

This was published 3 years ago

How Australia negotiated the release of Kylie Moore-Gilbert from Iran

By Anthony Galloway

Scott Morrison was in The Lodge in Canberra on Wednesday night when he received a phone call from his senior policy adviser with the news the Prime Minister had been sweating on for the past year. Australian academic Kylie-Moore Gilbert had been freed by Iran after more than two years in some of the world's most notorious prisons.

Morrison, still in quarantine following a trip to Japan the week prior, reacted with nothing short of "pure joy".

Moore-Gilbert, a Melbourne University lecturer, was not only out of jail but out of Iran – on the very same plane that had an hour earlier dropped off three Iranian men who had been jailed in Thailand over a 2012 bombing in Bangkok.

Months of intense negotiations involving Morrison himself, Australia's top spy, Nick Warner, and a flock of diplomats and public servants, finally produced the result they had been hoping for.

It was also the moment that justified the government's strategy of "quiet diplomacy" – an Australian detained and imprisoned in Iran for 804 days, often in solitary confinement, was free and on her way home. It was vindication for the government, which had been under pressure to make its campaign for her release more high profile.

With Moore-Gilbert safely back home, the question now is whether Australia engaged in hostage diplomacy, which could encourage Iran to make similar plays in the future.

Kylie Moore-Gilbert was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Kylie Moore-Gilbert was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Moore-Gilbert, now 33, was perhaps the ultimate victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The dual British-Australian national grew up in Bathurst, studied at the University of Cambridge and graduated with first class honours in 2013, before obtaining her PhD from the University of Melbourne four years later.

An expert in Islamic Studies, she travelled to Iran in September 2018 to attend an academic conference in the holy city of Qom, where she quickly caught the attention of the wrong people. A fellow academic flagged her with authorities as "suspicious", as did a subject she interviewed for her research.


When she attempted to leave Tehran airport a few days after the conference, she was arrested by the intelligence arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.


While her comments at the conference and during the interview may have been the original reason for coming to the attention of authorities, it was the nationality of her husband that resulted in Moore-Gilbert spending more than two years in Iranian jails.

Once Iranian authorities discovered she was married to an Israeli citizen they alleged she was a spy for their great enemy - "the Zionist regime" - and convicted her of espionage, sentencing her to 10 years in prison. The Australian government always rejected her conviction as baseless, and Moore-Gilbert has denied ever being a spy.

In one of her letters smuggled out from Evin Prison, she called out the Iranian regime for targeting her over the nationality of her husband, who lives in Melbourne.

"They have also attempted to use me as a hostage in a diabolical plot to lure my husband, an Australian permanent resident (and soon to be now citizen) into joining me in an Iranian prison … The Australian Foreign Ministry needs to consider whether the actions that have been taken against myself and my husband by an entity backed and supported by the Iranian state are those of a friendly nation," Moore-Gilbert wrote.


Senior Australian government sources, who cannot speak publicly due to the confidential nature of the rescue operation, say her Israeli link caused two problems; firstly it led Iranian authorities to genuinely think it was proof of a conspiracy she was an Israeli spy, and secondly the regime knew it could use it to pressure Australia and Israel for something big in return for her release.

As 2020 dawned and the world's attention was consumed by the threat of COVID-19, the Australian government's negotiations over the fate of Moore-Gilbert were reaching a crucial point.

Australian diplomats had only months earlier realised the role of three Thai terrorists would be the key to the Melbourne academic's release, but worried the attention on the coronavirus would slow discussions.

Morrison and Foreign Minister Marise Payne stepped in to insist that under no circumstances must the negotiators be distracted from the mission to secure the release of Moore-Gilbert. There would be "no pauses and no drifting", officials were told.

The complicated plan was kept a highly guarded secret and would not be easy to pull off. Australia needed to convince Thailand to release three Iranians - Saeid Moradi, Mohammad Kharzei and Masoud Sedaghat Zadeh - who were jailed over their role in a 2012 bomb plot targeting Israeli diplomats in Bangkok. Although the three set out to do serious harm, they botched their mission; Moradi lost his legs when a bomb he attempted to throw at police detonated at his feet.

While the Thailand deal was always a focus, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age can reveal there were also alternative prisoner-swap arrangements that were floated that involved Iranian prisoners in other countries. Every possible deal – including the Thailand option – required the participation of Israel.

