

This was published 4 years ago


Inhumane robo-debt must never be allowed to happen again

Our social security system is meant to be there to keep people safe – to look out for people when they fall on hard times. Robo-debt did exactly the opposite.

This crude, inhumane system of debt recovery relied on automated averaging to calculate people’s incomes and charged hundreds of thousands of false debts, based on incorrect assumptions that people had been overpaid social security payments.

Robodebt relied on automated averaging to calculate people’s incomes.

Robodebt relied on automated averaging to calculate people’s incomes.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Most robo-debt victims were already watching every cent when they were suddenly hit with demands to pay debts, sometimes of thousands and thousands of dollars. There was little recourse to challenge the debts, often because they related to events that occurred years before. Anyone who has experienced the insecurity of casual, low-paid work will tell you how unpredictable their pay is from week to week. Robo-debt brutally ignored this reality and instead derailed lives by instantly accusing people of wrongdoing based on false information without adequate human checks or balances.

Along with many others, we long warned the federal government against this gross abuse of power. After years of advocacy, especially by people directly impacted, the federal government has been forced to settle a class action with a $1.2 billion package of compensation and repayments of unlawful debts. The true cost though is insurmountable and has been borne by hundreds of thousands of people on low incomes in the form of irreversible damage to their lives.


On the same day the settlement was announced, the Productivity Commission released its report on mental health, finding a cost to the national economy more than $200 billion a year. This is of course in addition to the unaccountable human cost. It’s crucial that this report prompts positive action from the government on mental health but it’s also vital that the government realises how its policies have inflicted damage.

Robo-debt was just one of a number of government policies designed to demonise and punish people who find themselves trying to get by on social security because they do not have paid work. People must meet harsh ‘mutual obligation’ requirements under threat of having their payments suspended for minor infractions, such as arriving a couple of minutes late to a meeting or not being able to access a government app.

In some towns, mostly Aboriginal communities, people must use paternalistic cards to pay for their shopping with only limited access to cash. This throws up a raft of practical problems, for example for people share-housing or trying to buy second-hand furniture.

While we did see social security payments increased this year so that people without paid work could finally cover the basics, the increase was only temporary and has already been cut, with another cut announced for Christmas time. The combined result is that people without paid work are forced to live in deep uncertainty and fear. With record high unemployment, it’s an experience now being shared by millions of people across the country.


It does not have to be this way – the Morrison government could instantly make major improvements to mental health by dropping the tired, old approach of demonising people without paid work, and by putting in place a decent, permanent social security safety net. Doing so would cost less than the high-end income tax cuts the government has planned.

The government also needs to ensure that the untold suffering of robo-debt is never allowed again. This means transparently holding those responsible to account. To date, there has been almost no accountability or consequences. We should all care how a federal government was able to do this, to so many, and for so long, in the face of repeated warnings. This is why we need an independent, arm's-length inquiry to get to the bottom of this disaster.

Dr Cassandra Goldie is CEO of the Australian Council of Social Service.

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