Australia Ready For War? Part one on the army is here, part two on the air force is here and part three on the navy is here.

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