Part of the Australian government's strategy was to always seek Moore-Gilbert's release without any conditions, and not accept any reduction to her 10-year jail sentence.

Payne pressed this in four meetings with her Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, between January 9 last year and January 16 this year. She also wrote to him three times during that period. Morrison too raised Moore-Gilbert's case in a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in May this year.

As the intense negotiations were taking place, Moore-Gilbert was transferred to the notorious Qarchak women's prison, east of Tehran. As fears increased about her health, there was pressure on the government to change its strategy and adopt a more public campaign.


But Morrison and Payne were both adamant Australia should stick with a strategy of "quiet diplomacy" and not shift to a "coercive media campaign" and Moore-Gilbert's family in Australia were kept informed about why they thought this was the best method. Australian officials did not necessarily see the public campaign for her release as counterproductive, but they insist it didn't help achieve the final result.

Working in close consultation with Morrison, it was Payne who determined the strategy, decided when and with which other nations to work and judged the moments when it was necessary to step up pressure. Every time Payne pressed for better conditions for Moore-Gilbert in custody, she made it clear they should not be used in exchange for delaying Moore-Gilbert's release.

Complicating the case was the arrest in Iran of two other Australians. Perth couple Mark Firkin and Jolie King were detained at gunpoint near Tehran after flying a drone near a military zone on June 30, 2019. After Firkin and King were released months later, DFAT officials made it clear to Iranian officials they were not absolved of resolving Moore-Gilbert's case. It was never a case of "one or the other"; the Iranians needed to deal with both cases.


Australian officials also had to maintain constant pressure on the Iranians not to conflate Moore-Gilbert's case with other geopolitical tensions such as the Iranian shooting down of a Ukrainian Airlines Flight over Tehran in January. Although it was a risk, Australia kept up the pressure on Iran by joining a United States-led mission in the Strait of Hormuz, sparked by the Iranian seizure of two oil tankers.

Meanwhile, the director-general of the Office of National Intelligence, Nick Warner, lent on his Iranian government contacts, forged during his time when he was Australia's ambassador in Tehran in the 1990s, to continually press Australia's case.

Australia's ambassador to Thailand, Allan McKinnon, raised Moore-Gilbert's case at meetings with Thai government officials who needed to be convinced of the logic in releasing three convicted terrorists.

The Thai government eventually concluded it could get the three men out of their country without paying a heavy political price domestically. While the bomb attack was on their soil, it was directed at the Israelis. One senior government official said the Thai government did not receive anything in return but there is now the expectation of "a huge IOU" from Australia.

But one more country had to tick off on the deal. The three terrorists could not be released without the blessing of the Israeli government.

The deal didn't please the Israelis but they agreed to it because they knew it was Moore-Gilbert's connection to Israel that had her languishing in jail and felt a sense of responsibility to help.

All parties acknowledged the three men would never again leave Iran, so would pose no danger to the rest of the world.

Lowy Institute research fellow Rodger Shanahan, an expert in the Middle East, said the release of the three Iranian prisoners was a "high price" but said the Australian government was right to not engage in megaphone diplomacy to secure Moore-Gilbert's release.


"We're talking about a really complex issue here that involves several countries and I'm sure each of those countries would not have wanted to conduct these negotiations under the public eye."

After months of false starts and reports that Moore-Gilbert had been moved to "a secret location", news came through early this week that the deal might nearly be done.

On Monday morning, a nondescript long-range Airbus A319 left Fairbairn Airport in Canberra at about 6.30am, arriving in Tehran 22 hours later after a stop in Bangkok. It is not clear if any cargo or people offloaded, but an hour and 15 minutes later it left again for Doha, Qatar, where it parked for a day.

On Wednesday, the plane left for Bangkok, where it picked up the three Iranian prisoners. Arriving in Tehran just over nine hours later, the Iranian prisoners were greeted by an Iranian government official.

Shortly afterwards, Moore-Gilbert was escorted to the plane by Australia's ambassador to Iran, Lyndall Sachs, who had also played a crucial role in negotiations. There was one final stop to refuel and a phone call from an overjoyed Scott Morrison to Moore-Gilbert and she was home. Free.

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