

This was published 7 months ago

‘I do regret that’: Morrison admits clumsy handling of women’s issues

By Paul Sakkal

Scott Morrison says even his wife, Jenny, agrees that his communication about women’s issues is clumsy, and has conceded it might not have been wise to refer to private conversations with his wife when talking about women.

The former prime minister made the admission in the final episode of the ABC docuseries Nemesis and lamented losing his emotional bond with the Australian people, as a top public servant accused the former prime minister of lacking respect for female colleagues.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison.

Former prime minister Scott Morrison.Credit: Nick Moir

Morrison received praise for Australia’s pandemic management – including from former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews – the AUKUS agreement and for managing to secure Nationals backing for the net zero emissions policy.

But Martin Parkinson, head of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet between 2015 and 2019, claimed in the episode that Morrison’s relationships with female ministers were poor and he never really valued women’s perspectives.

Morrison’s 2022 election loss was partly caused by a drop in support among women. His handling of the Brittany Higgins affair and his attacks on former Australia Post boss Christine Holgate dogged his leadership.


In 2021, Morrison was widely criticised for saying he announced a review into workplace culture at Parliament House after his wife asked him what he would want to happen “if it were our girls”.

In 2022, Higgins, who alleged she had been raped in Parliament House, slammed his remarks at an address to the National Press Club, saying she “didn’t want his sympathy as a father. I wanted him to use his power as prime minister.”

Morrison admitted his language on these high-profile issues was clumsy and said his wife would agree with that analysis, but he rejected the proposition that he treated women poorly.


Former ministers Karen Andrews and Marise Payne backed Morrison’s view, though Andrews argued he would have fared better politically had he not surrounded himself with male advisers.

“One of the things as a leader I could have done a lot better was – having started well connecting with Australians as prime minister – that emotional connection between me and many Australians was lost,” Morrison said.

“I do regret that because I think from my point of view the connection is just as strong.”

Scott Morrison’s prime ministership is the focus of the final episode of the ABC’s Nemesis series.

Scott Morrison’s prime ministership is the focus of the final episode of the ABC’s Nemesis series.Credit: ABC

Former state premiers Daniel Andrews, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Mark McGowan provided a combination of criticism and praise for Morrison’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andrews, who retired last year, called Morrison “slippery” but offered support for elements of his performance.

Golding’s view.

Golding’s view.Credit: Matt Golding

“Some people would be shocked to hear me say [this], but they forget JobKeeper was incredibly important. They forget that even though the vaccines took too long, we did get to one of the highest double-dose rates anywhere in the world,” Daniel Andrews said. “There’s a risk that all just gets washed away, and that’s a bit sad.”

Palaszczuk said she hung up on Morrison at the end of a tense call about a woman who was refused entry to Queensland to go to a funeral.

“He said, ‘This will break you, you need to do this, you must approve this.’ And it was threatening language. I felt extremely threatened,” she said.

The National COVID-19 Co-ordination Commission’s Jane Halton said she screamed the F-word at the TV when she heard Morrison say it was “not a race” to secure vaccines for Australia. She claimed the slowness in procuring vaccines lengthened Australia’s lockdowns.


Morrison said he regretted using the phrase but noted then Health Department chief Brendan Murphy used the same language regarding the need to not rush the scientific approval process.

On the AUKUS submarine pact, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull said Morrison’s cancelling of a deal with France to build non-nuclear submarines was “the worst decision of his government”, one which “sacrificed Australian security, sovereignty and honour all at once”.

Morrison said it was arguably his best decision as leader of Australia, a view shared by many colleagues and defence analysts.

Martin Parkinson said Morrison was perhaps the only Coalition leader who had the political authority to lock in Nationals support for the pledge of net zero emissions by 2050.

Morrison added: “I don’t think any prime minister has had to put as much on the line to achieve that outcome as I did. My predecessors didn’t.”

Former close political ally Josh Frydenberg spoke of his shock after the 2022 election on learning that Morrison had secretly sworn himself into the Treasury portfolio, along with four other ministries, sometimes without the knowledge of the responsible ministers.

“It impacted that relationship and still does to this day,” Frydenberg said on the program.

Morrison said he did not regret his decision to overrule minister Keith Pitt on a contentious coal mine decision, but he did apologise to Frydenberg. “I apologise to Josh and we’re reconnected and as good friends as you could hope for,” he said.

The secret ministries were roundly criticised on the program, including by former leaders Turnbull and John Howard, Frydenberg and Senator James Paterson.

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