

This was published 2 years ago


If you think this election will turn on Queensland, think again

Brisbane’s NRL Magic Round last weekend reminded me that there is nothing more passionate than a Queensland rugby league fan at a State of Origin game or supporting their team. Queenslanders are passionate about both their sport and politics. Indeed, Queensland has produced some of Australia’s best sportsmen and women and some of our most controversial politicians. From Ash Barty, Cathy Freeman and Wally Lewis in sport to Kevin Rudd, Peter Dutton, Pauline Hanson and Clive Palmer in politics, no one can say the state lacks personalities.

At every national election, political pundits predict Queensland will determine who is to win federal government. This is because the ALP holds only six of the state’s 30 federal seats and it explains why Scott Morrison held the Coalition’s campaign launch in Brisbane on Sunday.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese during a Labor campaign rally at the Howard Smith Wharves in Brisbane this month last Sunday.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese during a Labor campaign rally at the Howard Smith Wharves in Brisbane this month last Sunday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

As I moved around the weekend’s NRL crowd, it became clear there was a lot of disillusionment and a mood for some change, but no landslide. The fans told me the ALP’s only chance of winning additional seats were Brisbane and Longman. In reality, they were more interested in the Broncos thrashing of Manly 38 to 0.

Queensland won’t decide this federal election but the preferences from Palmer and Hanson could be crucial. NSW, with support from Western Australia and Tasmania, will mostly determine the outcome. Morrison needs to make gains in NSW. The polls indicate this is where he may fail. His late momentum was stymied by the millions of early voters and the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlighting Australia’s disappointing wage growth.

The same polls point to a Labor win tomorrow. In my humble view, it will be closer than many predict with Labor winning a close majority or even a hung parliament. Campaigns usually tighten in the last week. The distribution of preferences could make it a late night. The big change in this election will be the low primary vote for the major parties and the vote for independents, Greens and other minor parties. This could be as high as one in three voters.


That should scare the hell out of both major parties and highlight the need for change. If teal candidates win this could see the beginning of a significant shift in Australian politics.

If Anthony Albanese becomes Australia’s 31st prime minister, he can thank the judgment from Australians that they had given the Morrison government a fair go but found it wanting with the late delivery of vaccines and rapid antigen tests and the slow responses to the fires and floods. Australians are fair-minded but they also know when a government is running out of ideas and it’s time for a change.

Should Albanese lose, the Labor caucus will elect a new leader, possibly shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers. But Albanese’s colleagues must know that an ALP victory would be down to Albanese’s tenacity, strength of character and sheer determination in overcoming his early campaign missteps. That took real guts.


If Labor wins, they can thank Albanese. Those treacherous Labor backstabbers who backgrounded against him to News Corp newspapers after his missteps must now hang their heads in shame. I am so pleased I didn’t have such disloyal and treacherous people in my cabinets and caucus.


If he does win, Albanese needs to leave a Hawke/Keating-style legacy by rising above the daily political machinations and setting the agenda. To begin with, he should ensure the AUKUS agreement delivers smart jobs by increasing the involvement of Australian industry in defence projects in advanced manufacturing and technology, so we aren’t simply buying US and British high-tech equipment. Making Australia a world-class innovation powerhouse will not only deliver the well-paid jobs of tomorrow but guarantee our future.

To be fair to Morrison, he has fought every step of the campaign. If he loses, the criticism will be personal and savage. However, it should be remembered that he went into the campaign behind in the polls. His personal unpopularity was an issue and it limited the Coalition campaign but Morrison never gave up. Again, that takes real courage and self-belief. A strong political contest is crucial for our vibrant democracy. If Morrison pulls off this unwinnable election, he will go down in Australian history as the comeback king with a Teflon touch.

Regardless of who wins on Saturday, the NRL is the winner. Each leader will keep flying his team’s flag – Albanese the South Sydney Rabbitohs, Morrison the Cronulla Sharks – but only one will be in the Lodge.


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